All the beautiful women of the Merry Fairy

Chapter 82 The Supreme Realm of Humiliation

The young man also jumped out at this time to agree, and many onlookers also nodded in agreement. This scene was so frightening that the two geniuses almost fainted. If they did this, the two of them would really have no face in the future. up.

"It's good that everyone agrees, but for the sake of justice, let's find out this beauty's mobile phone wallet first, otherwise they will say that we hit someone for no reason, that would be bad, everyone said it was right."

Lin Chengfeng said in an extremely thoughtful manner, causing the onlookers to give him a thumbs up, and greatly praised Lin Chengfeng. I have encountered such a frustrating thing.

"Beauty, hurry up and search their bodies, I believe you can get back your hard-earned money, which is your mother's life-saving money."

Lin Chengfeng said very cooperatively again, and secretly, he thought of another ruthless move, which is the highest level of humiliation, and it is definitely enough to humiliate the two innates who don't want to live, and have no face to live on.

Hearing Lin Chengfeng's ruthless move, Lan Damei couldn't help but blushed, and secretly spat, scolding Lin Chengfeng for being too bad, not human.

"Thank you handsome guy, not only helped me catch these two old perverts, but also helped me uphold justice."Lan Damei said with a very grateful look, but she couldn't help but feel sad for the two geniuses. Anyone can be an enemy, so why did you choose Lin Chengfeng as an enemy? It's really a crime.

"Nothing beauties, this is what our contemporary young people should do. Let's do it when it's time to do it. Only in this way can we make China more civilized, more harmonious, and make our lives full of positive energy."Lin Chengfeng said like a patriotic young man, making everyone full of praise again, "This young man is really a great good man."

"That's right, beauty, this is what we should do. Of course, we have to act righteously when we are away from home. You should hurry up and get back your wallet and mobile phone."

In order to show off, the young man jumped out again, and said with a sense of justice, the beauty Lan thanked her shyly, which made the young man happy, and said quickly, "You're welcome, this It's what we should do."In that way, it seems that all the credit is his.

There were more and more people watching, and people kept glaring at these two elders who were more wronged than Sister Dou E, scolding them for being inferior to animals, shouting that the world is going down, people's hearts are not old.

After searching for a little bit, Lan Damei couldn't help saying, "What's the matter, why don't they have any pockets on their bodies, it's possible that the thief is not them."

As soon as Lan Damei let out an exclamation, the passers-by at the scene were stunned for a while. What's going on? It's possible that they were wronged.

Seeing this moment, the two elders of the Xiantian clan seemed to have saved their lives, and felt like they had narrowly escaped death, but the matter would end so easily.

I saw Lin Chengfeng suddenly realized at this moment, "Oh, I know, I know they hid the stolen goods there, but I didn't expect that they were not only lecherous, but also thieves and thieves. They really are despicable, vile and despicable. I really don't understand how there are such scumbags in the world."

Seeing Lin Chengfeng's angry look because he saw through the tricks of the two old beasts, everyone once again felt a turn of events, and many aunts couldn't help but say, "Young man, what did you find out that you let the You are so angry, and where are they two old beasts hiding their wallets and mobile phones, so that this girl can't find them."

At this time, everyone once again focused their attention on Lin Chengfeng, which made the two clan elders feel bad, and couldn't help but feel chills in their hearts. They didn't dare to think, what did Lin Chengfeng think of to humiliate them again? People really only have fear now. They finally understand what life is better than death.

After Lin Chengfeng paused, he said a little embarrassedly, "I...I...I really can't say it, that's too...that or something".

"Hey young man, just say it, you are upholding justice, there is nothing you can't say."An aunt said that she was very supportive of Lin Chengfeng, and many people followed suit, "That's right, young man [young man], just say it, there is nothing embarrassing about it."

"That's right, handsome guy, don't hesitate, that's my mother's life-saving money."Lan Damei's begging made so many people really moved.

Lin Chengfeng also pretended to be moved, and said righteously, "Well, although the truth is not beautiful, but for the sake of justice and for the mother of this beautiful woman, I will tell it."

"Listen up, everyone. The reason why this beautiful woman couldn't find her wallet and mobile phone is because these two old beasts, the scum of the scum, the scum of the scum, they took...they stole the wallet and mobile phone, It's all hidden under them."

After a pause, Lin Chengfeng took a deep breath, and said with a look of courage, that expression was quite exaggerated.

"Young man, what's under there? Is it the pocket of your trousers?"

An aunt looked at Lin Chengfeng with a look of confusion, and the other people couldn't respond, and they were a little confused, as if they understood, but they didn't understand what it meant .

Lin Chengfeng looked ashamed to speak at this moment, and said reluctantly, "That's where the two of them usually fart and pee."

"What, my God".The aunt exclaimed, all of them couldn't help opening their mouths and eyes wide at this time, this answer is really too obscene and shameless, what is shameless, this is shameless.

"Handsome guy, what you said is not a lie, how could someone do this?"Lan Damei, the client, was the first to speak, with a very questioning tone.

"Hey, beauty, you are still too kind. The darkness of this world is really beyond your imagination. Some people can't do anything for money. Although I don't want to believe it will be true, But this is the true fact."Lin Chengfeng said with a lot of emotion, as if he was lamenting the sickness of this world, and it is true, some people can't do anything for money.

"Yes, girl, you are still too kind. Also, these two old things are not human, so how can you understand them from a human perspective."An aunt said that she has seen a lot of turmoil, and this kind of thing is not impossible in her heart.

In short, most of the people present believed in Lin Chengfeng at this time, and they looked at the two innate eyes at this time, which was called a contempt and disgust, disgusting, and the two innate clan elders once again felt that life was worse than death. , if possible, they really don't want to live anymore.

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