With a face full of grief and indignation, Liu Hao rose up into the air, and the true energy in his hands actually gathered into a pale golden long sword phantom, which seemed to disappear at any time, but it also seemed to hide extremely powerful energy.

"Uh, the Taiqing Sword Art, the imaginary turns into reality, Liu Hao is really scary, he has such a cultivation level at such an age."

Long Yang and Can Long looked at each other, both of them were shocked.

In the past, although they knew that Liu Hao could be regarded as an outstanding monk in this life, they never expected that at such an age, he would be able to cultivate the realm of the Taiqing Sword Art that transforms the virtual into the real.

Especially Can Long, he is very aware of the power of this sword art. In a certain battle between good and evil many years ago, it was the old man of the Liu family who used a big golden sword to resist the four guardians of the Demon Sect, and finally seriously injured Xu Chang Do……

Although Can Long was shocked, he couldn't just watch Erhao fight Xu Changzuo alone.Although everyone wanted to stay out of the matter in this situation, if Liu Hao died, their hope of surviving would be even slimmer.

"Brother Liu Hao, this old man is here to help you!"

The old man Canlong shouted all over his body, his body also grew in the air, and his whole body was circulating with true energy, constantly changing the formula in his hands, and also attacked Xu Chang with surging strength.

"Old devil Xu, take your life!"

At this time, Liu Hao only thought that Liu Yingying had been caught in secret, even the old man Canlong who came after him didn't seem to notice, he was holding the handle with both hands with the momentum of never returning, getting bigger and bigger, getting bigger and bigger. The shadow of the sword, which was getting more and more empty, slashed at Xu Changzuo's body.

Seeing the golden sword shadow approaching, Xu Changsuo, who had suffered a loss once, was stunned, and his face changed slightly.

Immediately, Xu Chang let out a breath, and hurriedly waved his sleeves, the cold and evil energy erupted, and when the sword shadow fell on his head but did not touch his body, two blood-red palms suddenly condensed in the air, working together to push the golden long The sword was held in the bloody palm, and it was so difficult to move it.

"Hmph, the Taiqing Tianjian Jue is an advanced martial art, but it's a pity that your cultivation base is not at the same level as the old man. Now with your strength, it is a delusion to kill the old man. It may not be weaker than your Liu family's Taiqing method."

Xu Changzuo said with a sneer at Liu Hao, and then he pulled out the same mark with both hands, and saw two big blood-red hands in the air suddenly rubbing together, and finally burst together with the golden sword shadow.

Liu Hao's blood splashed in the air, and his body fell like a kite with a broken string, without gravity.

At the same time, Xu Changzuo raised his hand again, and suddenly a bloody palm print full of evil spirits hit Liu Hao behind him, but it turned out that he was facing a light-infused energy wave of the disabled dragon old man.


After a muffled sound, the old man of the disabled dragon took advantage of the situation to retreat quickly, and grabbed Liu Hao who was in mid-air, and when they both fell to the ground, the disabled dragon couldn't help but spit out blood.

However, Can Long knew very well that he took advantage of the situation to retreat and relieved most of his strength, so he was not seriously injured, but Liu Hao's face was as white as paper at this time, and the meridians on his arms were protruding. The bully Xuying who held the Taiqing sword also tried his best to force himself to move.

In total, it was only two rounds of fighting, but they were already defeated, and the defeat was very complete.

This is the discrepancy in the realm, a few Jindan stage monks who are not weak in cultivation, but they are no match for a strong man in the early Nascent Soul stage...

The faces of Can Long, Liu Hao and the others were ashen, and they knew what would happen next without even thinking about it.

"Now, it's time to end it!"

In mid-air, Xu Changzuo slowly landed, looking at the people on the ground, he seemed to be talking to himself.Immediately, with a wave of his hand, he had already issued a secret order.

"Kill the others! The old man will take these leaders away and absorb their blood essence with the leader, Neidan!"

As Xu Chang's cold and heartless voice came out, dozens of monks suddenly emerged from the bottom of the tomb, with different strengths, and surrounded the people who came with Liu Hao.

There was a sudden panic in the crowd, and no one knew that this time was a matter of life.Perhaps, in the past, they were all monks who were selected among thousands of people in this life. They were aloof and felt good about themselves!

But when faced with the same monks, with a higher level of cultivation than them, and a higher number than them, these people can only have endless panic.

Xu Chang was expressionless, and walked towards Liu Hao and the others step by step.And his subordinates also went straight to the more than a dozen Qi-entraining practitioners who came with Liu Hao.

Liu Hao, Can Long and others looked at all this, but they were helpless!

Man is a sword, I am a fish, I can be killed at any time, and I can be destroyed at any time!

The bottom of the tomb, which was already gloomy, became even more oppressive, gloomy, and full of bloody aura at this time...

But in such a depressing atmosphere outside, Xie Tian hid in his evil god ring, concentrated his mind, and observed everything outside clearly.

Beside Xie Tian, ​​Liu Yingying was lying flat, her eyes were narrowed, and she was breathing evenly, clearly she was asleep, but she didn't know that her brother's life was in danger outside.

Of course, Liu Yingying didn't know that Xie Tian was engaged in a fierce ideological struggle at this time!

Do you want to save all these people?As long as he is willing, I am afraid that many people can fit into this evil spirit ring, this space treasure, but the point is, this is his secret, even Liu Yingying was tricked by him to let go of her heart, and suddenly fainted He had just been brought in, how could outsiders know that a boy with such a low level of cultivation actually possessed such a rare and rare treasure with space attributes, and there was no need to talk about ancient gods at all.

Everyone is innocent, Huaibao is guilty, this truth is very clear to Xie Tian now.

"Damn it! Why do I feel that my heart has become so good recently? They will die when they die. What does this have to do with me? I just save my own woman and just don't worry about it!"

"But don't worry about others, do you want this Liu Hao to be rescued? He might be my brother-in-law in the future... If Liu Yingying knows that I can save people but I can't save them, will I not let me In her bed!"

"Take care, or don't take care of it, it's nothing to do with us... But if you want to do it, how should you do it?"

Xie Tian scratched his hair in great annoyance, looked at Liu Yingying from time to time, and paid attention to every move outside.

"For Mr. Ge, if you die, you will die. Others don't care, but my brother-in-law can't ignore it in the future!"

When Xie Tian noticed that Xu Changzuo had already walked in front of Liu Hao and the others, stretching out a pair of withered hands like bones, he suddenly gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

Immediately, Xie Tian's mind moved slightly, and his whole person suddenly disappeared from the ring of evil god...

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