The Evil God of the World

Chapter 034 Don't Offend Women

When Xie Zai stopped and turned around, his face was already covered with a warm smile, but there was a hint of doubt in that warmth.

"This... old man, I don't know what else is going on with you?"

The old man walked over with a light beard, looked up and down Xie Tian for a long time, his face was uncertain, and finally he smiled lightly!

"Boy from the Xie family, the old man just saw that you punch well. Can I ask how long you have been practicing this boxing? Where did you learn it from?"

The old man seemed to be asking casually, but his eyes were full of light, and for a moment it made people feel that they couldn't look directly at him.

And Xie Tian and Liu Yingying, who was curious at the side, were also obviously stunned, even though the two of them didn't expect that the old man was blocking the way and only asked such a trivial matter.

"Hmph, grandpa must have presbyopia... Apart from harming women, this dandy and vicious young man can't beat punches. If he is really capable, he won't be beaten by me riding on him!"

Liu Yingying looked at Xie Tian disdainfully with a disgusted look, thinking to herself, but when she raised her eyes to meet her grandfather's gaze, she muttered again in her heart!

Could it be that this kid who kicked his legs and threw his arms before was really punching?

While Xie Tian was slightly stunned, vigilance was inexplicably raised in his heart.However, he didn't show half of it on his face. Instead, he blinked his eyes and grinned.

"Uh... the old man just asked about this... I think you're always joking, and I'm just playing around. By the way, you're just playing like a monkey. How can I punch, let alone What is it about where the teacher came from... Hehe!"

"Uh, cough cough!"

The short and fat old man coughed lightly, as if he didn't expect Xie Tian to fool him in such a way.However, this also made him more suspicious, and he was stunned on the spot again.

"This boy, the fist he just punched... He couldn't have punched it without decades of hard work, but he is obviously just a teenager... Could it be an illusion..."

"Ahem, this... old man, if there is nothing else, I will really leave this time!"

It was Xie Tian who coughed lightly on purpose without concealing it, and raised his eyes to look at the old man, the meaning was very obvious: If you have anything else to ask, don't stop me from leaving after asking...

Xie Tian's undisguised and contrived expression fell in Liu Yingying's eyes, making the two lumps of "soft flesh" on her chest bulge and bulge, fluctuating up and down.

"Damn you bastard, if I don't beat you up today, Miss Ben, it's really hard to get rid of the anger in my heart."

She thought bitterly in her heart, but she was not in a hurry to do it, because she knew it was impossible to do it now.

Leaving aside the fact that there are many people in the park at the moment, what is the impact of a beautiful girl beating someone in public? Even if her grandfather is here, she has no chance to commit violence.

The short and fat old man was slightly dazed, and seemed to have just remembered, as if he really stopped the kid in front of him.Immediately, he smiled and hurriedly moved away from the middle of the gravel road, chuckling lightly.

"'s nothing to do this time, boy, you can go back if you want! By the way...well, this place is a public place, if you want to practice boxing in the future, boy, you can come if you don't mind Come here with us."

"Uh... this..."

Hearing these words, Xie Tian put down the steps he had just raised in a hurry, and looked at the old man thoughtfully!

Immediately afterwards, he saw Liu Yingying behind the old man who was gesticulating at him and frowning coldly. The meaning was obvious: if you dare to talk nonsense, you will feel better.

"Well... Hehe... Old man, you can understand the righteousness, understand and reason, and I will thank you in advance, boy, hehe!"

Although Xie Tian said this to the short and fat old man, his eyes kept staring at Liu Yingying when he was speaking, clearly with a provocative meaning: I will come to practice, what can you do, if you have the guts, come and bite me !

After finishing speaking, Xie Tian patted his buttocks and walked out swaggeringly under Liu Yingying's devouring eyes.It's just that he slapped his butt, but he didn't know if he was slapping the dust, or it was a more arrogant expression.

"Uh...hehe...this kid is very interesting, not as useless as in the legend, and...very mysterious!" It was the short and fat old man who looked at Xie Tian's fading figure and said in a strange tone In a word, for some reason, there was a faint joy on his face.

"Hmph, such a bastard, why would you say that, grandpa! You also said that he can punch well... I have been learning martial arts since I was a child, but you never praised me for my good practice! And, grandpa, you didn't listen What did that bastard say just now... Grandpa, you know the truth and understand the righteousness, isn't that clearly calling me unreasonable!"

It was Liu Yingying who stomped over at this moment, with an angry look on her face, her eyes still staring at the direction Xie Tian left, and her previous thoughts became firmer in her heart: I must find a chance to beat this bastard today to vent my anger.

"Uh, grandpa thinks...that kid is very reasonable, ha ha!" The short fat old man said with a smile on his face, he took a deep breath and made a Tai Chi gesture, ready to start practicing boxing.

"Hmph, grandpa, you help outsiders..."

Liu Yingying stomped her foot again, but she felt even more angry and unconvinced.

It was this nasty dandy who appeared, causing her grandfather, who had always loved her, to turn his elbows outwards today. What can that bastard be interested in?

However, when Liu Yingying watched the flow of people coming and going outside the park, she suddenly had a good idea, and a faint smile flashed across her face.

"Grandpa, I...I...I don't want to practice boxing today, I want to go out and run around!"

"Oh...Yecheng, Grandpa, I will also go for a run on the road outside with you."

The short and fat old man obviously loved his granddaughter very much, so he agreed after a little thought, and went out with his thoughts. It would be nice for the grandpa and grandson to run together.

But Liu Yingying was taken aback, and hurriedly waved her hand!It's a joke, she's looking for a reason to go out and beat someone up, just to get rid of the old man, how can she let him follow.

"Ahem, grandpa, I'll just go by myself, and maybe I'll go to my classmate's house to have fun after I'm done. What are you going to do, you should practice your boxing here!"

"Uh, that's it..." The old man hesitated slightly, but then nodded, and said: "That's fine, you can go around by yourself. But remember, don't just rely on a little bit of martial arts to cause trouble everywhere. do you know?"

"Grandpa, don't worry, I promise not to cause trouble!"

When Liu Yingying said this, she had already run several meters away, in the same direction as Xie Tiangang left, and her pretty face was full of a smile that the plot had succeeded.

"Hey! Thank have played with so many women, but you don't know that some women can't be offended..."

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