Many people are yearning in their hearts at this time, it would be best if they fight, then they will have a free show to watch, and they really want to see that someone is making a scene, so it will be a bit lively.

Lin Chengfeng seemed to be pissed at this time, and shouted, "You two untouchables, dare to talk to me like that, see if I don't beat you half to death, or you think I'm easy to bully."

After finishing speaking, Lin Chengfeng became mad and rushed towards the direction of the two young masters. It was a little far away from Lin Chengfeng, a full tens of meters away. Suddenly a table blocked Lin Chengfeng's way, and he immediately It was the maniac who cursed, "Damn the table, you dare to block my way, you fucking don't want to live anymore, see if I don't kill you, see if I don't kill you."

Lin Chengfeng yelled at the table like crazy, his expression was a bit crazy, which made everyone in the hall a little dazed. It was really unexpected that Lin Chengfeng would lose his temper so much on a table, as if the table was also a person .

"Damn, that person is not a psychopath, why does he look a bit similar?"Many people suddenly had doubts in their hearts, and they knew it without thinking about it. How could normal people be like this.

I saw that after Lin Chengfeng finished speaking, he immediately grabbed the tablecloth on the table and overturned the things on the table. Many people wondered in their hearts, "What does this person want to do? What are you doing with cloth, could it be that you want to use cloth as a weapon?"They all thought of it as a joke, because even a fool would not do such a stupid thing.

And those two young masters who were smart, looked at Lin Chengfeng who was a little crazy at this time, and they couldn't help saying at the same time, "He is Lin Chengfeng".

As soon as the words came out, the people in the hall couldn't help but suddenly realized, pointing at Lin Chengfeng and said, "It really is him, why is he looking like a ghost now, it seems that he has a miserable life there, and now he seems to be more It was crazier before."

"That's right, no wonder he loses his temper at a table, it turns out he's a madman."

Many people spoke out one after another, the men were laughing, and the women were a little bit sorry, why Lin Chengfeng was once their first husband candidate, but now they have been reduced to such a state, why don't they feel sorry.

Anyway, in the crowd, there was sympathy and pity, and there were also people who laughed endlessly. There are all kinds of life, all of which are here. A proud man of heaven has become the ghost he is now. Everyone has their own thoughts, but without exception, they all understand It is true that Lin Chengfeng was abandoned by the Lin family, otherwise, how could he let Lin Chengfeng go alone? They all felt emotional in their hearts, and suddenly felt the true meaning of the saying that the world is cold and cold. The former genius, Yan The most dazzling person in Beijing is now not only crazy, but also abandoned. What a cruel reality.

Lin Chengfeng, on the other hand, acted like he was really crazy, ignoring everyone's pointing and pointing at him, and actually regarded that table as a person blocking his way, waving the tablecloth frantically, 'crack' 'crack' 'crack' ’ slapping the table, beating and cursing at the same time, as if very devoted.

"Damn it, why don't you die? If you dare to block my way, I will definitely kill you. Go to hell, go to death."

"Oh, you still don't cry out for pain, you are very stubborn, see if I beat you to death, will you cry out for pain, I will kill you, I will kill you."

Lin Chengfeng slapped the tablecloth on the table in a frantic manner while yelling and cursing. He looked like a [-]% lunatic, a lunatic just like that.

Everyone burst out laughing, and at the same time, they knew in their hearts that Lin Chengfeng was really playing tricks, and he was completely hopeless.

"Hahaha, it turned out to be the great genius Lin, our famous madman Lin, who I thought was the one who dared to make trouble with Miss Sun Tianzi's agility, it turned out to be a lunatic, no wonder he was so bold."

"That's right, I thought it was a big shot there, but it turned out to be a lunatic who killed people without breaking the law. No wonder, no wonder, hahaha."

Those two young masters who came out to be clever, laughed presumptuously, I don't know how happy they are, and although the others laughed, they didn't say much, because even if Lin Chengfeng was crazy, he was In terms of face, they were still members of the Lin family. They ridiculed Lin Chengfeng too much. If they didn't give the Lin family face, it would be tantamount to offending the Lin family. Therefore, most of them would whisper something secretly.

At this time, the Lin family received the notice, and Lin Yantian immediately cursed, "You damn disdainful, my Lin family's face has been completely lost by you, tomorrow, you go and take your elder brother back to the mental hospital Go, or the face of our Lin family will be gone."

Lin Chengfeng's father, Lin Yantian, and his only younger brother, Lin Chengming, was born to Lin Chengfeng's stepmother and was Lin Yantian's most beloved son. Lin Chengfeng was appointed as the next head of the family, and because of this, the relationship between Lin Chengming and Lin Chengfeng was not very good. In fact, Lin Chengfeng was crazy, and the happiest thing was Lin Chengming besides Huang Tianling, because without Lin Chengfeng, he Lin Chengming will be the most likely person to become the head of the Lin family.

And Lin Chengming himself is very jealous of Lin Chengfeng, because Lin Chengfeng overwhelms him in everything. Why don't you be jealous, the same father and the same Lin family, why Lin Chengming has nothing, and Lin Chengfeng has everything, how unfair this is in Lin Chengming's view.

As for Lin Chengfeng's mother, it is said that she is already dead. Lin Chengfeng didn't pursue this issue too much, and he also thought that his old mother was dead. Besides, he had never received maternal love, so Lin Chengfeng was very concerned about the role of mother. , is quite disgusted, because his second mother also made him very disgusted with the word mother.

As for Lin Yantian, he was good to Lin Chengfeng at first, but since he had Lin Chengfeng's second mother and younger brother, his attitude became more and more indifferent, until Lin Chengfeng went crazy and wasted. Everything that focused on family interests abandoned Lin Chengfeng.

Lin Chengming replied confidently at this time, "It's my father. I will definitely take my elder brother back to the mental hospital, and I won't let him embarrass our Lin family again."

"Okay, very good, but for the sake of prudence, Lin Bo, you can go too."Lin Yantian told a white-haired old man that he was the housekeeper of the Lin family. He usually handles many affairs of the Lin family. Everyone called him Lin Bo, and his status was hardly lower than that of Lin Yantian. He has even reached the late innate stage, so in the upper circles of Yanjing, Lin Bo is quite famous, he can almost represent the Lin family.

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