"Yes, the mobile phone is still missing, beautiful girl, return your wallet to you."After the young man was reminded by Lin Chengfeng, he took out the wallet from the small bag and handed it to the big beauty Lan.

The big beauty Lan endured the disgust, took the wallet, and said with some gratitude, "Thank you handsome guy".

"You're welcome, you're welcome, it should be, but beauty, I think your phone is on another old beast."The young man said very modestly.

"Then I will continue to trouble you, handsome guy, I really don't know how to thank everyone, especially you handsome guy."The big beauty Lan looked extremely moved, and finally looked at Lin Chengfeng.

Needless to say, everyone also knew that Lin Chengfeng was the one who should be most grateful to the blue beauty. Seeing this, Lin Chengfeng could only say, "It's my honor to be able to help the beauty."

Seeing this, the young man couldn't help feeling a little envious, Lin Chengfeng took all the limelight out of it.

Immediately afterwards, the young man found a mobile phone from the crotch of another Xiantian elder. While scolding the two old beasts, everyone couldn't help feeling that this world is so crazy. For the sake of money, I don't want any face.

"Okay, beauty, that brother took out the money and the phone and returned them to you. Now you should see if there is any money in your wallet."Lin Chengfeng made a point, and everyone quickly said yes, yes, yes.

"No, they shouldn't have time to steal the money from the wallet."The big beauty Lan said with a good mood of regaining what was lost, and there was some truth in what she said.

The two elders of the Xiantian clan just wanted to die at this moment. The humiliation of this one was too great, and they were also cursing in their hearts. The other elders of the clan were all dead, why didn't anyone come to save them? However, this can't be blamed on the other elders of the Sun family. After all, Yanjing is a big place, and how can it be so easy to touch? If the big beauty Lan didn't pay attention to Lin Chengfeng, she wouldn't be able to find Lin Chengfeng at all. Cheng Feng, as a thief, always has her special channel for news.

"Having said that, you should take a look, beauty, otherwise we won't be able to do anything when the police come. After all, the two of them are not ordinary pickpockets."Lin Chengfeng kindly reminded him.

"That's right, girl, what dirty tricks are there to keep these two old beasts together? You'd better take a look. After all, this is your mother's life-saving money, so don't be careless."A kind aunt persuaded.

Lan Damei really scolded Lin Chengfeng to death at this time, she didn't want to hold this disgusting thing for a second, and he actually asked her to see if there was any shortage of money. Didn't this mean to disgust her on purpose, but when things came to this At this point, Lan Meiren could only endure this nausea, and cooperated with Lin Chengfeng, and the trick was over.

Under the eyes of everyone, Lan Ling'er opened the wallet, and a large pile of money was displayed in front of everyone. It seemed that it was no less than 1 yuan. Everyone couldn't help feeling that these two old beasts were really experts in pickpockets. .

"The money is not short, thank you everyone, thank you two handsome guys."Lan Ling'er bowed to everyone affectionately, causing many people to say, "It should be".

Seeing that things were almost done, Lin Chengfeng was only short of the last two steps. He immediately cast a spell, which was created by him to subdue the beast, which could seal the target's cultivation and even power.

Lin Chengfeng used his spiritual consciousness to drive the spell, and immediately sealed the two innate cultivation bases to death. At this moment, the two clan elders felt that their cultivation bases and powers were like stagnant water, and they could not use them at all. They are even more terrified in their hearts, there are such inconceivable people and methods in the world, they have never heard of them.

"Okay, everyone can reward each of them with a slap now, otherwise the police comrades will come later, and we can do nothing. I don't think everyone wants to just let these two old beasts go."

Lin Chengfeng said righteously, as soon as the words came out, everyone naturally agreed with them. While cursing each of them, they came to the two elders of the Xiantian clan and slapped them unceremoniously.

"You old whore, shameless"! With a sound of 'pa', it was a slap of the palm, and it was so hard that a Wuzhishan was printed on it.

"You dirty and shameless scum, the trash of our China."An aunt said fiercely, 'slap' and 'slap' two slaps, slapped it mercilessly.

Everyone slapped and scolded me so much that it was a real joy. In just a few tens of seconds, the two elders of the Xiantian clan had been slapped countless times. Only now did they understand that ordinary people can also The beating made them lose their sense of direction and were dizzy.

Seeing that the crowd had finished fighting, Lin Chengfeng knew that the two great geniuses had almost no power to resist, so he immediately let go of them, stepped forward, raised his hand fiercely, and slapped out two palms in succession. That is called a resounding ah, everyone saw this and praised it one after another.

Seeing this, Lan Damei couldn't bear it anymore. These two geniuses were too pitiful and wronged to be humiliated by so many people.

After being fanned by Lin Chengfeng, the two Xiantian elders were already staggering, as if they were about to lose their footing. Lin Chengfeng's slap was not a cover, they could bear it.

"Pretend, you still pretend, you two old beasts, dead scum, think you can just pretend, I tell you, there is no way."Lin Chengfeng scolded as if I saw through your intentions, and then spit at the two of them.

The big guys followed suit, and this scene was full of mouthfuls. If it was in a small country like Xinxin, the government would have a lot of money to collect.

"Oh, it's raining, why is it so heavy."A very confused elder of the Xiantian clan couldn't help but said, now in their eyes, everything is blurred.

After the rain of saliva, the police comrades finally arrived. Under the testimonies of everyone's righteous indignation, the two police comrades endured the stench, took the two elders of the Xiantian clan into the patrol car, and walked away whining.

Next, Lin Chengfeng used his spiritual sense to find the rest of the innate clan elders sent by the Sun family. Using the same method, he first restrained their cultivation bases, and then let Lan Damei set them up, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, They were arrested, and due to sufficient evidence, each of the elders of the Xiantian clan was arrogant in their words and deeds, and they were all beaten up before being sent to prison.

In this way, Lin Chengfeng sent all the twelve Sun family elders to the police station. Lin Chengfeng also deliberately took a few videos, which he posted on the Internet one by one. Then spread the news, it was like an atomic bomb, it spread continuously on Yanjing's network, within 10 minutes, the number of hits exceeded one million, WeChat and Weibo spread even more, almost everyone It is known that a group of pickpockets mainly composed of elderly people was captured one by one by brave and mysterious citizens.

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