In the dilapidated ancient pharmacy.

Xie Tian was sniffing around the medicine village outside, with that appearance, coupled with the smirk at the corner of his mouth, he really looked like a small thief who broke into a house.

"Hey, Seven Star Heart Grass... so cheap..."

"Wow, Millennium Danshen... so cheap..."

"Damn it, there is also a human shape fruit, hey, this has been used by some people, but there are still some old people who can use it..."

"It belongs to Lao Tzu, it belongs to Lao Tzu! It's developed..."

Xie Tian looked at some spiritual medicinal herbs that he picked out, his mouth couldn't close his mouth for a long time, and his heart became a flower of joy.

These elixirs are not high-end items in the cultivation world, but here is the earth where the aura is thin, so the rarity is the most expensive.

Unfortunately, things are scarce, but they are not expensive, on the contrary they are very cheap.

Because these elixir are randomly placed among those very common herbs, mixed with them, presumably because old man Gu is extremely confident that ordinary people don't know what to buy, especially when they are randomly mixed among a lot of miscellaneous herbs Among them, it is even more difficult for people to believe that there are top-quality drugs in it.

But Xie Tian was an all-rounder in his previous life, not to mention refining medicine and knowing medicine, so how could he hide it from him?Isn't this just cheap for him!

"I'll do the math, how much can these things cost me!"

Xie Tian grinned, calculated according to the price tag on the medicine cabinet, and half-closed his eyes.

"One tael of Seven Star Heart Grass is 20 yuan. I have about half a catty here. It's just a big red head... Millennium Danshen is 38 yuan per tael... and this half of the human shape fruit is a little more expensive..."

"Damn it, it didn't cost much..."

Xie Tian muttered, and suddenly opened his eyes and patted his thigh, his face full of excitement.

"I brought tens of millions of dollars with me when I went out. After all, these medicines only need a few big red heads! No... It's hard to come here. I have to take care of the old man's business. I will pick some good things."

Xie Tian thought evilly, and then, like a dog hunting for food, he sniffed his nose and continued to writhe in the store...

While Xie Tian was doing whatever he wanted at the counter outside the pharmacy, in the back room of the pharmacy, Rong'er held back her tears and tried her best to pretend to be indifferent and sit opposite the old man.

"Grandpa Gu, can you really not even help me?"

"Hey, Miss Rong'er, I'm ashamed of you, old man. It can only help you relieve your pain, but it can't cure your, this is not a disease..."

"Uh, isn't it a disease... It seems that it really can't be cured, and it will stay with me for the rest of my life..." Rongrong whimpered a little, but then she stretched out her hand to wipe the corners of her eyes, and forced a smile: "But it doesn't matter, I I'm used to it...hehe..."

"Hey, poor child..." Old man Gu shook his head helplessly, and then he seemed to remember something, and said, "By the way, I have already prepared your medicine. Since it is here, you can take it first."

As the old man said, he had already taken out a dilapidated small wooden box from under the bed and opened it. Inside were four thumb-sized pills.

"Thank you, Grandpa Gu!"

Rong Rong obediently nodded her thanks, took out a white handkerchief, carefully took the four dark red pills and held them in her hands.

She knew that this year was not far away from the day when she would get sick again, and she would have to rely on these few pills of love and hate to get through the catastrophe.

"Miss Rong'er, old man, I still say the same thing, I can't tell anyone about the pills I gave you, you know?"

"Rong'er knows, even my old man doesn't know, Grandpa Gu don't worry!"

Rong'er nodded and said, but she remembered the scene when she met this old man when she was a little girl a few years ago...

In fact, it's very simple. She just ran into an old man who looked lonely and walked past the gate of Xie's mansion on a rainy night, so she ran in, took an umbrella and some steamed buns and gave them to the old man...

This old man is naturally old man Gu.

It's just that Rong'er didn't expect that her act of kindness at that time would be rewarded extremely generously...

The old man not only saw her illness, but also gave her some pills, and even left an address, saying that in the days to come, she could come to him whenever she became ill.

It's just that this matter must never be mentioned to anyone...

Therefore, even now, Rongrong has never mentioned it to anyone, not even Xie Daniu and his son who also care about her.

One, Mr. Xie Daniu already has enough headaches for his grandson, and he treats her like a granddaughter. She doesn't want him to worry about her illness anymore.

Two, Rong'er knew that the old man Gu in front of him was by no means as sloppy as he appeared on the surface, he had such a real ability, and this old man was kind to her life, since he asked not to mention it to outsiders, then she was in love with him All principles must be followed.


Old man Gu heard that Rong'er hadn't mentioned this to anyone else, so he was relieved, but then he reached out and wiped his messy beard, and glanced at the pharmacy outside the house.

"Xiao Rong'er, can't mention it to the young master outside your shop, you know!"

"Uh, I, I won't, I won't tell him!"

For some reason, when the old man deliberately mentioned Xie Tian, ​​Rong'er blushed for no reason.

"Hey, time is really fast, a few years have passed in the blink of an eye, and you little girl will miss a man... Hehehe..."

The old man Gu said without any shame, and pointedly, as if he didn't notice Rongrong's flushed face at all, as if he could bleed.

"Grandpa Gu, stop talking nonsense...I...we have been staying for a long time, go out and see if my young master has selected the medicine!"

As Rongrong said, she carefully wrapped the four pills in a handkerchief and put them close to her body, and then ran outside in a hurry with a blushing face.

"Uh... this flower-like little girl is obviously moved by her heart, but I hope she doesn't fall into the hands of that young lady of his family!"

Old man Gu shook his head and said something, then raised his legs and followed out!

In fact, he was also very curious, what kind of medicine would a young man with a deficiency of Qi and blood, who was obviously a womanizer, choose for himself!

"Could it be tiger penis, deer penis, aphrodisiac..."

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