In the next few days, Xie Tian went out to participate in various trainings during the day as usual, and only returned home at night.

As for Mr. Xie Daniu, every night he would ask Rongrong to chat with him about the latest information about his grandson, and then he would fall asleep with a long-lost smile on his face amidst Rongrong's compliments on Xie Tian.

This night, Xie Tian came back earlier than usual.

In the past, when he went home, the sky was full of stars, but when he came back tonight, he even had dinner with the old man.

At the dinner table, the grandpa and grandson were just chatting surprisingly about the daily life, except for pointing out that school was about to start, nothing else was involved.

However, Xie Tian could tell from the smile of Mr. Daniel and the three big bowls of rice that he ate that he really enjoyed the meal.

"Alas... Grandpa... Hehe, maybe, I will have to spend more time with this old man in the future."

Xie Tian was walking on the gravel road in the backyard and muttering, looking up at the entire Xie Mansion reflected under the bright moon, an indescribable sense of intimacy came to his heart.

Suddenly, at the moment Xie Tian looked up at the starry sky, he felt his mind move again, and then his body felt severe pain.

Even with his current physique and super endurance, he couldn't help but let out a soft snort.Then I felt top-heavy for a while, and I just felt dizzy...

"Damn it comes again...Is it because I practiced too fast and made a mistake? I always feel this way these days, and the pain is getting worse every time. It happened several times today!"

Xie Tian only had this thought now, but then he fell down in the grass in the backyard with a bang, his eyes widened and he couldn't move anymore, he just stared blankly at the nothingness of the starry sky.

There are few people in the backyard, and it is even more unlikely that there will be people in this big night.

Thank goodness for falling, so no one will find out.

From the eyes, it seems that the whole world has started to spin violently, and the misty night seems to have turned into a frenzy of scattered clouds, and the whole world has become so illusory and unreal at this moment...

Xie Tian gritted his teeth in pain, and wanted to make a cry for help for the first time in this world, but there was only a dull sound in his throat, and he couldn't speak.

At this time, Xie Tian's eyes almost popped out of their sockets, his lips were soaked with blood, and even his body changed, as if it was glowing dimly.

But thank God, this is not only a sign that he is going to reach the innate realm of martial arts, but it is more like a sign that he is going to die again. If this is not the case, his whole body will not hurt like this, and he will feel more and more cold.

What is inexplicable now is that in just a short moment, what makes him painful is that he can only rely on his will to keep awake.

"Grandpa Daniel...Second Uncle, Xiao Rong'er, I, I seem to be really going to die this time! But I just got used to this identity, so I feel that I can't do without you..."

"Liu Yingying, fat man... I'm going to die again, do you still think of me, a dandy and wicked young gmf..."

"Poor, God actually made a joke with me... playing with me..."

Xie Tian only felt that his eyelids were becoming more and more dizzy, as if he would close his eyes at any time, and after closing his eyes, he would definitely not wake up again.

But in this trance, Xie Tian suddenly felt a distant ray of light suddenly appeared in his mind, as white and inviolable as a bright moon, and that ray of light was surrounded by a strange aura.

The ray of light seems to be far away, but it seems to be within reach. When it is found again, it is getting closer, bigger, brighter, and clearer. In the end, it turned into a The ring-like thing kept spinning in my mind, and the surroundings were radiant and spinning.

"Fuck... Isn't this, isn't it my precious thing? Why is it in my mind? Is he trying to kill me!"

At this time, Xie Tian only had the urge to swear, but unfortunately he couldn't speak.

It's just that he never thought that the treasure that he got by accident, which can help him practice rapidly, would come to kill him one day.

Every time the ring-like thing rotates, it is no less painful than reincarnation on the eighteenth floor of hell, tearing the body and soul apart.His body also twitched more violently, and his brain seemed to be forcibly poured into lead water, and it was so heavy that it was about to be broken into pieces.

At this time, Xie Tian's limbs had long been numb, and the sobriety supported by will gradually began to blur. There was only a pair of cold eyes, which gradually turned blood red, staring at the sky, the ground, and the glowing ball , seems to reflect everything in my mind...

The moon is still hanging high, but it has moved from its original position to another.

I don't know how long it has been, but suddenly a cold wind blew, thanking Tian for a shock, he felt the cold from his bones.

"God is really unpredictable. On this hot night, there is still a cold wind blowing!"

Xie Tian was muttering to himself, and suddenly he became conscious again and woke up.

"Ugh! I feel the cold wind... I still feel it, haven't I already... Could it be..."

With this in mind, Xie Tian Gulu turned over and immediately stood up from the bushes.Only then did he realize that his body was completely drenched in sweat, and when the wind blows, he would naturally feel icy against his body.

However, he was even more pleased that he did not die this time. On the contrary, he still had a feeling of being born again. This feeling seemed to be the real fusion of his soul and this body, and he would never die again. A little stiff.

"The ring in the light before... er, yes, we have to figure it out..."

Xie Tian knew that he was fine, so he no longer cared about the mess in his body, and sat down on his knees, slowly closed his eyes, sank into the sea of ​​thoughts, and slowly began to understand.

The weird pain before must be caused by his unknown baby.

Thanks to God, I got that thing by accident. Although I didn't know exactly what it was or where it came from, I knew it must be extraordinary just because of the heaven-defying ability to change the speed of time and space.

The extraordinary treasure that he usually thought of himself had almost killed him now. If he didn't figure out the ins and outs, if something like this happened again in the future, he wouldn't be able to survive it with such good luck.

"Whether it's a blessing or a curse... I must figure it out!"

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