The Conquest of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 109 The Battle of Zero Tomb

When Ma Chao climbed to the top of the mountain, it was already dawn.He could vaguely see the whole Longshan scenery clearly.

Looking down from the platform, Ma Chao saw that the peaks and rocks of Longshan Mountain were rising, and the valleys were sinking;The movement of the earth's crust has made the strange peaks and rocks here in various poses and with different forms, some of which are straight into the sky, some of them stretch for several miles, some of them hang like screens, some of them stand proudly, and some of them are graceful and graceful... As far as the landscape of Longshan is concerned, most of them are similar to each other. , seems to be more tasteful.

Ma Chao looked to his right hand and sighed: "Cousin, look at our right hand is Xiongguan Narrow. Generals Chen Sheng and Zhang Hu appointed by Liu Biao led [-] troops to garrison here. The [-] Soldiers and horses are Liu Biao's last elite. Not to mention the majesty of the pass, and it is even more bizarre. If our army attacks by force, I am afraid that we will have to pay a heavy price. Since we have crossed this Longshan, we can bypass this pass , directly attack Lingling City."

"Brother, you are really far-sighted. If it were other generals and Lord Hou, I'm afraid they would have to attack one village at a time."

"No, cousin, this is what Master Hou meant. Master Hou seems to have a keen sense of military insight. We are the same age, but I found that Master Hou's grasp of the entire war process is far superior to that of you and me. The difference is not one or two, but our generation can never surpass."

"Brother, now we are going down the mountain. After going down the mountain, we have to pass through a swamp, and we will be able to reach Lingling City."

"Lingling City has gathered all Liu Biao's last soldiers and horses. We must have the most ferocious battle to fight. It is also estimated that we will only have 2 troops left from 2000 people. The whole army will start."

After Ma Chao led all the men and horses down Longshan, he began to count the men and horses. The officer reported to Ma Chao that he had lost a total of 21 cavalry, [-] horses, and [-] infantry.

Ma Chao gave an order, "Where is the scout?" "The end is here."

"Now you lead five scouts to test it out. In addition, you visit the road ahead."

The scout was about to go down, but Ma Chao hurriedly called out, "What's your name?"

"The end will be Pound."

"Okay, if you can complete the task this time, I will appoint you as an adjutant."

"Thank you general, the last general will go now."

Pound led five scouts, wearing light clothes, and began to march in a hurry.

They moved forward all the way, testing the road ahead with the long knife in their hands, and inserted landmarks on the road they walked.

However, from time to time, a scout would lightly step on the place where he had tried the knife just now, and the foot would start to sink as soon as he stepped on it, but the scouts could not stand up, because once they stood up, they would often be blocked by the enemy on the opposite side. Discover.

So the scout struggled hard, but the more he struggled, the deeper his body sank. The scout next to him turned around and threw the hook to the scout who was sinking.

It still fell into it regardless, and the people on the shore also gradually moved in the direction of the sinking.

At this time, Pound was watching from the back and had already fallen into it after eating, but the other person was also facing falling into the swamp.

Without hesitation, Pound threw out the throwing knife and cut the rope directly.

That person finally submerged in the swamp, while the other person, in Pound's sight, threw off the rope and continued to move forward.

These scouts continued to move forward without looking back, because they remembered what Pound had given them to carry out their spirit, unite as one, and everything is conducive to the completion of our mission.

Therefore, when a teammate is in danger, he must go forward to rescue him without any scruples. In addition, once his teammate drags down the entire team, he must eliminate his teammate without hesitation. This is Pound's way of governing the army.

All of the scouts thought they had been spotted and were ready to fight back, but Pang De keenly felt that the arrows were fired out of order, not in a prepared and organized way.

With a wave of his hand, Pound told everyone not to rush forward, but to move on.

But there were five hundred soldiers in the small forest opposite, of which there were only thirty or forty crossbowmen at the front, and the rest were infantry. Cooking all kinds of food, some people even played with women in the tent.

Ma Chao and Ma Dai slowly looked at the opposite woods.

Ma Dai asked softly: "I don't know when the war will start?" "The war has already begun. Since our first batch of scouts have passed, our war has already begun."

"Brother, let's attack."

"Wait, I don't think Pound is an ordinary general. He will definitely succeed. We will stay where we are."

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