Xie Tian slowly walked towards the crowd, and when he got closer, he suddenly realized.

It turns out that this is a park, to be precise, a park for the elderly.

Looking up, in the square and some corners of the park, there are all elderly people!

They were either alone, or in groups of three or four, and they were taking advantage of the rising sun to punch and kick their legs, exercising their bodies very seriously, with an unyielding energy.

"Hehe... these old men are doing pretty well, this is a good place to go."

Xie Tian looked at it in a daze for a while, then smiled and shook his head, his heart was also infected, he raised his legs and walked into the park!

It should be an excellent choice to exercise here and not be afraid to meet some acquaintances!

Xie Tian entered the park, looked at the large number of old people in the square, smiled and shook his head, then raised his eyes to look around, and when he saw that there was no one in the corner behind the rockery, he rolled up his sleeves and walked over !now that

Now that we're all here, it's a good place to go, so let's take advantage of the good time of the morning to do some activities.

Xie Tian made up his mind and started the most basic training without any hesitation...

Straight punches, uppercuts, swinging punches, closing punches... horizontal kicks, side kicks, vertical kicks, back kicks...

Every move, every move, meticulous, punches make the wind, kicks hit the ground and hit the hole!

As the saying goes, if a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools, and practice is actually the same reason.

It is best to have a perfect physique as the foundation, and then start to practice attack, alchemy, killing, and even other methods.With good steel, are you afraid that you won't be able to forge a good blade...

And Xie Tian knew that it was extremely difficult to achieve good results at the beginning, but so what, he still gritted his teeth and tried his best to persevere. Cultivating martial arts is equivalent to cultivating the mind, and persistence is also the last word.

As time went by, his training became much more enjoyable, and he really gained a faint power!

After holding on for about half an hour, Xie Tian stopped panting heavily, and his body was covered with sweat again.

It's just that after this trip, not only has he become more proficient in punching and kicking, but he even felt a little air flow in his body slowly moving,

This made Xie Tian happy again, his cultivation goal was approaching step by step.

At this time, it was probably just before nine o'clock, and there were more and more people in the park square. Xie Tian stood up after resting for a while, and was about to insist on training for a while, when suddenly he was full of anger. The coquettish voice came over.

"Thank God!"

Following the sound of a clear and crisp drink, a girl in her twenties, wearing a white sportswear, ran over with an angry face.

The girl has short hair that reaches the ears, and is tall and slender. She should be convex and concave, and her development is in place.In particular, her skin is as fair as jade, and she has a unique temperament. Coupled with a white sportswear, she looks extremely smart and capable!

I'm afraid everyone can't help but praise: what a smart and capable beautiful woman.

And from her agile and light movements when she ran over, it can be seen that this girl should be a character with some skills at first glance.

"Uh...you are?"

Xie Tian only felt his eyes light up, and then there was a girl figure in his eyes, which gave him a feeling of surprise, but at the same time, it also gave Xie Tian a very familiar sense of trance.

However, maybe it was because of that astonishment that Xie Tian was slightly taken aback, and couldn't remember why this familiarity came from.

"Hey... You bastard is so arrogant. If you don't beat you up for a summer vacation, how dare you pretend that you don't know me?"

The girl had a ferocious face when she came over, but now she pouted her mouth and glared fiercely at Xie Tian. At the same time, she clenched her slender hands into fists and raised them up, as if she was about to hit her down.

"Ouch! It's you..."

Xie Tian has always considered himself extremely calm, but when he saw the woman's suddenly raised fist, a kind of fear that seemed to have always arisen from the bottom of his heart, and he blurted out subconsciously and habitually... …

"Liu Yingying, I didn't ask you to provoke you, and you want to beat me?"

That is to say, the fierce appearance of the woman and the movement of raising her fist made Xie Tian instantly remember the girl in front of her, his classmate Liu Yingying!

A woman with a quiet and beautiful face, but a personality that is completely opposite to her appearance.

She likes to fight injustice, and she has super strength, and her identity seems... very mysterious.

In Xie Tian's memory, Liu Yingying has always been a demonic existence to him.

But he had no way out, he couldn't beat him again and again, and he didn't dare to find someone to teach this extremely beautiful but extremely hateful woman.

Because, the old man of his family, Xie Daniu, seems to be very familiar with the old man of Liu Yingying's family, and the old man Xie has always intended to turn this girl into his granddaughter-in-law!

However, because of his lack of anger, it seemed that the Liu family had been refusing to agree.

"Yingying, stop!"

Just when Liu Yingying was about to hit Xie Tian's head with a punch, another majestic old man's voice suddenly sounded.

Although the voice was not very loud, but with an irresistible magic power, Liu Yingying reluctantly moved the powder fist away three inches from Xie Tian's forehead.

"Damn boy, you are lucky!"

It was this extremely majestic voice that made Xie Tian, ​​who was still in a daze and deep thought, come back to his senses!

"Hey, why am I bothering you now, why beat me!"

After regaining his senses, Xie Tian had to bite the bullet and say something fierce to Liu Yingying, but then he jumped back and looked vigilantly at the woman in front of him who still had a pretty face.

At this moment, Xie Tian also saw a short and fat old man wearing a loose undershirt walking over, and knew that the fat old man who yelled just now should be this fat old man.

"Yingying, how can you hit someone indiscriminately?"

As soon as the old man walked over, he glared at Liu Yingying, who was still upright, and then raised his eyes to Xie Tian, ​​with a rather strange smile showing between his brows.

"Boy, you are the notorious grandson of Xie Daniu, thank God?"

Xie Tian was still guessing the identity of this old man, but when he suddenly heard that even such an old man spoke and closed his mouth, he was notorious, he couldn't help secretly getting angry. polite.

"Hey, old man, who do you think is notorious, and where did you come from? There is nothing to stop you from speaking..."

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