Xie Family Villa Park, in a hall!

At this time, there were three people sitting in the hall.The person sitting in the main seat is naturally the bearded old man Xie Daniu, and the second seat is Xie Daniu's youngest son Xie Junran. Diagonally opposite the two, there is also a little girl with a flushed face. It was Rong Rong who served Young Master Xie.

Although she knew that the two old men of the Xie family were very kind to their servants, and they had never treated her Rong Rong as a servant, but this time they asked her to come here very solemnly, which still made her feel extremely disturbed.

After all, what is the big deal that the two pillars of the Xie family want to summon a girl like her for a movie at the same time? This has never happened before.

When Rongrong was beating a small drum in her heart, Xie Junran took the lead in laughing, breaking the calm.

"Hehe, Rong'er, look at your little face flushed red, what are you afraid of... The old man and I came to you just to ask you something?"

"Uh...Second, second master, I'm just, just a girl who serves the young master. What you do is a big deal. I'm afraid you may not know if you ask."

Rong Rong couldn't help rubbing her clothes and feet, looking a little embarrassed.

Xie Junran nodded and smiled in satisfaction, and said, "Don't worry, I won't ask about the big things you're talking about. What I want to ask is about the young master."

"Uh? Something about the young master..." Rongrong muttered subconsciously, then frantically waved her hands in front of her face, and said anxiously: "Master, the young master hasn't bullied me recently, never... you guys Just don't punish him..."

"Uh...cough cough!"

Seeing the flustered appearance of the little girl in front of him, even the old man Chen Daniu, who had been drinking his tea without speaking, almost spit out.

In the end is the joy or worry it!

The happy thing is that his grandson, a dandy, didn't bully this little girl recently, but the sad thing is, it seems that his grandson's notoriety has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people...

Xie Daniu put the teacup on the table, heaved a long sigh, forced a smile and said, "Rongrong, I came to you this time, not to ask Tian'er if he has bullied you recently!"

"Uh!" Rong'er's expression froze for a moment, knowing that she was in a hurry and said the wrong thing just now, although the old man probably wouldn't care, but it was still embarrassing.

"Then, those two masters want to ask..."

"Oh, the old man wants to ask you...you... have you noticed that Tian'er seems to be a different person recently?"

It was Xie Junran who took the words. After he said goodbye to Xie Tian in the garden, after careful consideration, he came to his father Xie Daniu with questions and joy.

Xie Tian, ​​this playboy nephew, has changed unexpectedly. He has become restrained, reserved, but also has strong self-confidence, and his behavior is also quite different from before.

This is a good thing, a big thing.Xie Junran naturally wants to share it with the old man, and it will also make the old man who is depressed all day happy.

Who would have expected to find Mrs. Xie? Before he had explained why he came, his father was the first to bring it up: Xie Tian, ​​this bastard has changed...

After the two talked in detail for a while, although they became more and more happy, they still didn't have a clue, so they had to find Rong Rong.Because Rongrong has been serving Xie Tian all the time, after all, she even knows more than the two of them...

At this time, after Xie Junran finished asking, he stared at Rong'er's expression with wide eyes. Of course, there was also Xie Daniu on the side, who also stared at Rongrong with rapt attention.

Because Rongrong's face is full of surprise now, and even opened her ruddy mouth into an O shape.

"Why, why... Did the two masters also find that the young master has become better?"


Rong'er's rhetorical question made both Mr. Xie Daniu's expressions shocked at the same time. Since Rong'er said so, it must be right.

Xie Tian, ​​this bastard, really wants to be transparent and modified!

After a long time, Xie Daniu suddenly had no scruples at all, and laughed out loud.

"Hahaha, this bastard has really changed, haha... I have never believed that I am grateful to Daniel's offspring, and there will be a wicked son... Hahaha..."

On the other side, Xie Junran also had an unconcealable excitement, and let out a long breath.

As long as his dandy nephew is willing to change, it's too late now.

As for what Rong Rong said was getting better, and exactly how it got better, there is no need to ask in detail. One thing I know is that Xie Tian is really different from the past.

"Rongrong, you will still serve the young master well in the future. If there is anything wrong, you have to keep an eye on it, understand?"

Xie Junran was in a good mood, and even spoke with a bit of joy. He even vaguely expected that his nephew, who was once notorious, could really cure his embarrassing illness.

"Second Master, I know what to do." Rong'er obediently responded.

"Well, that's good..." Xie Junran nodded, then suddenly stared at Rong'er again and said, "By the way, has your illness relapsed recently? Count the days, it should be coming again soon!"


Hearing Xie Junran mention this suddenly, Rong'er's little face turned pale, she didn't know whether it was excitement or fear, her eyes filled with tears involuntarily.

"Hey, you have to suffer so much at such a young age, I'm sorry for you!"

This time it was Mr. Xie Daniu who spoke, he walked over from the wooden chair, stretched out his rough hand to stroke Rongrong's hair, turned around and said to Xie Qunran next to him: "Junran, go back to you and contact the people you know , see if there is anyone who can help Rong'er solve her illness, money is not a problem!"

"Father, I've always remembered this matter." Xie Junran responded, and raised his eyes to slightly glance at Rong Rong, with a look of unbearable in his eyes.

"That's good!" Xie Daniu nodded, and then turned to Rong Rong, comforting, "Don't worry, you are a strong girl, you can get through it before, and you can get through it this time."

"Thank you, master... Well, I also believe that I will be fine."

Rong'er thanked Xie Tian with a smile on her face, but she burst into tears, and she made up her mind that she must take good care of Xie Tian to repay the Xie family's selfless care for him.

"Okay, don't cry... There is nothing else, you can go back to your room."

Grandpa Xie Daniu felt a pain in his heart when he saw the little girl forcefully smiling.

Who would have imagined that such a lively and lovely little girl would suffer from severe illness for a few days every year, as if hovering in the gate of hell?

"Master, Rong'er will go back first!"

"Well, let's go... By the way, remember to inform Tian'er to meet the guests in the living room around two o'clock!"

Xie Daniu waved his hand again, and heaved a long sigh. He didn't know whether it was for Rongrong or his grandson, but he felt an indescribable feeling in his heart...

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