The scene was completely silent, except for the voices of the two sons who knelt down and begged for mercy, there was no other sound. The people present didn't even dare to breathe, so how dare they speak out.

The young master, who originally planned to stand out for Ling Dong, was also shouting luck at this moment, otherwise this innocent disaster would have found them. This is really a great luck. hit them.

"You two trash, you are rubbish. Why are your brains so stupid? What kind of place is this place? This place is clever. Although Lin Chengfeng is innate, how can there be no innate ingenuity? So what? Will allow him, Lin Chengfeng really hurts people."

Huang Tianling said very calmly, although he is shocked now, and was afraid just now, but he has confidence in his heart, there are innate masters in Lingdong, so how could he let Lin Chengfeng hurt others, after that, Lingdong's business But it's not easy, the reputation will be ruined, so Huang Tianling is full of confidence, even if Lin Chengfeng is innate, he doesn't have to be too afraid, besides, he also has a trump card.

"That's right, Lin Chengfeng, we also have Xiantian clan elders in Lingdong, you should wave your hand first, with your strength, there will be more opportunities for revenge in the future, don't embarrass me, embarrass the Sun family."

Sun Tianzi shouted loudly at this time, she naturally knew that in Lingdong, their Sun family had masters, otherwise, Lingdong would not have the reputation it has now.

If Liu Chenghui and An Shaozhi hadn't known about Lin Chengfeng's battle, they might have come out to persuade Lin Chengfeng to quit, but they knew that they could only wait for the exciting scene to happen, and they had no worries at all. They believed that even if the Sun family No matter how hard we try to protect Lingdong, it is impossible to send someone like Zuoshan Jun to sit here.

Although the people present also thought of this incident, they did not dare to intervene, because if they were targeted by Lin Chengfeng because of their indiscriminate interjection, their future would be ruined. Dare to intervene, because they all understand that the dignity of the innate strong cannot be violated. In front of the innate, any seniority is false, and only strength can speak.

"Huang Tianling, you are too proud. As I said, if no one can save you, then no one can save you, no matter who it is."

Lin Chengfeng said calmly, still advancing step by step, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became full of gunpowder because of Lin Chengfeng's words, but everyone knew that Lin Chengfeng had made up his mind, and no one would To save face, including Ling Dong's Sun's family, but they couldn't help but think in their hearts, where did Lin Chengfeng get his confidence, and he acted like he didn't take Ling Dong's innate talent seriously.

"Really, I don't think so. Lin Chengfeng, you are amazing. I, Huang Tianling, admit it, but there are also strengths and weaknesses in innateness. No matter how powerful you are, you are just an ordinary strongman in innateness. Compared with the clan elders, you It's still far away, let me tell you, you, Lin Chengfeng, can't do anything to me."

Huang Tianling said confidently, that's a lot of confidence. After hearing Huang Tianling's words, the two young masters also felt relieved. However, they still knelt on the ground because Lin Chengfeng was Innate, in any case, is high above, beyond their reach.

"That's right, Lord Lin, please spare us your noble hand. From now on, we will treat you as the leader of the horse, and we can serve you as slaves or horses."

The two sons seemed to be begging without integrity, as if they were very spineless, but in fact they were not. In addition to showing loyalty, these two guys were actually standing in line. Many people who saw their purpose couldn't help sighing. Well, there are no fools in this world.

Seeing this, Huang Tianling was quite upset, but he could only despise these two fools. He understood that the current situation is stronger than others, and he is weak now. Huang Tianling was also very puzzled at this moment. Lin Chengfeng's poison has healed, he can understand this, but there is no reason why the crippled dantian has also healed, and he has become Xiantian in these two short years, this is something Huang Tianling can't figure out. Two years is really too short. For Huang Tianling, who is at the peak of Houtian's cultivation, he knows the difficulty of attacking the innate, otherwise he wouldn't be trapped in the day after tomorrow for a long time, but why, in just two years, Lin Cheng Feng has changed from a cripple to a congenital, what a fast speed of cultivation this is, it is simply unbelievable.

Lin Chengfeng didn't bother to pay attention to those two sons standing over there. He didn't need that kind of rubbish. At this moment, Lin Chengfeng stopped because he realized that there were five congenitals present, and four of them They were members of the Sun family, and the other was Huang Tianling's guard. Lin Chengfeng immediately understood that the Huang family probably regarded Huang Tianling as the next patriarch, so they did not hesitate to send an innate strong man to protect them secretly, and Huang Tianling knew clearly. I have a congenital level dark guard, that's why he is so confident, but it's a pity that Lin Chengfeng is not an ordinary innate, otherwise, Lin Chengfeng really can't do anything about Huang Tianling, but this matter can be regarded as Lin Chengfeng's As expected.

"I said that no one can save you, Huang Tianling, do you think I'm joking, I want to stop me with a few little immortals, I have to say, Huang Tianling, you are too self-righteous, too naive, old man Ladies, if you haven't come out yet, don't blame me for slapping Huang Tianling to death."

Lin Chengfeng glanced at the positions of the five innates and said, how could they hide it from Lin Chengfeng, so Lin Chengfeng found out when they came.

After Lin Chengfeng's scan, the five congenital old men also knew that their whereabouts had been exposed under Lin Chengfeng's eyes. Although the five congenitals were shocked, why were their whereabouts all exposed? , but they still appeared one by one, leaping forward one by one, standing in front of Huang Tianling, all of them looked like masters, and looked at Lin Chengfeng.

At this time, the hearts of all the people present were boiling, five innates, five old innates and one young innate, what a spectacular battle this was, and how rare to see it.

With these five innate masters appearing on the stage, everyone thought that Lin Chengfeng would have to return in vain. After all, there were too many strong opponents. No matter how strong Lin Chengfeng was, he was no match for these five innate talents. It's an old monster, so everyone decided that Lin Chengfeng could only retreat in spite of the difficulties.

"Lin Chengfeng, Lin Chengfeng, I said you can't hurt me, what else do you have to do now, with these five clan elders here, I advise you to retreat in spite of difficulties, you stupid guy, even if you You have become congenital, but you are still so stupid, why don’t you know the words “strike first to be strong”? It was like this two years ago, and you are still like this now, you stupid fool, if you strike first, you won’t be here If you pretend to be aggressive, I'm afraid I'll be useless if I don't die, but now, it's impossible for you to hurt half of my hair, you martial artist who doesn't use his brain, hahaha... ".

Please collect it, the results are too miserable, now it is 13 words, but the collection is only more than 20, it really makes people unable to write any more.

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