That kind of face is indeed ugly, just like some rich people who think they have a lot of status. When facing some ordinary people, his expression and eyes are enough to make people realize.

Lin Chengfeng strode forward at this time, and immediately hugged the two innate clan elders. Although Lin Chengfeng didn't use much strength, it was already an inescapable giant for two ordinary innate clan elders. strength.

The elders of the two innate tribes were caught off guard by Lin Chengfeng. They never thought that Lin Chengfeng would have such courage and strength. However, even if they were prepared, they were nothing in front of Lin Chengfeng. Beyond Xiantian, Lin Chengfeng's pure strength is at least more than [-] catties. It can be imagined that the two Xiantians are close at hand, which is basically equivalent to delivering food.

The first reaction of the two clan elders at this time was that this kid really didn't know how to live or die, and he really regarded them as old people, but the next moment, the two of them changed their colors, and they realized that they had tried their best to break free from Lin Lin. Chengfeng's tightening hoops are like stone sinking into the sea, even the slightest wave cannot lift it, and it is useless at all.

At this moment, no matter how stupid the two clan elders were, they knew that Lin Chengfeng was definitely a master, and he was definitely better than them.

"Oh, you two dead old men. Fortunately, I have practiced a few times, otherwise I would have been escaped by you two scum today. Beautiful lady, you should see if your wallet and mobile phone are on them."

Lin Chengfeng hugged the bodies and hands of the elders of the two clans tightly and said with both hands, completely crushing the two of them, they couldn't move. They tried their best to resist, but they only blushed. It's like being caught by others. The rape on the bed was completely caught at the scene, so even the two old people, who had no sense of shame, blushed at this time.

At this time, the pedestrians kept shaking their heads and muttering, "The world is going down, the world is going down, I didn't expect such a shameless old thief to appear in China, shame on the country, shame on the country."

"That's right, this is really embarrassing for our Huaxia. It's really morally corrupt. Even such an old man is like this. I really don't know what sin our Huaxia has done to make such a shameless person."

"That's right, such scumbags must not be forgiven lightly. Seeing how familiar they are, it seems that they are not just repeat offenders. I'm afraid they have many accomplices."

A rather shrewd guy said sharply, this remark made many people feel chills, the world is really too chaotic, in the past, we had to guard against young and strong people, and we had to guard against being cheated by children, but now Well, even this kind of old man has to be more careful.

The big beauty Lan couldn't hold it anymore at this time, she was already laughing in her heart, and the two clan elders were scolded for a while, their faces were so wonderful, they were red and blue, so angry that they had the urge to kill Now, thinking about their status, today they were humiliated by such a group of people who they usually despise the most. It would be abnormal if they didn't have that kind of impulse. Their dignity was completely trampled on at this time. Disgraced and lost at home.

"Ah, their eyes are so fierce, as if they are going to eat someone."

The big beauty Lan looked terrified, and took a step back in panic. Seeing this, many people couldn't help but stand up for it. Standing in front of Lan Ling'er, she said very righteously, "Don't worry, beauty, No matter how fierce they are, they can't be lawless, there are so many of us here, don't be afraid, we will uphold justice for you."

"That's right, we have a lot of people, the big guy will never spare these two morally corrupt beasts."As soon as the words came out, many people nodded in agreement.

"Little girl, I would like to thank everyone in advance. If it weren't for my Huaxia, there are still many good people. I don't know what to do. My wallet is packed with my hard-earned money. If it is really lost, my mother's medical expenses will not be lost." landed."

Lan Damei was originally dressed like Xiaojiabiyu, but she put on a pitiful and sad look like this, which really touched the hearts of the people present, and they all said in their hearts, "Poor girl, these two beasts , it’s really not as good as a pig or a dog.”

Everyone was really angry at this time, and they all looked at the two innate clan elders with resentment, as if they were the kind of people who would do all kinds of evil and do all kinds of evil.

Seeing this, Lin Chengfeng could only shout in his heart that the big beauty Lan was powerful enough to even think of this kind of trick. Lin Chengfeng didn't know that, after Lan Ling'er did this, everyone's scales were all tilted at once. Lan Ling'er, no one has any compassion for the two elders of the Sun family.

The elders of the two innate clans were looked at by everyone's resentful eyes, one was aggrieved and the other was furious. The two of them obviously did nothing, so why did they become evil people? They wanted to defend themselves and scold everyone. Stupid, but Lin Chengfeng suppressed them so much that they couldn't even open their mouths. Lin Chengfeng's strength was like a mountain, pressing down on them, not only making them unable to move, but also making them unable to open their mouths.

"These two old things, which are not as good as pigs and dogs, actually stole the life-saving money of the mother of a beautiful woman. They are really inhumane. I really don't know how there are such inhuman things like you in the world."

Lin Chengfeng also cooperated with the blue beauty, and cursed angrily, which made everyone feel refreshed. The eyes of the two old guys were really on fire at this time, and the fierce light of that guy was exposed.

"Look, look, look, they are even more fierce, as if they want to kill me."The blue beauty once again pretended to be frightened, her little face was a little pale, and she looked very frightened.

At this time, in everyone's minds, the matter of stealing wallets and mobile phones is basically a [-]% certainty. It is the work of those two old things that are not as good as beasts. You don't need to search to find out. They only look fierce, but they are speechless From their looks, one could tell that they were furious because they were caught and unable to speak.

After Lan Meiren acted like this, everyone couldn't bear it any longer, and stood up for Lan Meiren one after another. You scolded me, I scolded me, scolded the old one of the two big innate clans, and the old one was bloody. The Daxian Celestial Clan almost couldn't stand the humiliation and fainted, they really vomited blood in their hearts.

After a while of accusations, a young man, perhaps to please the beauties, came to the two elders of the Xiantian clan and said angrily, "Why are you so fierce, you two are the scum of our Chinese nation Shame, if I were you, I would have bought a piece of tofu and smashed my head to death, so as not to be ashamed in the world and ruin my reputation in Huaxia."

I personally think this chapter is good, I hope everyone likes it, and please add a lot of support, there will be another update in the evening.

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