The Evil God of the World

Chapter 002 What a Big Thing

Thank God I was really stunned.

He could feel that when he held the thing in his crotch, it trembled majestically, as if saying hello, this is definitely a strong foot!

"Damn it, he's so big, hahaha... He's worthy of my heavenly capital! From now on, I'm a brand new Xie Tian..."

Xie Tian laughed exaggeratedly, as if he was still reluctant to take out his hand.

He didn't even know why, but now he has not only completely accepted this body, but also is calm and stable, full of confidence in himself.

Just when Xie Tian was playing with his precious brother, the door of his room suddenly opened, and a girl with ponytail and a handsome face ran in in a panic, about sixteen or seventeen years old.

When the girl saw Xie Tian standing in the room, she became excited and ran over in two or three steps.

"My God...Young Master, you're awake...Are you alright now!"

"Uh...Master, are you calling me...Miss, who are you?"

Xie Tian was stunned on the spot by the girl's question, and subconsciously asked back!

However, when Xie Tian said these words, he was suddenly shocked, and some information in his mind that was originally chaotic gradually became more organized and clearer...

He finally fully realized that the young master this girl called was indeed him!

Because of his current identity, he is indeed Xie Tian, ​​the number one rich young man of the Xie family in Huaxia Kingdom and the capital.

Doing nothing, liking and hating idle work, eating and waiting to die, harming women...

To put it more bluntly, it is a parasite that wastes air while alive, and wastes land when dead!

Such a scumbag has a terrible family power, which really makes many people helpless, because in the capital of Huaxia, almost no power dares to openly challenge the Mo family, and there have been so many times , In the end, it was the result of all the family being bankrupt and having nowhere to complain...

When these memories were sorted out, Xie Tian had a wry smile on his face.

"Damn it, it turns out that the poor body is caused by women. Although I like women, I will never force them. This guy is a beast at all... Uh, it seems that this guy is me now, but I can't scold you like that...but now that I'm notorious, what should I do!"

Xie Tian cried out helplessly, then looked up at the girl, only to find that she was retreating to the door with a terrified face, blinking a pair of big eyes and looking at him very carefully, as if she was ready to run away at any time.

This made Xie Tian feel helpless for a while!

At this time, he already knew that the girl's name was Rongrong, she was a country girl who was abandoned by her parents, entered his house since she was a child, and has been taking care of his daily life!

And he, who was so beastly, wanted to possess this pure little girl many times, but he didn't know why he never succeeded!

"Ahem, what...Rong Rong, what are you doing at the door, are you so afraid of me, hee hee!"

Xie Tian tried his best to keep a smile on his face, and looked at the girl at the door with extremely kind eyes. He had to slowly change the image of this dude and vicious young man!

This look of not wanting to thank the sky fell into Rongrong's eyes, which made her heart beat like a deer, not only her face flushed, even her voice trembled.

"Young master, what kind of tricks do you want to play on me... Just now you pretended not to know me, why are you acting like this now? Don't scare me anymore, I'm really afraid..."

"Uh...cough cough..." Xie Tian coughed awkwardly, rolled his eyes and said, "Don't be afraid, young master, I have found my conscience, and I won't bully you again in the future. Come in if you have anything to say!"

"But, but you look like this...I, I'm still afraid that you will suddenly treat me..." Rongrong looked at Xie Tian with a strange expression and said, still not daring to approach him.

"Uh, how am I?"

Xie Tian was taken aback, and subconsciously asked back, thinking inwardly, could it be that this little girl could see that he is not the original young master Xie Tian that she said at all?

However, when Xie Tian saw Rongrong's weird face and her terrified gaze, he suddenly realized that it wasn't that the little girl saw something wrong, but that his current appearance was too unsightly. , even ugly!

What Rongrong looked at was his hand, and this hand happened to be holding his extremely powerful big guy, and he hasn't pulled it out until now...

"Uh... well, it's just itchy, scratching, scratching, nothing else, don't be afraid!"

Xie Tian blushed slightly, let go of the big thing in a hurry, and explained in a panic.


The girl at the door was shocked, she probably never expected that this dandy and wicked young man would have such a rhetoric!

Could it be that she was thinking too much? Didn't this dandy young man just want to have fun with himself? She has encountered such a thing several times!

Although she is still young, she still knows some things very clearly with such a young man next to her, for example, men can find something cool by themselves...

"Hey, why are you still in a daze, what's the matter with me, come and tell the young master!"

Xie Tian stared at the girl who was still standing at the door, trying his best to express his kindness!

He is now calling this girl to watch the first battle of his new life, and he very much hopes to win, and not because of the coercion of his status!

However, the girl at the door was obviously still full of wariness, hesitating and only took a few small steps forward, then stopped again, looking at Xie Tian from a distance.

"Young master, the master asked me to tell you that after you wake up, go to his study. He has something to ask you, and he said that if you run again this time, he will break your leg..."

"Ugh! Where did this come from, the bullshit master? What kind of a guy is he? How dare he break Lao Tzu's leg, and I crushed him to death with half a finger!"

When Xie Tian heard that someone threatened to break his leg, he asked very arrogantly.

In the realm of comprehension, there are strong people like clouds, and it's okay to be bullied by everyone, but after living again, there are still people looking for him. Isn't this forcing him to go crazy?

But Xie Tian didn't wait for an answer, because he had already seen that the little girl who had just walked in two steps, after hearing his words, her face changed drastically, and she stepped towards him like a madman. Look and run downstairs.

That is to say, the girl's run made Xie Tian suddenly startled again, and his face became extremely ugly when he thought for a while.

"Damn it, it seems that there is really a violent old man in my family, it's broken now!"

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