Xie Junran's face became serious. At this moment, he had already stopped, turned around, and a pair of bright eyes met Xie Tian directly.

"Thank God, you are the only child of my Xie family. From now on, the Xie family will have to be supported by you, but it is your lack of progress that makes some people bully me. The Xie family has no successor... Do you understand what I mean? ?”

"Uh...cough cough, second uncle, why are you saying that again? I'm under a lot of pressure!" Xie Tian said with a smile on his face, "Besides, second uncle, why don't you Young, there is still you in this Xie family!"

"Bastard, it's rare for me to be in the mood to talk to you about something serious. Are you laughing at Second Uncle instead?" Xie Junran said angrily, "Can't you be more self-sufficient? Second Uncle will never die? When the time comes, Xie Jiajiao For whom?"

"Uh...cough, second uncle, don't get mad, I, I'm just joking!"

Xie Junran suddenly lost his temper when he saw Xie Tian, ​​and he was secretly annoyed that he shouldn't talk casually, if he really offended this second uncle and cut off his salary, he might have no place to cry.

However, when Xie Tian saw Xie Junran's suddenly lonely expression, his face froze slightly, and if he realized something in his heart, he couldn't help boldly looking up and down Xie Junran, with an extremely weird expression.

"Ahem, um, um...Second Uncle, can I ask you something?"

"Hmph, what's the matter?"

Xie Junran snorted coldly, and didn't say any more, he was really helpless and disappointed with this dandy nephew.Every time he mentioned the matter of inheriting the Xie family business, this bastard would shirk all kinds of treachery!

"Well... I just want to ask you that... that... that... ahem..."

Xie Tian stared at Xie Junran and groaned for a long time, but he never said what it was. This made Xie Junran even more confused and angry. Who knows what kind of mystery this kid is playing!

"What do you want to ask? You bastard, it's fine if you say you're not good enough, can you act like a man, and keep talking, are you really going to piss me and the old man to death! "


Xie Tian was so aroused by the second uncle in front of him, he simply lost his scruples, and stared at Xie Junran with a hidden smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Second Uncle, I just want to ask you, is your... that, that thing still feeling?"

"You, what did you say? Say it again..."

"Ahem, I seem to remember that the second uncle's thing was injured by a bomb. I just want to ask, are you still conscious now?"

"Thank God...you...you beast!"

Xie Junran lied to hear this, and almost fainted out of anger, without the slightest hesitation, he raised his whole palm high in the air, as if about to strike.

With Xie Junran's skills trained in the army, as long as this slap is done, the bastard's teeth will definitely be gone.

But what use is such a nephew to him?Are you actually making fun of your own uncle?He clearly knew that this was his most taboo thing, yet he dared to ask it in person!

The more Xie Junran thought about it, the more angry he became, even the anger that had been suppressed before seemed to burst out of his brain at this moment. His face was livid, and he slapped Xie Tian's face with his big slap without the slightest hesitation!

"Little bastard, dare to ridicule me, I will smash your mouth..."

Even, because of being too angry, Xie Junran slapped his chin and sweared in front of his nephew for the first time. In his memory, except for the occasional swearing when he was a small soldier, he hadn't had it for many years. Such a thing.

However, just as he saw that big slap was about to slap Xie Tian on the face, and he could even predict that half of the face of the bastard in front of him would turn into a pig's head, Xie Junran suddenly stopped the slap and looked at him in disbelief. thank god.

Because at this time, Xie Tian still had a smile on his face, and there was no trace of panic, but a faint sense of helplessness.

This is not Xie Tianping's style at all...

If in normal times, seeing such a situation, this kid would probably beg his grandpa to tell his grandma to admit his mistakes and beg for mercy, or he would simply sneak away first!

And now Xie Tian is acting too calm, too unusual, and from this expression, it can be confirmed that this is not something he pretended on purpose.

Xie Junran is really unbelievable at this moment, such an expression would appear on his playful nephew.

Stopping his palm three inches in front of Xie Tian, ​​Xie Junran's eyes flashed strangely, and he looked at Xie Tian coldly.

"You...why don't you run?"

"Run? Why am I running? This is my home, where can I go... You are my second uncle, even if I knock out all my teeth, how dare I say anything!"

"Uh... boy, you..."

Xie Junran had already involuntarily put down his palm at this time, and looked at Xie Tian like a monster. If he was a little surprised before, he is hesitant now!

To be able to say such words from Xie Tian's mouth, and with such a calm and indifferent expression, Xie Junran even wondered if this was the previous Xie Tian.

"Second uncle, look at this, you are not going to beat me up..." Xie Tian looked at Xie Junran's suspicious expression, and said something very ignorant of current affairs, and then said: "Then I still want to Ask Second Uncle a question, I hope you can tell me!"

"Hmph, I'll spare you this time... Just ask if you have any questions!" Xie Junran regained his composure, and temporarily suppressed the doubts in his heart.

"Uh, cough cough, I just want to ask, is that thing of yours still feeling a little..."

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