When the earth just woke up from the thin morning tenderness, it looked so solemn and majestic outside the solemn Shouchun City.

The joyous noise of the birds in the morning has retreated to other corners, and the thick leaves squirmed slightly on the stretched branches, but they couldn't hide the bursts of murderous intent.

I can see the occasional dewdrops shining in the bushes, just like the dazzling stars in the foggy night.

But this moment was replaced by the roar of the soldiers and the neighing of the horses.

"Kill-kill-kill." The people on the top of the city just woke up from the haze and stretched their waists, but they saw the wolf smoke coming, and they quickly rubbed their eyes. Confirm everything you see with your own eyes.

A soldier shouted loudly: "The enemy army is attacking, the enemy army is attacking, everyone prepare... Hurry up and report to the general, report to the general..." Under the tower, under the leadership of Xiahou Dun, All the generals of the Cao family under the city were full of enthusiasm, and all of them were so excited that they were gearing up to fight. Finally, at this time, they could finally climb to the top of the city and die.

"Fifty thousand troops, fifty thousand troops."

The generals and soldiers on the top of the city also began to panic.

But at this time, Guan Jing led a group of personal soldiers to the top of the city in person, but he turned a blind eye to the [-] troops below the city, and then ordered: "All soldiers, follow me to kill the thieves."

The soldiers on the top of Shouchun City began to prepare things for the defense of the city, all kinds of stones, wood, ash bottles, tung oil, Molotov cocktails and other things.But at this time, dark clouds overwhelmed the top, and the sky and the earth were dark.As the wind blows over Shouchun City, the black flags are like blood-colored waves.

On the most dazzling black banner, Xiahou Dun in golden armor tightly held the spear in his hand, surrounded by five thousand cavalry. "This time, Xiahou Dun has come out in full force. It seems that our real opponent has come."

The wind with the smell of earth rushed past, and Guan Jing, who was standing on the bearer, smelled a trace of blood from the wind.And there were bursts of muffled thunder not far below the city, and the earth trembled inexplicably.

Standing on the top of the city, the Chu army watched the Cao army attacking like mountains and seas. In the field of vision, the army like the surface of the lake floated slowly, in a trance, making people think it was a hallucination.Soon, they realized that it was not an illusion.The rolling thunder approached rumblingly, although it was not in a hurry, but it was very heavy.Getting closer.

Countless battle flags!Countless knights!Countless knives and guns!

Countless siege weapons, countless crossbow arrows.

It seemed to fill the field of vision for an instant.It was a shocking scene that only [-] Cao Jun in black armor would move forward together.Wearing golden armor, Xiahou Dun stepped proudly on his horse in the center, the white tassel on his steel helmet was flying, and the big gun in his hand was shining with a frightening cold light.

Today's Xiahou Dun came for revenge, but also for honor. "I, Cao Jun, have never met an opponent in the Central Plains. This time, I will take you to take down this small Shouchun City."

The whole army roared piercingly: "Kill—kill—kill." Guan Jing stood alone on the top of the city, walked back and forth and said, "One hundred paces, shoot with a bow and arrow, 55 with a crossbow. I will shoot, within ten steps I will smash them to death with stones and lumber, within one step I will burn them with oil, and when I come to my side, I will hack them to death with long spears and long knives..."

"Yes, General." The soldiers above and below the city were surging like angry magma.As soon as Cao Jun under the city beat the drums, the emotions of the soldiers of the three armies were immediately mobilized.Three thousand shieldmen lined up in front, forming the most solid iron wall in the center of the formation. The cavalry guarded the left and right wings, and behind them were siege weapons. At this time, it has become a large formation.Xia Houjie next to him looked at his elder brother, Xia Houdun nodded slowly, Xia Houjie waved the command flag in his hand and said, "Siege the city."

Then countless siege ladders and siege cloud houses were pushed forward, and hundreds of ladders and cloud houses rushed out in the dark mass of black mass on the horizontal plane.


Suddenly rows of sawtooth sky bows rose into the sky, and the bows and arrows of the sawtooth sky bows were able to penetrate the cloud room with one arrow, and a cloud room was penetrated, and they fell down one after another in an instant.

Xia Houjie saw such a disastrous defeat just after his attack, and shouted sharply: "Kill me, kill me."

All the soldiers accelerated their advance one after another, rushing down the Shouchun city.

Xiahou Dun looked at Xiahoujie disdainfully and said, "Brother, if my fifty thousand army cannot break through this small Shouchun City, how can we rule the world, how can we defeat the princes of the Quartet, look at that Guan Jing The kid finally couldn't hold his breath anymore, he only knows how to retreat into the city, and he doesn't dare to accept my move." Xia Houjie looked under the city, at the countless Cao soldiers who rushed up, at the skinny war horse , See the various cloud rooms.

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