At night, after self-study.

Xie Tian rejected Fatty Yuan's shameless offer to lure him to sleep with a beautiful girl, but followed Liu Yingying secretly.

It's not because of anything else, but because Liu Yingying received a call from a man with a male sex during the class break in the afternoon, and then her face was full of joy, and she has been excited until now.Xie Tian was sitting next to Liu Yingying, so he naturally noticed Liu Yingying's joyful expression, which made him extremely annoyed, and he was embarrassed to ask directly.

Especially now, seeing Liu Yingying was the first to run out of the classroom, Xie Tian couldn't bear it anymore, so he followed out secretly, but a vicious thought arose in his heart.

"Damn it, I want to see, which bastard who is not afraid of death dares to pick up the beautiful girl I have ordered!"

Xie Tian muttered to himself, but he didn't slow down a bit under the script, and chased after the cheerful figure running in front of him.In fact, he couldn't say why he cared so much about Liu Yingying, a fierce and powerful woman.

Is it because of Liu Yingying's beauty?Or have some ambiguous relationship?

Thank goodness I can't tell at all.

Liu Yingying didn't know that there would be someone following her behind her. Her footsteps were like the wind, and she was wearing a black sportswear to hide in the night. If it wasn't for Xie Tian's eyes, she might not be able to see anyone at all.

In this way, the two ran one after the other for about half an hour.

With the footsteps of the two of them, they had already run from the city to the neighboring suburbs in more than half an hour, and Xie Tian's suspicions became more and more serious.

"Damn it, what on earth is this girl going to do? Why is a little lover so important, and she travels so far to date in the middle of the night."

Just when Xie Tian was holding doubts, suddenly Liu Yingying finally stopped on a tree-lined path, and then looked around, as if waiting for someone.

Just when Xie Tianzheng was wondering, suddenly he really saw a figure, and he also came out from a dark corner of the alley. From the tall figure, it was undoubtedly a man.

"Who is this bastard who really dares to compete with me!"

On the other side, Liu Yingying seemed to be very happy after seeing this person coming out, and even ran directly to the man's arms, and saw the two of them hugging each other very intimately.

"Fuck! Shameless..."

Xie Tian was furious for a while, and couldn't help but let out a soft drink.

But unexpectedly when he yelled, the man immediately noticed it, left Liu Yingying in his arms, and ran towards this side.

After Liu Yingying thought for a while, she also followed with suspicion.

"Which friend is it? Come out, there are many insects in the grass, be careful to bite you." The man sipped lightly, but his eyes swept the grass in front of him, but finally locked his eyes on Xie Tian's hiding place , has obviously been discovered.

"Fuck, come out as soon as you come out, I'm afraid you won't succeed."

Xie Tian thought to himself, then really stood up from the grass, and walked towards the man fearlessly.

"Huh? A cultivator?"

When the man first saw Xie Tian's figure, he couldn't help but let out a soft snort, and then he jumped up like a night bird from more than ten meters away, and then came to Xie Tian's place from a distance in the air, holding Now that there is an extra light ball of energy shining brightly, it is about to cover Xie Tian's head immediately.

"Fuck, even if you're a rival in love, you don't need to kill someone, you're more ruthless than me..."

Xie Tian murmured to himself, but he didn't dare to make a fuss at all, he instantly summoned up all the energy in his body, he could naturally feel that this man was also a cultivator, and his cultivation level was much higher than his.

But Xie Tian is not afraid, he has his own trick to save his life and hurt the enemy. After he draws up the true energy of his whole body, he walks through the meridians in a specific way, and finally stretches out his palm, and suddenly flashes out. A small flame was lit, and then he held it tightly in his hand and waited for the best time to make a move.

The man also jumped down in the air, as long as he waved his hand, the energy light cluster would come out, it is not difficult to imagine what it would be like if Xie Tian was hit.

"Brother, stop! He is my classmate..."

At this critical moment, suddenly there was a scream. It turned out that Liu Yingying had already run over, saw Xie Tian's appearance clearly, and shouted at the man in a panic.

After the man heard this, he was stunned for a while, but at the same time, he grabbed back the energy light ball that had just left his fingertips, took a long breath, and looked at Xie Tian vigilantly.

But Xie Tian was shocked when he saw this scene. He was able to control the energy group formed by true energy so beautifully, it was obvious that this person was no longer a mediocre person.

"Brother? Is he this little girl's brother? These two brothers and sisters are dating here at night, so they don't know how to play something serious... Fuck me."

A dirty thought flashed in Xie Tian's mind, but at the same time he secretly extinguished the flame in his hand.

At this time, Liu Yingying had already run over, her pretty face was flushed with nervousness, she was both puzzled and angry when she looked at Xie Tian.

"Hey, thank God, what are you sneaking around here at night, why don't you go back!"

"Ahem! This place is not yours, why can't I come here!" Xie Tianioo said with a smile on his face, and then looked suspiciously at the man opposite him, turning his head with a smile Looking at Liu Yingying, completely ignoring her livid face, he said, "Hey, is he really your brother? It's not you... your little lover?"

"Bastard, what did you say!"

Embarrassed, Liu Yingying glanced at the man next to him in embarrassment and anger, then raised her fist and wanted to smash it down at Xie Tian.

"Hey, don't forget what you said last time, you swore you would never hit me again!"

Xie Tian didn't dodge or dodge at all, and said something in a hurry, reminding Liu Yingying of that forced kiss incident.

And Liu Yingying was really stunned for a moment, and then she was even more ashamed, her face was dripping like blood, she stared at Xie Tian fiercely, but finally took the boxer back.

And Xie Tian can also be sure at this time that this man is really Liu Yingying's brother, otherwise this girl will definitely not get mad and want to beat him again.

"Hi little brother, my name is Liu Hao, and I am Yingying's eldest brother!"

The man named Liu Hao looked at Xie Tian and Liu Yingying with a playful look on his face, then smiled and extended his hand to Xie Tian.Xie Tian naturally wouldn't be rude in such a situation, and immediately reached out his hand to shake lightly with the man, and then separated, and said something playfully.

"Hello Brother Hao, my name is Xie Tian, ​​and I'm Yingying's male...cough, male classmate!"

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