The Evil God of the World

Chapter 073 Little hands are really slippery

Late at night, with a cool breeze blowing.

Xie Tian was following Liu Haohe closely at this moment, not knowing where this mysterious man was going to take him.

What Xie Tian can say for sure now is that the Liu Yingying brothers and sisters are all cultivators, and even he must be one of the few cultivators in this life.It's just obvious that Liu Hao has achieved a little success in cultivation and reached a certain level, but Liu Yingying has not even reached the innate level.

Looking back at Liu Yingying who fell at the end, Xie Tian noticed a dense layer of sweat on her forehead, and she blushed and panted slightly.Obviously, although Liu Hao, who led the way, deliberately suppressed his speed, Liu Yingying still couldn't keep up.

"This girl, I always thought she was a violent girl, but now I know that she is also a monk... Hehe, I don't know when I can double cultivate with me!"

Xie Tian was thinking secretly, but his heart was moved. He couldn't help slowing down a little, and at the same time stretched one hand back, lowered his voice and said: "Hey, the speed of the demon guard is not good, your brother deliberately Slow down, you can't keep up, let me help you!"

"Go away, you liar, I can keep up, who wants you to pull!"

Liu Yingying growled for a while, extremely angry at this guy who kept calling himself Lao Tzu, and didn't appreciate it at all.

Her attitude towards Xie Tian has become very subtle now, from disgust at first, to suspicion and surprise later, and now she is very shocked.

Liu Yingying can naturally judge now that her elder brother Liu Haoxing may not be talking nonsense, this Xie Tian is a master who hides his secrets...

At least, much higher than her, who has always claimed to be a master.

"Hey, the mouth is quite strong!"

Xie Tian smiled and cursed, but she could also see that Liu Yingying was too shocked after knowing some of his details tonight. She felt that she had been cheated before, but she was actually not angry at all. A little thank goodness for sure.

Therefore, Xie Tian suddenly had a heart attack, and as soon as he gritted his teeth, he grabbed Liu Yingying's soft hand. He never thought that Liu Yingying would feel shocked in an instant, struggled extremely restlessly, and cursed in a low voice.

"Bastard, let go! You're getting bolder, aren't you? Believe it or not, I beat you so hard!"

"Hey, I won't talk about it before, do you really think you can beat me now... Hey, be good, don't make trouble, follow your brother, eliminate demons and defend the way, and contribute to society!"

"Thank God, you shameless bastard, you are so capable, so good at pretending, that everyone really thinks you are just a dude,

You must have pretended to fall into the water last time, right..."

"Uh! This, ahem..."

Xie Tian was embarrassed for a while, and just when he didn't know what to say, he suddenly heard Liu Hao's voice coming from the darkness.

"Sister, thank God, what are you two doing, hurry up, we're almost there."

"Hey, it's coming!" Xie Tian said in a low voice to the blurry figure in front of him, and then said to Liu Yingying beside him, "Your brother has already urged you, stop making trouble and follow my steps!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Liu Yingying to answer, she raised her speed and chased after the blurry figure in front, sighing in her heart how slippery her little hands are.

At this time, Liu Yingying had no choice but to bite her lip, and let Xie Tian's big hand lead her to run forward. The speed really increased a lot, and she almost didn't need to exert any effort.

In the darkness, the three of them trotted to the outskirts of the capital, and Liu Hao who led the way suddenly brought them to a dilapidated ancient courtyard.

"We are here, don't talk nonsense for a while, come in with me!"

Liu Hao said something to the two people who came behind him, and then suddenly glanced at the hands they were still holding. Just turned over and went in.

"Go, I'll take you up there!"

Xie Tian didn't care about Liu Yingying's blushing face at this time, suddenly he used his hands to hold most of her delicate body in his arms, and then also stepped on the straight wall, and after two steps, he turned over beautifully, alone With a slight push of the hand on the ground, it has landed firmly in the yard.


On the contrary, Liu Yingying was so frightened that she broke out in a sweat, she couldn't help but stare at Xie Tian angrily.

"Are you showing your skills? What if you fall to still don't let go!"

"Uh...cough cough, let it go, let it go." Xie Tian coughed in embarrassment, and took the opportunity to deliberately pinch Liu Yingying's soft hand, and then let go, saying: "Hey, there is a Demon Sect here." People, it's really gloomy, it's not a good thing to come here!"

After finishing speaking, Xie Tian said anxiously: "Hurry up, why is your brother missing, let's follow in!"

Liu Yingying frowned, and was about to answer, when suddenly a gloomy voice came from the darkness.

"Hmph, big brother Liu Hao has already entered the house, and the rest of the friends are also waiting inside... Also, this is not the territory of the demon cult!"

As the unceremonious voice fell, a young man who looked to be in his twenties walked towards the two from a dark corner of the courtyard. A sense of gloom.

"Damn it... it turned out to be another cultivator, and there seem to be a few more, what's going on!"

Xie Tian felt that the young man who came over was a little dazed, but he didn't expect to meet so many fellow travelers in one night.

It's just that he is also very clear that the person in front of him can hide his aura in front of him, even if he can't compare with Liu Hao, he must be much higher than him now.Moreover, although this person looks young, but a cultivator has no sun and moon, and he is like that Liu Hao, his real age is probably much older.

"Sister Yingying, long time no see, how you've been doing lately!" At this time, the young man had already walked in front of the two of them, stretched out his hand to Liu Yingying, and said in a very gentlemanly way: "I really didn't expect this time, Liu Shibo would Don't worry, let you come out to experience, hehe, we are destined!"

"Uh, hello Senior Brother Longyang, I have to beg many times to come out with me, and my elder brother agrees to take me with me..."

This time, Liu Yingying put away her giggling expression and turned into an extremely serious look. She also stretched out her hand and was ready to shake hands with the young man named Longyang...

However, Xie Tian on the side is not willing.

Why did this little boy named Long Yang come out and didn't even look at him, only Liu Yingying was in his eyes, and why would he be destined to meet him casually? Isn't this clearly arguing with him for women?

After thinking up to this point, Xie Tian didn't wait for Liu Yingying's hand to be held, and smiled all over his face first, turned his hands around Longyang's extended hand, grinned and said some rude words!

"Hey! Brother Longyang, my name is Xie Tian, ​​nice to meet you, your hands are also very slippery..."

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