All the beautiful women of the Merry Fairy

Chapter 6 Still just a lunatic?

The young master may have seen that Lin Chengfeng's clothes were too ordinary, so he directly ignored Lin Chengfeng, a bumpkin. In his opinion, he was so noble, handsome, personable, and sincere. How could there be a beautiful woman for a bumpkin? And reject him.

Lin Chengfeng knew at this moment that he was being ignored, but he didn't care. He knew this young man, he was a complete pervert, and he didn't know how many gold-digging girls had been made into bed by him. , In his words, "What is my status as young master, how could I give up the whole forest for you, a bitch."Even though he knew that he was bothered, there were still many gold-digging women who went on to follow him. There was no other reason, because even if they were abandoned, they would still get a considerable sum of money, which was enough to tempt many women.

However, Lin Chengfeng would not be polite if he actually wanted to make a fool of his woman. Picking up girls on his woman's head was like breaking ground on the head of Tai Sui, and he didn't know how to live or die.

Huang Wenjing didn't know what the young master was thinking. Seeing that the other party was so polite, she said politely, "Sir, then you have to ask my boyfriend."

"What, that bumpkin is your boyfriend, it's like flowers stuck in bird shit, how can he be worthy of you as a bumpkin, beauty, why don't you be my girlfriend, I promise you have a lot of money every day If you go out with a BMW, I can also give you a villa, what a beauty, do you agree?"

The young master said as if he was very rich, but he was imagining in his heart how he would get into bed after chasing Huang Wenjing, so that he could have a good time.

"Hey, let me say, don't be so arrogant, you actually pick up my girl in front of my face."Lin Chengfeng stood up, patted the young master's shoulder lightly, and said, he doesn't want to make too much trouble now, so let's do the courtesy first and then the soldiers.

There were also many customers in the lobby, and they were either rich or expensive. They were used to seeing the young man come to pry other people's girlfriends again, so they all had the mentality of watching a movie, because Lin Chengfeng dressed really It's too ordinary, so everyone didn't look at Lin Chengfeng too much, and Lin Chengfeng was crazy in their perception. How could he appear here in Chongguang Mental Hospital, so no one He recognized him as Lin Chengfeng, the youngest of the Lin family.

"It's over, that kid is over, it seems that he must be beaten to death by that kid Long Ziming, poor thing, there is another gold digger in the world, and a good man is missing."

This was the thought of many people in the hall. Seeing this, Huang Zijing didn't care. She believed that Lin Chengfeng would take care of everything.

"Arrogance, what do you mean by arrogance? I'm just chasing beautiful women. It's none of your business. Besides, you don't take pictures of yourself. Let's see what kind of virtue you are. Do you deserve to be this beauty's boyfriend? I really don't know what the heavens and the earth are, so how about this, I will give you 100 million, and you take the money and get out immediately, how about it, bumpkin."

Long Ziming turned around, didn't even look at Lin Chengfeng, and said very condescendingly, in his opinion, next time Lin Chengfeng, a country bumpkin, should take the money and scold him, and then he would look resentful Leave, and in the end the beauty fell into his arms because of his handsome demeanor and generous spending, and became his girlfriend. This was Long Ziming's guess, and it was the most commonly used and most effective move by Mr. Long.

"Fuck, I knew that Long Ziming did this trick again. It's really nothing new. In order to increase the excitement, how about we open a gamble."

As soon as Li Long's words from the Li family came out, all the sons and brothers gathered together and started a bet. Li Long immediately said, "The bet is that the boy will take the money and leave, and the girl who throws herself in the arms will pay three for one." I bet that the kid dragged the beauty away without taking the money, and I lost ten."

"Go, of course I'll be the first one. I don't believe there are people in the world who don't like money. I'll bet [-] for fun."

"Not bad, young master Xu is right, 100 million, no one will refuse."Seeing what Xu Ping said, one son couldn't help but say something, and the rest of the sons also said yes, and they paid 10 yuan for fun. To them, [-] yuan is not much money.

Seeing this, the waiters in the hall were no strangers to it. The world of the son is like this. They base their happiness on the pain of others. On this kind of thing.

In a word, Lin Chengfeng, who is dressed so ordinary, is not favored by everyone, who thinks he can only be unlucky. The best result is to take the money and leave, and be despised by others, but this In the end, it was what many people were looking forward to. Without a girlfriend, I got 100 million yuan, which is worth it anyway. 100 million yuan, ordinary people can’t save so much money after a lifetime of hard work. Just imagine how many people can afford it. Such a temptation.

This angered Lin Chengfeng, he knew that it was impossible to be kind today, so he didn't intend to be polite, and looked at Long Ziming and said calmly, "Long Ziming, I think you fucking don't want to live You dare to talk to me like that, and still fuck my woman in front of my face, but it’s only been two years since you’ve seen each other, you’re so gutsy, you’re so fucking arrogant.”

As soon as Lin Chengfeng's words came out, many people were stunned. They couldn't help asking, "What's wrong with the horse, could it be that Long Ziming kicked the iron plate?"

When Long Ziming heard this, he immediately became furious, pointed at Lin Chengfeng and cursed, "Who the hell are you? You don't want to live if you dare to talk to me like that."

Seeing this, Lin Chengfeng couldn't help sneering, and said, "I don't like people pointing their fingers at me. It seems that I have only been away from Yanjing for two years, and some people have forgotten me. Now, I will let you get to know each other again." Hit me."

"Wen Jing's next scene is a violent scene, so don't watch it."As soon as Lin Chengfeng's words came out, Huang Wenjing nodded obediently and closed her eyes.

Just when Long Ziming was about to yell, he only heard the crisp sound of 'pop', and a sudden sharp pain came to Long Ziming's heart. He looked at Lin Chengfeng in disbelief.

The young masters and the waiters in the hall couldn't help being stunned at this moment, and couldn't help but ask in their hearts, "My God, did I read it wrong, that person actually..., he is too bold."

"How dare he, how dare, how dare he have such courage, I'm not hallucinating."Long Ziming couldn't help saying this in his heart, but the severe pain in his hand told him that this was real and definitely not an illusion.

It turned out that Lin Chengfeng grabbed one of Long Ziming's fingers and broke the bone of Long Ziming's finger at once. Blood sprayed out immediately, so everyone was stunned. Lin Chengfeng, a bumpkin, how dare he do it Such a thing happened.

"Ah, god damn it, I want to...".Long Ziming let out a scream, and wanted to say that I was going to kill you, but at that moment, he felt a kind of familiarity, and at this moment, he finally forbeared, it was the master who dared to do this.

Seeing that Long Ziming was stunned suddenly, the sons and sons seemed to have lost their anger, as if they had seen someone they couldn't afford to offend, they were not stupid, they all took a closer look, and they also froze. Came to a terrible answer.

"Speak, go on, what do you want, I am listening attentively."

As soon as these words came out, Long Ziming couldn't help but tremble all over, and shouted, "Come here, come here, come here quickly".

Following Long Ziming's yelling, several men pretending to be vigorous rushed over. When they saw the injury on Long Ziming's hand, before they had time to ask, they only heard Long Ziming shout, "Go up, go up to me, that's it!" The man broke my finger."

As soon as Long Ziming's words came out, those strong-looking men immediately took action. The matter had nothing to do with them. They were only responsible for protecting Long Ziming. Since someone dared to hurt Long Ziming like this, they naturally did not hesitate to deal with it. Lin Chengfeng made a move.

As for Long Ziming himself, he backed away with a pale face. He wanted to run away immediately, but when he thought that his subordinates were not easy to mess with, why should he run away like he was afraid of ghosts? What a shame, so he chose to stay, but the next moment, he regretted it.

I saw those big guys in strong suits attacking Lin Chengfeng very fiercely. They were very powerful. They attacked together, giving people an unrivaled feeling.

Seeing this, Lin Chengfeng couldn't help smiling slightly, as if the Mount Tai had collapsed in front of his eyes but remained unchanged, and he still looked indifferent when he watched those big men kill them.

At this moment, the young masters were stunned again, they didn't expect such a change in the matter, they couldn't help but wonder in their hearts, "Could it be that he is still just a lunatic"?

"Haha, go to hell, lunatic, you dare to fight against me, this is..." Long Ziming hadn't finished speaking in his heart, when an extremely terrifying scene appeared, and he was stunned again.

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