An old pharmacy, in a small dark room.

Xie Tian and old man Gu sat cross-legged. From their expressions, it could be seen that they were both thinking about each other, and they seemed to be waiting for the other to speak first, as if whoever spoke first would lose momentum.

"Cough cough!"

Finally, it was Xie Tian who coughed lightly and broke the silence first.

"Hey... so what, haven't you asked Mr. Gu's name?"

Xie Tian asked with an embarrassed smile.Now that he has taken the initiative to come to the door, if he keeps silent, I'm afraid this old man will definitely accompany him to the ground.

"Name taboo? You can call it Gu Bude... Bude means to do good to the world, but no one has called the name for a long time, and I almost forgot it..."

The old man Gu Bude shook his head, feeling a sense of sigh.He originally thought that Xie Tian would rush to ask some questions about cultivation or about Rong'er, but he didn't expect to ask his name first.

But in this way, the atmosphere is no longer so awkward, and it seems to be much more harmonious.

"I don't care about...uh, hehehe, a good name, extraordinary."

Xie Tian was slightly astonished, but then he grinned, but when he saw the old man Gu Bude looking at him with a strange face, and he didn't smile at all because of his laughter, he seemed to feel that he was alone. Laughing was too boring, so he stopped laughing at the right time.

"Boy, didn't you say that we should sit down and talk about some things, let's get straight to the point and don't get too close!"

When Gu Bude found that Xie Tian was no longer laughing, he spoke first.

In fact, he also had some questions that he wanted to get verified from Xie Tian.For example, why did Xie Tian know about cultivation at such a young age, what kind of martial arts he cultivated, why he didn't see each other for a month, and he was completely different.

As for Xie Tian, ​​he was even more eager to talk about the business directly. Seeing that old man Gu took the initiative to speak up, he was immediately happy.

"Mr. Gu, you are an old senior who cultivates the truth. I am just a young boy. I do have a lot of things I don't understand and I want to ask you for advice!"

Xie Tian first flattered without showing any trace, then looked up at Old Man Gu, it seemed that there was not much change, and then he continued.

"Master Gu, can you tell me something about cultivation for people in our world...any information will do."

"Well...hehe, it's okay, I can tell you some things I know." Gu Bude smiled, and then said: "However, after I'm done, I also want to ask you a few questions as a way How about an exchange?"

"This, of course, is fine."

Xie Tian nodded sincerely. He could probably guess what old man Gu wanted to ask him, so there was nothing wrong with it.

"Okay then, I'll tell you some information about cultivation that I know about the old man..."

Old man Gu muttered, suddenly his expression became confused, but then he let out a long sigh.

And Xie Tian not only paid attention to the expression of the old man Gu Bude, but also pricked up his ears, knowing that the next few words, if they were true, would definitely allow him to capture a lot of useful information from them.

"Actually... the art of self-cultivation has been passed down since ancient times, but in our current era of materialistic desires and advanced technology, most of these strange arts have been lost..."

Old man Gu Bude seemed to feel deep regret when he said that, at this moment, his wrinkled face no longer had the faint obscenity of the past, but only seriousness.

"Up to now, only a very small number of modern people can access it, and those who have these inheritances all have a profound background, or have thousands of years of family inheritance, or have a powerful ancient cultivation sect. Door shelter..."

Xie Tian was slightly startled, seeing Old Man Gu paused again, he couldn't help but said, "What Old Man Gu means is that even today, there are still modern people practicing cultivation, but these people are very few. , is it very mysterious?"

Without hesitation, he nodded and said: "That's it! There are only one or two out of tens of millions of people, and besides, cultivators are no longer ordinary people, and they don't want to show their bottom in front of ordinary people..."

When Gu Bude said this, he withdrew his eyes and stared fiercely at Xie Tian's eyes, as if he wanted to see Xie Tian thoroughly!

Xie Tian was also fearless, met Gu Bude's gaze with a smile, and asked back: "Could it be that Mr. Gu is also a person with a very strong background? Otherwise, why would you know how to cultivate one's true self?"

"Hehe. You boy, old man, I didn't ask you about the way you learned from people, but you asked me first." It was Gu Bude who cursed with a smile, then sighed again, and said : "I don't know if I have a background..."

"Why did Mr. Gu say that?" Xie Tian asked back.

"Well, I don't know which generation of my ancestors was destined to become a registered disciple of the Xiaoyao Sect. He learned some exercises and passed them down to this day... It's just that this has happened for thousands of years. Although I practiced Xiaoyao However, if they really meet the seniors of the Xiaoyao Sect, how can they recognize me as a small person? Does this mean that I have no background..."

"Old man, I have worked hard to cultivate so far. In fact, the purpose is very simple. One is to fulfill the last wish of my ancestors, to get the approval of Patriarch Xiaoyao, and to kowtow to thank the grace of teaching the Dharma. The other is selfishness. It is for the sake of longevity... just , I'm afraid it will never be possible..."

He didn't care to finish speaking, but there seemed to be some helplessness revealed, and he was stunned again, and didn't speak again for the time being.

And Xie Tian was even more stunned, he never expected that this ugly looking old man, the exercises he learned turned out to be the extremely powerful Xiaoyao School exercises in the cultivation sect.

It's just that in the world of comprehension, most of the people sent by Xiaoyao are handsome and handsome men, and smart and beautiful women. Even the elders of the sect who are already old, they are all like crown jade and wrinkle-free. .

But if this Gu Bude in front of him is a disciple of the Xiaoyao Sect, he really feels sorry for the Patriarch Xiaoyao.

Xie Tian was also sure of the truth of these words for a while, so he could only withdraw his thoughts with a dry cough.

"Even so, why does the boy feel that Mr. Gu is a little helpless? This state of mind is not a good sign for the journey of cultivation...w"

When Xie Tian said this, he was actually just sharing his own experience and secretly helping the old man.

Leaving aside the truth and falsehood of what Gu Lao said to his son, he found that when Gu Lao said these things, he felt a sense of powerlessness, which made him quite puzzled. Along the way, this mentality is fatal.

"Hey, boy, why do you think the old man is helpless?" Gu Lao suddenly said with a playful face: "It's not just me who will be helpless, as long as all the cultivators born in this life will gradually be helpless... Of course, including you Yes, hehe..."

"Why is that?"

Xie Tian saw that Mr. Gu didn't look like he was joking, so he couldn't help being shocked, and had a bad premonition in his heart.

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