At night, the breeze came, blowing away the stuffy and panicky heat a lot.

Xie Tian sat on the stone bench in the garden, his long hair on his forehead was a little disheveled by the night wind, but the cool breeze made him feel a lot better.

This is already the third night that Xie Tian came back from old man Gu.

At this time, the place where he was sitting was directly opposite, and it was also a small villa house with lights on, and that was Rong'er's residence.

"Hey, little Rong'er... Yin Sha Demon Physique..."

Xie Tian felt the coolness, but sighed helplessly, and looked up at the opposite villa.

From the people who come and go from time to time, we can know that it is a servant specially sent by Mr. Daniu to serve Xiao Rong'er and help her overcome the difficulties of these few days every year!

"I feel quite cool, but Rong'er must still feel being roasted from the inside to the outside at this time, and I don't know if the pain will last for a few days..."

Xie Tian secretly sighed, he had long regarded this little loli who had been serving him as a relative, and now he felt helpless when he thought of the pain she suffered from the fire.

People with Yin Sha Demon Physique, when they haven't practiced the most Yin skills, can't bear this kind of pain, and if they can't resist it, they may die.

But if you practice the most yin technique, as your strength increases, you will inevitably lose your mind and become a bloodthirsty devil in the future.

"What should I do? Although the most yin exercises are rare, but when I used to refine alchemy and weapons for others, I also exchanged for several extremely precious most yin exercises, but should I let Xiao Rong'er practice along with her... ..."

"If I tell her about the Yin Sha Demon Physique, will she be intimidated, and will she believe what I say..."

"Although the old man has kept silent about Rong'er these days, the worry in his eyes can't be hidden from me. Not only do I regard Xiao Rong'er as a family member, but the old man has already done so..."

Xie Tian was thinking wildly, seeing several figures disappearing into the corridor again, he gritted his teeth and stood up from the stone bench suddenly.

"Forget it, let's reveal it to Rong'er... I believe there will be a solution to the demonic nature of the Yin Sha demon body. The most important thing now is not to let her suffer from pain every year. Maybe one day the fragrance will disappear, but It's time to go back to heaven..."

After making up his mind, Xie Tian didn't hesitate any longer, and walked towards the bright place with strides.

When approaching the main entrance of the small villa, he hid in the dark and waited until several servants carrying large buckets came out before he went in.

Xie Tian naturally knew that those big buckets were all used to hold ice cubes to cool down Xiao Rong'er.

Fortunately, for a big family like the Xie family, it is not difficult to get some ice cubes. As long as a few large freezers are fully plugged in, they can freeze as much as they want. It might be difficult to get so much ice.

Coming outside Rong'er's room again, Xie Tian stopped in his tracks, a little hesitant.

He knew that if he went in, he would definitely see Rong'er without any clothes, including the two proud little white rabbits, and the mysterious little black triangle between the legs.

But after hesitating for a long time, he finally made up his mind to reveal some information to Rong'er, and it was not his style to turn back.

Wei Wei regained her composure, Xie Tian had learned to be good this time, first coughed lightly outside the door, and then knocked on the door.

"Rong'er, I...I have something to discuss with you, can I come in?"

After a while, a voice that sounded weak and full of shyness came from the room.

"Yes... is it the young master... If you want to find Rong'er for something, just come in... come in!"

Hearing Rong'er's reply, Xie Tian was secretly delighted!

Last time I looked at this girl completely, but this time she can see it openly, so she agreed so quickly. Besides, this girl must also know that the current young lady is not the old slut, so she shouldn't He would only agree to do something to her.

Xie Tian secretly speculated in his heart, and then he pushed the door and walked into the house, he knew that Rong'er had just been replaced with ice cubes, and no one would disturb her for a while, and he didn't have to worry about being seen.

However, when Xie Tian entered the room and saw Rong'er, he was both embarrassed and distressed.

At this time, Rong'er was completely immersed in the cold ice except for her neck, which was exposed outside, and she still didn't have any clothes on her body.Through the crystal clear ice, you can still see the two round and straight tits, and the little black triangle between the tightly clamped legs!

Moreover, her current mental state seems to be extremely poor, her face is pale and blue, but also flushed and hot, which seems to be extremely contradictory.

Xie Tian glanced at it faintly, then his heart trembled slightly, and he quickly looked away. He came this time with a serious business to talk about, not to see the sick beauty in the ice.

"Young master, you... You are looking for Rong'er in the middle of the night. You have something important to do. You have to hurry up and talk about it, otherwise someone will bring freshly frozen ice cubes over later. If you see the young master, you are here." Here, I'm afraid the old man will punish you if he finds out..."

Before Xie Tian could speak, Rong'er first declared her interests and said something, but when she said this, she blushed with shame and lowered her eyes, not daring to look at Xie Tian clearly.

Although her body can be said to have no secrets to Xie Tian, ​​but in this situation, it is still a bit girlish for her to face the young and old who get along day and night.

"Oh, there is indeed something serious!" Xie Tian didn't make any more detours, and said directly: "It's about your illness..."

After a slight pause, seeing Rong'er raised her head in surprise, Xie Tian continued: "You have always taken care of me, but young master, I was too mean before, so I didn't pay attention to your illness. I'm really sorry, but now I will To make up for it, I have a solution that should cure your illness..."

Rong'er listened to these words from Xie Tian's mouth, her heart was sweet and at the same time she lowered her head in embarrassment.

"Uh, young master, my illness can't be cured, I don't even know what it is, I'm used to it..."

"No, Rong'er, you are not sick at all, but...but..."

Xie Tian spoke in a hurry, but in the end he gritted his teeth, sat down on the sofa, and stared straight at the sick beauty in the ice. At this time, there was no obscene lust in his eyes, but solemnity.

"Hey, young master, let me tell you the truth back and forth..."

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