And every big family in Yanjing has actually issued such an order, that is, the son who married Sun Tianzi will become the next head of the family, so many sons who are a bit powerful have tried their best to pick up girls smartly , The country and the beauties share it, what I don't want is Dasha.

Of course, I am the only exception. Although Sun Tianzi and I have been engaged since we were young, we both dislike each other. She says I am too showy, and I say she is just an ice beauty, which can only make people look away. In other words, in this matter, although in the eyes of others, I, Lin Chengfeng, and Sun Tianzi are a match made in heaven, but in our hearts, I think we are not suitable at all, coupled with the rebellious psychology of young people, resulting in Sun Tianzi and I had very little contact with each other when we grew up. Basically, we only knew each other when we were young or when we were half-grown and ignorant. At that time, we were all pure-hearted, so we could still be friends. Gradually After growing up and being sensible, I hated the marriage contract made by my family very much. After all, Sun Tianzi and I have our own arrogance, and we don't want anyone to make everything for us, so it's not that I hate Sun Tianzi, but I hate that the family puts interests first. Treat my marriage as a business, and from my point of view, Sun Tianzi also has this attitude, so when we grow up, we will basically avoid each other very tacitly.

Although Lin Chengfeng didn't know who Sun Tianzi had ever liked, he knew that Sun Tianzi must hate him very much, because he restricted her life. Sun Tianzi only said "I hate you" to him, because Lin Chengfeng was born again, and his marriage contract with Sun Tianzi was valid again. But Sun Tianzi's whole life has been printed with the title of his fiancée, because Lin Chengfeng was really invincible in the world at that time, and even stepped into the immortal way, so no one dared to make Sun Tianzi's idea again, and Sun Tianzi lived alone like this For the rest of his life, thinking about it, it was a tragedy, and Lin Chengfeng had nothing to do about it. Besides, he was obsessed with cultivation at that time, and he didn't pay attention to Sun Tianzi at all. It was too late to say anything then.

Moreover, the Sun family did not want Sun Tianzi to take off the title of Lin Chengfeng's fiancée. The Sun family was an irreplaceable protective umbrella. How could they allow this umbrella to be lost? Therefore, in the last life, it was Lin Chengfeng's carelessness , resulting in Sun Tianzi's tragic life.

Thinking about it now, Lin Chengfeng couldn't help but feel a little apologetic. Although he didn't care about Sun Tianzi, Lin Chengfeng still felt a little guilty when he thought of her previous life, because of himself, and being alone all her life. Although this was only indirect, if there was no him, Sun Tianzi's life, I am afraid, will be very brilliant, because Sun Tianzi is not only a genius in martial arts, but also an expert in business. Afterwards, the Sun family is in her hands, and it will go to a higher level. Barrel Jiangshan.

The only thing that made Lin Chengfeng doubtful was that later, Sun Tianzi obviously had a chance to escape from the control of the Sun family, but she didn't seem to resist, as if she had accepted her fate. Until Sun Tianzi died, she still carried the title of Lin Chengfeng's fiancée. As a result, Lin Chengfeng only felt guilty. Although he and Sun Tianzi had nothing to do with each other until the end, they were still one of his childhood friends. How could Lin Chengfeng not feel guilty at all.

"Well, I made you miserable in the last life. In this life, I will give you back your freedom. You were the only one who felt guilty in my last life. In this life, you will have everything you want."

Lin Chengfeng murmured, and the engagement between him and Sun Tianzi was broken two years ago, otherwise, those sons would not have dared to pursue Sun Tianzi so blatantly. In the years since Kong was born, Sun Tianzi was always single. Lin Chengfeng ignored this problem, because in his previous life, he was all focused on cultivation, but in this life, Lin Chengfeng still didn't realize this problem. It was his preconceived ideas. , thinking that it is impossible for Sun Tianzi to like him.

"Damn it, these two bastards want me to wait for them, I'm really impatient."

Lin Chengfeng looked around, and found that An Shaozhi and Liu Chenghui hadn't come yet, so he couldn't help cursing, but this gave Lin Chengfeng a flash of inspiration, and he had a good idea to punish him. One more good reason to beat someone up.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Chengfeng went straight to a corner where no one was around, sat up in meditation, and absorbed the purest purple energy of the sun.

Not long after, An Shaozhi and Liu Chenghui finally appeared. They were still yawning, probably because they didn't sleep well last night.

"Damn, let me just say, the boss won't come so early. He has been holding back for two years. I'm afraid he was alive last night. Maybe he's still on the belly of a beautiful woman."

After An Shaozhi looked around for a while, he couldn't help but said, he was a bit petty, and Liu Chenghui couldn't help replying after hearing this, "That's right, men, aren't they all like this, not to mention that the boss is extremely powerful, you Said, the boss will not come to a double flight."

"Who knows, but from my point of view, the boss has held back for two years, and I'm afraid he will need a dozen or so beauties from Ye Yu to vent his anger."

An Shaozhi said with a very lascivious look, needless to say, he knew what kind of obscene scene was in his mind.

"Not bad, no wonder the boss was in such a hurry last night, the feelings just couldn't bear it, so we didn't even look for Miss Lin, our future sister-in-law. Thinking about it, it's right. Although the future sister-in-law is bubblingly beautiful, so what? I can stand the boss's full force to cripple me."

Liu Chenghui also said in a nasty manner, and everything they said naturally fell into Lin Chengfeng's ears.

Just when An Shaozhi wanted to say a few more words happily, Lin Chengfeng quietly appeared behind them, and said softly, "Hey, you two, you two are so arrogant. You made me wait so long for you."

Although it was a very soft sentence, Liu Chenghui and the two saw endless murderous opportunities from it. Who was the master who spoke? The back is chilling, the remorse in their hearts, why are they talking so cheap again.

"Hehe, you two uncles, why do you have to shake a bit, it won't come out early in the morning, it's too cold, it's really hard for you."

Lin Chengfeng smiled, looking harmless to humans and animals, looking at Liu Chenghui and Liu Chenghui's backs and said.

Liu Chenghui and An Shaozhi swallowed at the same time, let out a 'goo', then smiled uglier than crying, turned their heads, and said at the same time, "No embarrassment, no embarrassment, no embarrassment at all, how come It's difficult."

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