Xie Tian raised his eyes, and saw a fleshy figure running towards passers-by.

This man's neck was absolutely missing, at least with Xie Tian's eyesight, he couldn't see it, and his shoulders were thick, wide and soft, and his stomach was full of trembling fat!The two legs are short and thick, and the whole person is like a moving column of flesh. You can see real waves of flesh rolling along the way!

Xie Tian watched the shiny fat man with three-inch short hair approaching slowly, and he recognized it in a blink of an eye!

We shot pistols together, went to prostitutes together, went to school together, cursed at funerals together in the street...

The person who came was his only buddy and brother, and he was also a playboy with quite a background.He is such a fat man, but he has an extremely feminine name——Yuan Dan.

However, Xie Tian has always called him a round egg. For this reason, the fat man has discussed it many times, but Xie Tian is his boss, so his suggestions have not played any role. That's what God called.

"Uh...round egg!"

Xie Tian looked at Yuan Dan who was out of breath after running a few steps, it was really hard to imagine how a person could be so fat, he frowned slightly, Xie Tian called out to say hello.

"Hey, young master, I finally see you again." Yuan Dan also said with a loud laugh! , There was a thief's excitement in his eyes.

Naturally, Rongrong also found Yuan Dan who had already walked in front of her, and she raised her eyes and glanced slightly, with obvious disgust and annoyance on her face!

"Uh... It's really bad luck. How could I meet this fat man? The young master had a bad reputation before, and most of it was caused by this fatty Yuan! Now that the young master has just become better, I have to keep an eye on it, and I can't let the young master die with this guy anymore. Fatty messing around."

Rongrong thought to herself, she couldn't help but clenched her little pink fist, and was about to persuade Xie Tian to leave this place quickly.

However, when Rongrong looked up, she was dumbfounded, because she saw that Xie Tian and Fatty Yuan were hugging each other and beating each other's backs. The enthusiasm was like the reunion of relatives and friends who hadn't seen each other for several years. .

This scene made Rongrong anxious, but she also knew that it would be impossible to forcibly pull the two of them apart in the past, so she could only wait for the two to finish talking before trying to persuade Xie Tian to go home.

Now, she can only stay aside and watch these two villains embrace each other in the hot weather, and she simply turns her head away from watching this chilling scene.

"Boss, a few days ago I found a few beautiful blonde girls. I called you to ask you to enjoy it. Why didn't you respond?"

"Uh, I got into a fight with that bastard Wang Lin, and I was seriously injured. The old man wouldn't let me out for those two days..."

"What? Did I hear you right? Is it true that Wang Lin's bastard can beat you and seriously injure you? Even if you can't beat him, it's not so bad..."

Yuan Dan was startled, and pushed away Xie Tian who was taller than him but two circles thinner in his arms, with disbelief on his face.

The news that the Xie family had a fight with the eldest and younger members of the Wang family naturally spread quickly among them, but Yuan Dan didn't quite believe it all the time, but he didn't expect it to be true.

"What do you know, that kid has no skills, it's the person he asked to cheat on me..."

Xie Tian was a little annoyed when he mentioned this matter, he still didn't understand why that bastard Wang Lin was targeting him!

"Oh, I'm sorry I haven't seen you for a few days... I was so anxious that I thought you made some mistakes and were locked up by that perverted second uncle of yours..."

Yuan Danruo said something enlightened, and suddenly a smile flashed in his eyes, and he looked up at Xie Tian.

"Young Master, we always have a chance to get back the matter of Wang Lin's bastard beating you up. Now...hehe, I'll take Young Master to a good place to get some new goods to surprise you!"

"Shocked? Why are you shocked?" Xie Tian was slightly taken aback.

"Uh...Young Master, aren't you, are you out of your wits or have you changed your temper?" Yuan Dan stared at Xie Tian as if looking at a monster, and said, "You forgot that you were scolded by your old man before. You always take me to a good place to find a woman to suppress the shock, and you still suppress it again and again!"

"Uh, cough cough... You said that looking for a woman, a woman is shocking!"

Xie Tian coughed lightly, with an embarrassing expression on his face, secretly said that birds of a feather really flock together, and he can't do without a woman in his mouth!

It's just that Xie Tian also has the impression that the relationship between this fat man and him is really good, of the kind that is intimate, and this is also the reason why Xie Tian has no ill feeling when he sees this fat man.

"It's just that I can't tell him that I'm not the boss of his best friend...Take me to suppress the panic, why don't I call a few little prostitutes who ride thousands of people and sleep with thousands of people, how can I be so casual..."

Xie Tian scratched his head, cursing secretly in his heart, when he was thinking about how to deal with this dude's buddy, when he raised his eyes, he saw Rong Rong who was not far away with an ugly face, and he immediately thought about it.

"Yuandan, I also want to go to suppress the shock, but I can't..."

"Uh, why can't I go if I want to go?" Yuan Dan looked doubtful.

Xie Tian had a sly smile that was hard to detect by others, and then secretly stretched out his fingers to take a few steps to the side. Where Rong'er was, the corner of his mouth twitched a few times on purpose.

"Yuan Dan, look over there and see who is that?"

"Uh, who's who?"

Yuan Dan said something puzzled, then turned his eyes to look in the direction where Xie Tian raised his finger slightly, then he was stunned on the spot, with unconcealable surprise and doubt in his eyes, he pursed his lips and asked a word.

"Young master, isn't this the little girl next to you? Didn't you always want to have sex with him, young master? Why... You succeeded, or you didn't want to go because you were going to succeed, how could you trick her out... Do you want my brother to help..."

"You bastard, why are you talking nonsense? Don't you know that the old man threatened me, and if he makes any foolish ideas, he will break my legs!"

Xie Tian deliberately said something with a bitter expression on his face, and then looked at Rongrong's position with resentful eyes, and let out a helpless sound.

"Yuan Dan, that little girl has been avoiding me, you know that, but do you know why she came out for a walk with me this time?"

"Why?" Yuan Dan looked puzzled, and said: "Could it be that you conquered her in bed, and now she only listens to you?"

"Conquer the fart, can you clean your mind a little bit?"

Xie Tian stared feebly at Yuan Dan beside him, and sighed leisurely in a low voice.

"She has a lot of power now. My old man is assigned to monitor me... The old man said that I am in better health. If I dare to go looking for women again, my third leg will probably be useless!"

After Xie Tian finished speaking, he let out a deep breath. In fact, what he said was not made up, it was exactly what Rong'er told him before, but the expression was changed slightly for testing.

"So, you really can't go to a woman anymore. I originally wanted to go to Lele with you."

Yuan Dan stared blankly, and said with a disappointed face, as if he had lost some beloved treasure.

"Yes, I really can't go!" Xie Tian secretly laughed.

"Uh, by the way...you can't find a woman, there are other good places to go..." Yuan Dan was surprised again suddenly, and said with a happy face: "We haven't seen each other for a few days, so it's okay to find a place to have a few drinks sin."

"Ahem, this... there is nothing wrong with it."

Xie Tian looked at Fatty Yuan who was eager, and couldn't even refuse such a request, so he nodded, but then looked at Rong'er again, showing hesitation.

"My buddies are going to drink, what about the little girl? Let her go back alone?"

"Khan, boss, why are you so stupid again!" Fatty Yuan smiled mysteriously, and said, "It would be such a joy to have such a cute little loli drinking with you, what are you going to do with her, bring her with you!"

"Take it?" Xie Tian asked back.

"Yes, bring it!" Fatty Yuan replied with certainty.

"Forget it, you go drive, I'll go and tell the little girl..."

Xie Tian said something helplessly, then bit the bullet and walked towards Rong Rong who was only a few steps away from him...

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