"Tell me, I can't be hallucinating, why is that Xiantian elder so vulnerable?"

"Yeah, it seems that we are all hallucinating, otherwise such a thing would not be possible. If this is true, then this world will be too crazy."

The two young masters discussed in a daze, and the same was true for the other people present. Those who are still present are all rich and powerful people. In their hearts, every innate clan elder is synonymous with strength, they will be invincible as soon as they come out, but now, the invincible innate clan elder is such rubbish, how can they believe it.

"Hmph, Xiaoxiao dares to pretend to teach the boss a lesson even if he is old. He really doesn't know how to live or die, and he doesn't even piss to take care of himself. He deserves it."

Liu Chenghui snorted coldly in his heart, but An Shaozhi was completely different, and he also said with an expression of disbelief, "This is too outrageous, that's the elder of the Xiantian clan, how strong is the boss?" .

Although An Shaozhi expected that Lin Chengfeng would be very strong, after all, Lin Chengfeng beheaded Zuo Shanjun, but he still did not expect that Lin Chengfeng would be so strong, a majestic elder of the Xiantian clan, it was as simple as that. Being beaten to the point of death, what kind of strength does it take to do this? This, An Shaozhi can't imagine, but at the same time, he is also very excited, because Lin Chengfeng also said last night that he will try his best to teach him and Liu Chenghui Yes, that is to say, he, An Shaozhi, will have such a powerful day, how can this make him not excited, he seems to see the innate waving to him.

Sun Tianzi was also stunned, no matter how smart she was, she never thought that this would be the result. She once wanted to ask the clan elders to show mercy, but now, it was Lin Chengfeng who needed mercy.

As for Sun Dawei and Huang Lang, they also had expressions of disbelief at this time, why did the elder of the Xiantian clan lose so badly, Huang Lang and Sun Dawei thought to themselves, they couldn't reach the point of instant killing.

As Huang Tianling fell to the ground, the two sons almost wanted to commit suicide. They couldn't imagine that Lin Chengfeng's killing a Xiantian clan elder was as easy as squeezing an ant to death. Lin Chengfeng did what he said. , the elders of the Xiantian clan are really just stronger old ants, but Lin Chengfeng's ruthless hand does not change his color, which makes the two young masters feel ashamed, why did they offend such a evil god?

"Hmph, nothing is impossible. I said you are ants, you are ants, and you still want to teach me a lesson. You really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and you are looking for a dead end. You are just a piece of garbage."

Lin Chengfeng glanced disdainfully at the elder of the Xiantian clan at his feet. After finishing speaking, he couldn't help but spit on the elder of the clan, and then he kicked the elder of the Xiantian clan away like kicking a ball,' With a bang, he fell on a table, so eye-catching.

"It's just an old dog blocking the way. It's really shameless. If it's not because you are too old, I don't want to break the precept of killing, or I will just crush you to death."

Lin Chengfeng said with disdain as if he had no emotion, as if that clan elder was worthless in his eyes. At this moment, the people present finally had to believe that this was true, and they were even more afraid to speak out. Because Lin Chengfeng at this moment is like a demon god, very scary.

At this moment, the elders of the Xiantian tribe finally became solemn. Lin Chengfeng was not someone they could defeat at will, and they all began to be afraid of Lin Chengfeng, because Lin Chengfeng's performance just now was too strong, completely Don't regard the clan elder as an opponent, and extremely despise the clan elder, but the facts prove that Lin Chengfeng really has that strength, which is absolutely unfathomable.

"Master Lin, you have already hurt my Sun family elder, why don't you let the matter go like this, just treat it as a face for our Sun family, for the sake of my Sun family, let's just forget it." .

Sun Dawei also couldn't see through Lin Chengfeng. He had no idea, so he could only give in. If it was in the past, he would never let it go. But Lin Chengfeng is different. Now he is unfathomably strong. Such a person, Don't mess with it, so Sun Dawei willingly swallowed this bitterness for the sake of the overall situation.

The matter has developed to this point, and Sun Dawei has given in, and Lin Chengfeng has also recovered his face, which is enough to cause a sensation in Yanjing and become famous. The people present think that Lin Chengfeng should stop here. It's just right, the prestige is gained, and it doesn't offend people too much. This is the best result. After all, the Sun family is not easy to mess with. It's just a pity that Lin Chengfeng is not the former Lin Chengfeng. In other words, it is a behemoth and should not be too offending, but for Lin Chengfeng now, the Sun family is just a small family that he can easily destroy. His vision and strength are different, and the behemoths before are not worth mentioning. .

"Yeah, Lin Chengfeng, just wave your hands at this point, the matter is too big and it won't end well."Sun Tianzi also spoke persuasively. At this time, everyone present was paying attention to Lin Chengfeng to see what choice he would make. Even Huang Tianling held his breath at this moment. Looking at Lin Chengfeng, he was terrified at the moment. Dare to be as arrogant and complacent as before, he even started to regret why he was so arrogant just now, if Lin Chengfeng continued to attack, he would really lose his mind.

The same is true for Huang Lang at this moment. Although he is a strong person in the late innate stage, but he can't see through Lin Chengfeng, and Lin Chengfeng's seemingly ordinary strength just now, he knows in his heart that Lin Chengfeng might not would be weaker than him, so Huang Lang didn't want to do anything at this time.

At this moment, An Shaozhi and Liu Chenghui only felt that their blood was boiling. The innate clan elders who were usually aloof, now had to bow their heads and submit softly in front of their boss. Yes, and all of this is because of strength. If it weren't for Lin Chengfeng, their boss's strength was unfathomable. How could those so-called clan elders bow their heads? They couldn't help but understand that all strength is respected, and this world , and has always been like this, this is a fact that no one can change.

Lin Chengfeng looked at the four great geniuses very calmly, and finally said with a look of disdain, "What kind of bird are you, you dare to negotiate terms with me, let me tell you, ants are not qualified to ask conditions, I'll say it again, whoever dares to stop me will not care about life or death, if the three little innate ants of your Sun family still don't know what's good and what's wrong, don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless."

I still cry and beg to collect it, because the collection is really miserable, and if the collection continues to be so miserable, this book will be finished, and Dragon Ball may not be able to update normally every day.

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