On the north bank of the Wei River, in the large tent of the Cao Army's Central Army.

Zhong Yao and these generals stood next to the map one after another, looking at the situation map of the two armies.

Zhong Yao asked: "Generals, how should we deal with the current situation? Does anyone of you have a countermeasure?"

Among these generals, only Han Hao is a more strategic general. He stared at the map and said: "Look, the enemy's camp is relatively low-lying. We only need to send 1 troops to break the embankment of the Wei River. Going to the camp, I don't believe that the Chu army can survive."

"Water rushes into the camp..."

Zhong Yaoke was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized, clapping his hands and shouting for a clever trick.

Han Hao was very proud of himself, quite self-satisfied.

Just when Zhong Yao and these Xiliang warriors were excited and proud, a Cao soldier suddenly entered and said in surprise: "My lord, it's not good, the Chu army has now divided into two groups to attack our food stockpiles."


Zhong Yao was taken aback, and hurriedly turned his head to the map hanging on the board.

Han Hao said in surprise: "Our food and grass are stored in Jiangjindu. Jiangjindu is located ten miles north of our camp, and Jiangjindu is also a ferry place for the Wei River."

Zhong Yao looked at the map and said, "The scouts came to report half an hour ago. The Chu army had just assembled. Why didn't they take a rest and began to choose to attack? Didn't they just finish the battle of Xiegu, why did they start launching without resting?" What about the second attack?"

Jiangjindu is the place where all the army rations of Zhong Yao's army are hoarded. For Zhong Yao's army, that is the top priority. Once they lose their food and grass, the entire army will collapse without fighting.

Zhong Yao looked at the map calmly for a long while, but said with a sneer: "The Chu army said they were going to attack Jiangjindu, but I think they are using the banner of Jiangjindu, and they are going to attack the small station on the back road of our camp. Putting our army into a desperate situation, the enemy has no navy, how can we fight against our navy on the south bank, besides, the food and grass in Jiangjindu is only a transfer point, we can rely on the navy to transport food and grass from Chang'an."

Han Hao analyzed Zhong Yao's words, and after pondering for a while, he finally understood. His thick brows furrowed tighter, and he gritted his teeth, "Chu Jun, Chu Jun is really cunning, I didn't expect them to be so cunning. Who is their commander? "

Zhong Hui next to him added: "It's Lu Bu. Lu Bu is the number one commander of the Chu army. He is both wise and brave?"

Zhong Yao asked in surprise, "Isn't Lu Bu a warrior? How can he have such wisdom?"

Zhong Hui thought to himself: "Father guards Xi'an all the year round, and all the battle reports about the Central Plains are known from the letters delivered by the prime minister. The prime minister has always said that Lv Bu is brave and foolish, and he is a waste. A general with both civil and military skills, otherwise he would not have been in the Central Plains for many years."

With disdain on his face, Han Hao snorted and asked, "My lord, how many defenders do you have staying in Jiangjindu and Xiaozhan?"

"Probably more than 5000 horses each."

Han Hao thought for a while, and then said: "If the small station is lost, our army will be cut off from the way back. Fortunately, there are still five thousand soldiers in the city, which is enough to withstand a burst of enemy attacks. Army, immediately go to rescue Xiaozhan, and by the way, the Chu army's sneak attack army can be defeated, and the enemy's spirit will be greatly frustrated."

Zhong Yao nodded again and again, deeply agreeing.

After thinking for a moment, Zhong Yao asked again: "If I lead the army away, what about Jiangjindu?"

Han Hao said righteously, "If your lord believes in honor, you only need to give Hao five thousand soldiers and horses, and Hao will storm the camp. When your lord wins and returns, it will be the time for Hao to present Lv Bu's head to your lord."

Han Hao is full of confidence and determined to win.

Zhong Yao was overjoyed and readily agreed to Han Hao's plan.

At that moment, Zhong Yao left [-] soldiers and horses for Han Hao to go to Jiangjin to cross the water, and he himself led [-] troops to march towards the small station.

Jiangjin is five miles away.

In the dense forest, Zang Ba held a weed in the corner of his mouth, his blade-like eyes pierced through the layers of leaves, and stared at the narrow water-dirt road as keenly as an eagle.

"Pa" Zang Ba touched it violently, and it turned out to be a long snake, a huge long snake was pinched by Zang Ba in his hand.

Zang Ba hurriedly shook off the snake, then swung the spear in his hand, and cut the snake into two pieces, "Damn it, it's already autumn, and there are still such big snakes coming out to move around."

Zang Ba, who grew up in the Central Plains, quickly adapted to the Xiliang climate, but the only thing that made it difficult for him to adapt was the snakes everywhere.

The soldiers who left and right Xiliang practiced regularly, because they lived here since they were young.

Living in Xiliang for a long time, they seem to have developed immunity to snakes, and have long been used to the pain of being bitten by snakes.

In the dense forest, Zang Ba and his [-] soldiers had been lying in ambush for two full hours.

There are also a thousand soldiers who are in Jiangjin at the moment. They put on a big fanfare and covered the sun with banners, pretending to be a mighty army with thousands of horses and horses, and put on a posture of planning to capture the ferry with a large army.

This is the strategy discussed by Lu Bu and Xu Shu.

He pretended to attack Jiangjindu with [-] soldiers and ordered Zang Ba to lead [-] main forces to lie in ambush in the mountains and forests that he had to pass through.It's just that Zang Ba made a temporary adjustment to the plan after he led his army into the rear of Cao Jun. He not only wanted to defeat the reinforcement enemy, but also hid in Jiangjindu.

Zang Ba has absolute self-confidence. Although Han Hao is brave, they have no choice. Knowing that the rear is in danger, they will send reinforcements to rescue without thinking.Moreover, this is Zang Ba's only chance to wash away his shame.

This is a new type of combat method that Nie Zefeng taught these ancient generals.

Time passed by, the sun was setting, and Zang Ba was staring at the narrow path.

On the dirt road along the water, there was still no trace of Cao Bing. Except for the singing of birds and insects, and the sound of rolling water, everything was still so quiet.

The five thousand soldiers hiding in the forest were still as sinking as water, without any anxiety.

After the Xiegu War, they followed Zang Ba and fought in the north and south. The 5000 people who survived life and death can be said to have cultivated an iron and courageous army. They were never afraid of the powerful enemy of Cao Jun, let alone It was Cao Jun who was defeated by others.

No one questioned the strength of Zang Ba and his army and their strength. Everyone had only one belief in their hearts, and that was to wait patiently.

The setting sun is slanting to the west, and the golden afterglow falls on the dense forest, passes through the layers of leaves, and sprinkles fine pieces of golden yellow on the ground.

Just when Zang Ba was bored, suddenly Zang Ba's keen perception ability allowed him to hear some kind of abnormal movement from the nest of birds and insects.

Zang Bateng stood up and gestured to the captain next to him.

The captain understood, and hurriedly lay down on the ground, putting his ear on the wet ground to listen.

After listening for a while, the captain jumped up and shouted excitedly: "General, a large number of people are coming here, at least 5000 people."

The ability of soldiers who have been fighting all year round to judge the enemy is quite powerful. Not only can they hear the direction of the enemy, but also the number.

"There are more than 5000 people. It seems that Cao Jun has seen our intentions this time, but they have forgotten that we are the main force of the attack from the east and the west. It is very good. Don't leave when you come."

Zang Ba sneered, and the murderous aura around him was already surging.

The left and right soldiers were infected by Yan Liang's killing momentum, and their hearts, which were as calm as water, quickened their beating in a blink of an eye, and the blood for fighting was burning crazily.

"Pass the order, Cao Jun is approaching, and the whole army is ready to fight!" Zang Ba shouted with a spear in his hand.

"The general has an order, prepare to fight"

"Ready to fight"

The sound of whispers, like ripples, passed down layer by layer. In an instant, all five thousand soldiers tensed up and tightly held the swords and guns in their hands.

The abnormal noise in the ear is getting heavier and heavier, it is the sound of hurried footsteps, and the sound of weapons rubbing against each other.

Under the gaze of bloodthirsty eyes, a team of Cao Jun appeared in the field of vision.

Those soldiers in bright armor, Cao Jun in iron armor, hurried across the dirt road outside the dense forest.

Zang Ba took a rough look and saw that there were as many as 5000 troops.

Cao Jun, who was in a hurry, only paid attention to Jiangjindu's advance, completely unaware that there were countless bloodshot eyes in the dense forest, staring at them like hungry beasts.

A sneer flashed across the corner of Zang Ba's mouth, those eyes, like the eyes of a god of death, quietly watched Cao Bing pass by

The sharp eyes suddenly moved slightly.

But seeing the enemy group passing by an enemy general, under the huge battle flag, the enemy general was majestic, with prominent blue eyes, holding a big knife, and a longbow and a quiver on the back of the horse.

The school lieutenant next to him pointed to the general and said, "General, that is Han Hao, the leader of the Central Committee."

After discovering the enemy's leader, Zang Ba was not in a hurry to attack, and continued to stand still. He was waiting, waiting for all the Cao troops to enter the ambush circle he had carefully set up without any precautions.

The 5000-strong Long Snake Barbarian team has all entered the net in a short time.

It's time.


Zang Ba spit out the weeds in his mouth, turned his tall body on his horse, pointed his spear in front of him, and said sharply: "Soldiers, my brothers from Xiliang, follow this general to kill the general, and let these Cao soldiers have a good experience. Our Chu army is powerful, wash away our shame with the blood of the enemy!"

The order was passed, and Zang Ba galloped his horse like lightning, like a black lightning bolt, he was the first to kill and go out.

Immediately the loud horn sounded, and the [-] warriors in ambush in the forest, like ferocious beasts uncaged, came out screaming and killing wildly.

The sound of angry shouts rose to the sky, and countless birds flew in fright. The soldiers rushed out of the dense forest like arrows flying from the string, and rushed towards the terrified Cao soldiers like a pack of hungry wolves.

The [-] soldiers of Cao Jun, who had driven for half a day, were physically exhausted, but now they fell down in an instant, and their spirits were severely injured.

Before Cao Bing, who was physically and mentally damaged, had no time to react, the shining blades of the Chu army in the forest had already chopped at their heads.

The sound of screams suddenly rose.

Zang Ba's army, who wanted revenge wholeheartedly, firmly remembered Zang Ba's orders before fighting, and cut the enemy into two sections first by hitting all the troops.

Cao Jun, who had been intercepted at both ends of the city, could no longer look at each other from head to tail, and was cut into several sections, and soon fell into the unfavorable situation of fighting on their own.

The sudden change made Han Hao terrified.

Originally aggressive, he thought about rushing to Jiangjindu full of confidence, joining the soldiers at the ferry, and then decided to build a water dam overnight, and then a flood flooded the entire enemy camp.

But what frightened him was that the Chu army had already arrived and he would lead the army to help, and set up an ambush on the way.

Seeing that his army was in chaos and his soldiers were being killed wantonly by these Chu soldiers, Han Hao was furious.

With a roar, he swung the big knife in his hand, turned his horse and charged into the rebellious army, killing wildly like a beast, trying to reverse this unfavorable situation.

At the crossing of the board door, countless Chu soldiers were cut down and thrown off their horses. In a blink of an eye, Han Hao was covered in blood, as ferocious and terrifying as a crazy beast.

Relying on his bravery, Han Hao rushed all the way, and reconnected several cut-off Cao Bing troops.

Han Hao's berserk killing didn't last long. Ten steps away, those eagle-like eyes locked on him firmly.

As soon as the spear passed, Zang Ba, who had cut off countless heads of Cao Bing, finally found the target of the enemy's leader.

There was a fierce light in his eyes, and with a loud shout, Zang Ba galloped his horse like the wind, cut through the clump of chaotic troops, and rushed towards Han Hao roaring.

"Han Hao, take a shot from me"

Amidst the howling sound, the long spear in his hand attacked Han Hao head-on with the pressure of Mount Tai.

Before the spear's point arrived, the extremely intense oppressive force had rushed towards him like a waterfall.

The unprecedented oppressive force gave Han Hao the illusion that he was about to suffocate.

Han Hao was terrified, and before he could fight, he felt that his opponent was definitely not an ordinary person.

Despite this, Han Hao is also deeply confident in his martial arts, how could he be suppressed by his opponent's aura before fighting.

A mighty roar burst out from Han Hao's throat, and he vigorously raised the long knife in his hand to shoulder it.

"Clang" sound.

Amidst the sound of landslides and ground cracks, Zang Ba's long spear slashed towards him, and the huge force on the point of the spear smashed Han Hao's thick arm like the mouth of a bowl.

With one blow, Han Hao felt his arms go numb, and he seemed to lose consciousness for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, he felt that overwhelming force poured into his body like a torrent of collapse.

Under the impact of mad force, Qi and blood rolled like waves, and there was an illusion that the internal organs were about to collapse.

Han Hao tried his best to soothe the turbulent Qi and blood just now. He couldn't help thinking in his heart: "This person's strength is so strong. There is such a powerful person in the Chu army."

Astonished, the two riders passed by on the wrong horse.

Fearing that Yan Liang would take advantage of the situation to attack again, Han Haosheng hurriedly turned around to defend the enemy, but when he turned around, he saw that the enemy had reined in his horse three steps away. Stare at him.

Han Hao was fully on guard, he swung his long knife horizontally, and said sharply: "I am Han Hao, the leader of the Central Committee. I never kill unknown people. Tell me your name quickly."

It really was Han Hao.

The corner of Zang Ba's mouth slanted, and he gave a sneer, "Leader Zhong, you are the leader I killed today, and I am General Zang Ba of Chu State."

"Zang Ba, the four great generals under Lu Bu's tent"

Han Hao's ferocious face suddenly changed, and a trace of surprise flashed across his wide-open eyes.

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