Chen Zhen walked slowly into the hall that Nie Zefeng walked by, he knew that this was Liu Biao's conference hall, and he looked so familiar yet unfamiliar.

Familiar because there were too many memories of Liu Biao's Jingzhou monarchs and ministers, there were laughter, oil pot poems and songs, and thrilling criticisms of Jingzhou's unification of the whole territory, unfamiliar because she now exudes an unreal Soft ambition, but king's domineering, a kind of king's righteousness that makes people afraid.

Chen Zhen straightened his clothes, and then strolled into the fortified hall.

In the main hall, cloud-top sandalwood is used as beams, crystal jade is used as lamps, pearls are used as curtains, and Fan Jin is used as pillar foundation... Chen Zhen said with emotion: "It's different, it's different, it's just different!"

"You came?"

In the empty hall, Nie Zefeng's words echoed throughout the hall, and Chen Zhen did not kneel down, because in Chen Zhen's heart, Nie Zefeng was just a warrior, a murderous demon, not a so-called enlightened master.

"Master Hou, I'm here, Chen Zhen is here."

"You finally came. I didn't prepare good tea for you here. The preparation was just a reprimand to your Jingzhou army."

"Rebuke? I think that my Jingzhou army's benevolence and righteousness have been completely defeated by you butchers..."

Chen Zhen actually scolded Nie Zefeng from a literati, but Nie Zefeng just smiled and said, "Please sit down, sir, please sit down."

Chen Zhen fell into a kind of confusion, because most people would become angry and quit to kill him. However, Nie Zefeng was not angry, but smiled and told himself to sit down.

After Chen Zhen sat down, he realized that there was a cup of tea on his table, and the hot cup of tea was just getting cold.

"Mister scolded for a while, I know the lofty aspirations of the gentleman, but why does the gentleman have that kind of opportunity?"

After drinking tea, Chen Zhen also began to calm down.

"The reason why you were quickly defeated by our army is because Liu Biao has been abusive for many years. In addition, he is old and sick. The Cai brothers have been in trouble for many years. The gentry in Jingzhou have long been dissatisfied. Although our army has some huge profits, but we As soon as the army promulgated the new land law, it was immediately welcomed by the army and civilians at all levels. Is this our failure?"

"Yes, when it comes to governing the army, the soldiers of Wancheng are amazingly powerful. When talking about governing the people, the Marquis of Wancheng can defeat the entire Jingzhou with the financial resources of a single county. It's not that I haven't thought about this issue, and I've always wondered Its solution."

"Reasonable tax policies, policies that benefit the people, and policies that support war with war are the style and policy of our army's operations. Our operations no longer depend on the combat radius of our food and grass. method, long-distance raid combat method.”

"Master Hou, do you think this is a long-term solution?"

Nie Zefeng smiled and said: "Sir, of course combat is our advantage, but do you know that we have implemented tax exemption for three years in all new places we occupy, and the government provides cattle and seeds for free. After receiving the goods, our intern sixteen Taxes are either."

"How can you feed such a huge army with so little tax?"

"We implement army settlements, and we use soldiers to support soldiers."

Listening to Nie Zefeng's follow-up introduction, Chen Zhen gradually began to admire the young talent in front of him.

"Sir, let me show you something."

As he said that, there was a big map behind Nie Zefeng, a road map of Nie Zefeng's march.

"Massive, domineering!"

"This is all my lofty ambitions, and I have pinned all my lofty ambitions on this battle. Don't you want to leave something in this historical footprint?"

Chen Zhen began to think that following those soldiers who were eyeing him, and that he had made plans for Liu Biao, causing so many casualties in Wancheng soldiers, those generals would definitely settle accounts with him in the future, so before he came, he decided to stay In Jingzhou, you can never hide your face from Nie Zefeng, you can only stay behind.

Chen Zhen bowed and said, "Master Hou, of course I want to leave some things behind. I think the whole Jingzhou should be managed by Lord Hou so that he can have a stable rear."

"Could it be that you really don't think about it!"

"No, if Lord Hou really wants to appoint me, please appoint me as the governor of Jingzhou governor's office first. I am willing to build a stable rear for the general and be in charge of administration. before the enemy of so many of them."

At this time, Nie Zefeng realized that although he knew the future development trend of history, not every celebrity and hero would gather under his account.

"Okay! I am appointing you as the governor of Jingzhou."

Chen Zhen continued: "I think my government will be changed to Nanjun, and Lord Hou and I will never face each other."

Looking at the bowing gentleman under the stage, he felt the true righteousness of a monarch and his ministers.

"Chen Zhen, I give you this king's sword, so that you can do things cheaply in the future."

Chen Zhen thanked him again, and all of this seemed to be a good story of the emperor and his ministers through the ages. When Chen Zhen raised his head, tears were streaming down his face, because he never thought that he would be able to gain such trust from the general today.

"Master Hou, I offer a strategy. You should become king. This is my last strategy."

After finishing speaking, Chen Zhen withdrew from the hall and took down the bestowed sword given by Nie Zefeng. "

And Nie Zefeng's princely dominance has also moved towards a new glory from this step.

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