The corner of Xie Tian's mouth twitched slightly, and he stared blankly at Fatty Yuan, with the black lines all over his forehead.

This guy's thinking jumps too fast when he's drunk, so he came to that thing in a blink of an eye, and dared to say that his thing was broken because of frequent use.

But, does this fat man dare to suspect that his thing is broken?

"Hmph, is it broken? My baby can be long or short, hard or soft, as quiet as a virgin, and as dynamic as a dragon. How could it be broken?"

Staring at Fatty Yuan with disdain, Xie Tian's brow flashed with unconcealable complacency, and he grinned.

"Fatty man, I already know that since the first day you met me, you have been jealous of my baby being big and powerful, so you should be envious... Hehe!"

"Uh, it's nothing big and powerful, I'm short and dainty..."

Fatty Yuan seemed to have regained his composure a lot, and refused to admit defeat, so he replied.

"Okay, your short and it done? Damn stop talking nonsense, go and open the car door, I have spent a lot of effort beating you before, and now I am exhausted carrying this person!"

Xie Tian bowed his body, stretched out his hand tremblingly to wipe the sweat from the corners of his eyes, and ran towards a dark red enlarged BMW sports car at a crooked pace, his eyes full of determination.

"Hey..." Fatty Yuan laughed to himself at this moment, and said with a smile, "It's nothing wrong with me being beaten, but it made you tired... Good little loli, I said I'll carry it for you, and you don't let!"

"You fucking talk nonsense, hurry up and get a car, or I'll kill you before I die from exhaustion..."

Xie Tian was almost pissed off.However, he also knew that the fat man was now Jiu Jiner Fan Hun, so he couldn't be fooled if he didn't get mad.

"Uh... oh, I'll open the door right now."

Fatty Yuan was obviously still afraid of Xie Tian's harsh words, he took out the car keys and started the car, and then opened the rear door of the car wide, so that Xie Tian could let people in.

"Damn it, shouldn't it be time for Rong'er to lose weight? I'll have to talk to him later!"

Xie Tian finally got to the front of the car, looked at the wide open car door and let out a long breath, then gently put Rong'er off her back, and carefully pulled into the back seat of the car.

"Fatty, damn it, take your salty pig's hand away, what do you want to do?"

"Uh, young master, I want to help you put this little girl in!"

"Go away, stay on the sidelines, I can do it myself, who doesn't know where your salty pig's hand will touch, and then tell me a word and it's over..."

Xie Tian yelled at Fatty Yuan, and then slowly, pushed and pulled Rong'er into the back seat of the car.

Among them, he accidentally touched the soft flesh on the left side of Rong'er's chest. The original size.

Even if it's the woman he likes, it's fine if he can't get it, even if he ruins it, but he will never use despicable means!

Fatty Yuan was full of grievances, so he had no choice but to turn around and get into the car. With his body, if this car was not a specially ordered large car, he might not even be able to get in the door.

"Huh? What are you doing in the car?"

Xie Tian caught his breath, and when he looked up, he suddenly found that Fatty Yuan was already sitting in the driver's seat, so he couldn't help asking with a strange expression on his face.

And this question also made Fatty Yuan startled slightly, staring blankly at Xie Tian in a daze.

"Young master... this... this is my car, of course I have to drive while sitting? The back row is occupied, you should take the passenger seat!"

"Come on... Fatty, you come down first..."

"Uh, I had a hard time getting in the car. I finally squeezed in and sat down. What are you doing when you get down again!"

"Tell you to come down, what nonsense are you talking about!"

"Oh! You are the boss, listen to you!"

First Young Master Yuan saw Xie Tian seeming to be furious again, hurriedly opened the car door, struggled to get out of the car swaying left and right, breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Xie Tian.

"Young master, I'm coming down..."

"Well, then I'm going up!"

Xie Tianzei grinned, walked around Fatty Yuan and got into the driver's seat, closed the car door with a bang, and stuck his head out of the window.

"You are so drunk, what kind of car are you driving? I will drive this car back. You can take a taxi by yourself!"

"Uh... Young Master, don't be like this!" When Fatty Yuan heard this, he put on a bitter face and said, "Why don't you take me home first, and then you drive back? How about my body? Take a taxi, ordinary cars can’t get in at all!”

"Uh, that's your business, I'll go back first... Hey, come to my house to get the car one day..."

As Xie Tian said, he didn't care about Yuan Dashao shaking his body with snot and tears, stepped on the gas pedal, and the whole enlarged BMW sports car flew out.

"Fatty man, if I don't drive the car away, I think he will have to drive to the king of hell if he drives like that! Uh... My own car is still parked in the square, and the medicine is still in the car... Uh... I can only go there to bring the medicine, and pick up the car another day, I believe no one will dare to touch my car!"

"Just carrying this little girl for a few steps, I feel as tired as if I just got up from a crowd of women. I have to quickly take the medicine and go back to find a way to get fit. It's a matter of time to start practicing!"

"Ahem... What should I do with this little girl? If I go back and let the old man find out, I will lose my skin if I don't die. The good impression I just earned will be completely ruined by this fat man... Sigh, I have a headache, too. We can only take one step at a time.”

"However, isn't this a gentleman? Isn't it very popular to do car shocks now? This girl is in a daze and doesn't know anything. If I shock her...cough cough...Damn it, This must be the crooked thinking of the original evil boy, I am not a beast, and I can't be a beast!"

Xie Tian defended himself in embarrassment, shook his head hard to make himself more sober, and then stepped on the gas pedal again, the car melted into the night more quickly...

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