The Conquest of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 223 Battle of the Wei River

After a bloody battle, the [-] sailors led by Gan Ning and Su Fei braved the enemy's thunder chariot attack and fought Cao Jun's navy on the Weishui River for a life-and-death struggle.

In the end, Gan Ning and Su Fei finally won the war at the cost of more than 2000 people. At this time, after Cao Jun lost his defensive position in the Weishui River, the courage that was summoned by Zhong Hui seemed to be relaxed, but this time It is already a flat river. If the Weinan camp is not secured, Chang'an City is just around the corner.

Therefore, both sides planned to make a final fight at the Weinan camp. Gan Ning and Su Fei saw that the opportunity was inevitable and could no longer wait for the follow-up troops to arrive, so they led two legions with more than 1 horsemen and launched an attack on the Weinan camp.

A big battle is imminent.

In Weinan Daying Zhonghui's big tent.

"Major General, what do you mean by this, please explain clearly!"

Wang Zhen asked Zhong Hui in a tone filled with righteous indignation, because Zhong Hui's words had deeply hurt this Xiliang hero just now.

Zhong Hui's heart was slightly cold, and he pretended to be indifferent: "I don't mean anything, I just remind General Wen that although Mr. Zhong Yao has returned to Chang'an to recuperate, he handed over all the command power to me before he left. The big banner in the middle is still the word bell, I hope the general can obey my command."

Zhong Hui didn't dare to reprimand directly, but only reminded him tactfully, but his words were full of a sense of master's superiority.

Wang Zhen gritted his teeth secretly, feeling furious in his heart, but he didn't dare to explode.

Wang Zhenxin thought that although I, Wang Zhen, was not a famous general in Xiliang, Lord Zhong Yao had a high fever after the last battle and had gone back to Chang'an to recuperate. Han De and Wang Shuang were killed, and Han Hao was seriously injured. It's my turn too, why did Master Zhong Yao hand over the command to this young boy when he returned to Chang'an, think about how he was still wearing crotch pants when I was roaming the desert! "

Wang Zhen glared at Zhonghui instinctively, and he just snorted, "Thank you for your teaching, the young general. The last general just wanted to remind the young general not to underestimate the enemy. The young general is the main general in this battle. The general will listen to how he wants to use his troops." The order is."

After all, Wang Zhen had to persuade him again, turned around and left the army tent.

In front of everyone, Wang Zhen didn't salute, and just turned his head away, Zhong Hui only felt that his dignity was damaged, and his face suddenly showed displeasure.

Just as he was about to get angry, a civil servant next to him coughed a few times and winked at Zhonghui.

Zhong Hui understood, so he had no choice but to hold back for the time being. He only stared at Wang Zhen who was going away, and then announced loudly: "All soldiers, I will take the initiative to attack today. We will wipe out the Chu army on the south bank of the Wei River."

Before evening, more than 4 Cao troops arrived at the forefront of Weishui.

Zhong Hui then set up camp 300 meters away from the Weishui River according to the civil official's wishes, and ordered Wang Zhen to lead his troops to ride 200 paces to the camp at a distance of [-] meters from his own camp.

After setting up camp, Zhong Hui, accompanied by civil officials, inspected the Weishui River Zhancheng, and returned to the Chinese army's tent before dark.

After entering the tent, there was no one else present, so Zhong Hui slammed his helmet on the case and cursed angrily: "Wang Zhen, what is he, he is just a general of my Zhong family, how dare he stand in front of everyone Show me the face, it's really hateful."

The civil servant persuaded: "Major General, now is not the time for civil strife. We just passed the Wei River, and the Wei River has turned red. There are corpses everywhere in the water, and flags are everywhere... that is miserable, Gan Ning and Su Fei is currently transporting troops on the north bank, and may launch an attack on us today or tomorrow, this is the powerful enemy we have to defend against!"

Zhong Hui's expression changed slightly, and after a while of meditation, he felt that what the civil servant said made sense.

Zhong Hui nodded and said: "Thanks to the reminder, sir, otherwise I would really lose the big because of the small, but I still can't swallow this breath."

"Don't worry, Major General. I have a plan right now, which can calm the general down." The civil servant said with a smile.

Zhong Hui's eyes lit up, his spirits lifted, and he hurriedly asked the civil servant what clever plan he had.

The civil official said slowly: "If there is a battle, the general can order Wang Zhen's troops to take the lead in the main attack. As for the generals in the Chu army who are quite capable of using troops, Wang Zhen will certainly not be able to break through the city. At that time, the general can secretly attack the commander. Biao, said that Wang Zhen saw that our situation was over, he wanted to join the Chu army, and he deliberately refused to fight hard, and the commander will definitely..."

Before the civil official finished speaking, Zhong Hui suddenly realized, and said happily: "Jieshi Wang was really punished by his father, but he also consumed the soldiers and horses of the Chu army. I will take advantage of the situation and attack the city again, and I will be able to defeat the Chu army! Sir, you have killed two birds with one stone." , It’s really wonderful.”

The civil servant smiled and said nothing, which was meaningful.

"That's it, come on, someone, tell me Wang Zhen is here." Zhong Hui shouted excitedly.

That night, the entire Zhonghui Camp and Wangzhen Camp were on high alert, but the night was calm, so Cao Jun, who was excited the next day, was at the end of his battle, but their determination to fight for a battle remained unchanged.

On the second day, the south bank of the Weishui River

When the first rays of the rising sun dyed the Wei River in gold, more than 4 soldiers of the Cao Army were already in formation, ready to attack the soldiers of the Chu Army on the shore of the mountain.

Standing on the bow of the boat, Gan Ning raised his eyes to look far away, but saw the enemy army on the shore was in a state of arrogance and order, and the big banner with the word "King" fluttered in the morning wind.

Of the five thousand Cao troops, half were cavalry.

"Brother, Cao Jun's formation seems a bit strange, could it be that there is some fraud in it?" Su Fei next to him asked suspiciously.

"What's so strange?"

Gan Ning had already guessed in his heart, but he didn't point it out, he wanted to see Su Fei's eyes.

Su Fei pointed to Cao Jun's army formation and said: "This time Cao Jun has [-] people, most of them are infantry, but nearly half of Cao Jun waiting on the shore are cavalry. The side of the Wei River is full of mud, which is not conducive to the deployment of the cavalry, and is only suitable for the charge of the infantry, but they put the cavalry on the bank, which is obviously not in accordance with the law of war, and the general thinks it is very suspicious."

Gan Ning sneered, disapprovingly said: "There is nothing suspicious, it's nothing more than internal fighting."

When Gan Ning saw the big banner with the word "Wang", he guessed that it must be Zhong Hui deliberately designing Wang Zhen.

Gan Ning said to Su Fei: "I heard that after Zhong Yao fell into the water, he felt very cold and went back to Chang'an to recover from his illness. Now the command of the entire army is in the hands of Zhong Hui. Wang Zhen and Zhong Yao seem to be having conflicts."

Su Fei asked in confusion: "Brother, how do you know these things?"

Gan Ning smiled and said, "This is the information from General Lu. I heard that they have a secret army that specializes in collecting information."

Su Fei heard that he was both happy and worried.But now he can't afford to think about it.

Although Wang Zhen is unparalleled in bravery, he is best at cavalry field battles, and most of his parts are cavalry, but water battles and sieges are his weaknesses.

Zhong Hui knew this, but ordered Wang Zhen to fight on the shore with the Chu army Gan Ning and Su Fei who were born in the navy. The intention was obviously that Zhong Hui suspected that Wang Zhen wanted to collude with the Chu army and surrendered to the Chu army. Stupid decision to make.

"As a talent for a while, it's a pity that he can't take care of the overall situation and take revenge on such a brave general just out of personal grievances!"

When Gan Ning was sarcastic in his heart, Su Fei was still at a loss.

At this time, the war drums sounded, and the 1 troops led by Gan Ning and Su Fei also approached the shore. They landed and fought one after another, while the [-] Cao troops led by Wang Zhen made a loud noise and began to slowly advance towards the shore.

Su Fei was also at a loss, and his blood burst forth suddenly, and he said impassionedly: "Brother, I failed to take down Wang Zhen last time, this time let me lead the brothers to fight for a while and defeat Cao Jun. I will definitely kill him!" That king is really majestic."

But Gan Ning waved his hand and said, "Leave the water battle to me, brother, you have more important tasks, you should get off the boat earlier to prepare."

But after hearing Gan Ning's order as the commander, Su Fei seemed to realize that this battle was definitely not a simple matter of defeating the [-] Cao soldiers in front of him, and he began to accept Gan Ning's general order with joy.

Gan Ning waved his own double halberds, facing the overwhelming enemy army like an iron tower, his knife-sharpened face was as cold as a mountain, calm as a mountain.

The subordinates on the left and right seemed to be infected by Gan Ning's composure. Facing the menacing enemy army, they didn't even have a trace of fear, and they chose to rush forward bravely.

More than 5000 soldiers of the Chu army held their swords, guns, bows and crossbows tightly, with determination surging in their expressions, and watched the enemy approaching fearlessly.

Both sides were rushing towards each other. At two hundred paces, the attacking Cao Jun suddenly accelerated his charge, shouting to kill and rushing forward.

Gan Ning raised his hand and said sharply, "Shoot the arrow!"

The flag was waved, the order was passed down, and hundreds of strong bows and crossbows were fired at once.

Countless sharp arrows, accompanied by the howling sound of thousands of birds flapping their wings, pierced the sky and fell towards Cao Jun like raindrops.

Cao Jun, who was charging, was also prepared. The first big shieldman held up the iron shield to block the arrows for the cavalry behind.

Countless arrows were hammered down like raindrops, but many arrows still passed through the gaps in the large shield and hit Cao Jun's soldiers hiding underneath.

There were screams one after another.

However, Cao Jun did not slow down his pace because of this, and still rushed toward Chu Jun fearlessly.

Looking down at Cao Jun advancing in an orderly manner, Gan Ning murmured in admiration: "Worthy of being Wang Zhen, worthy of being a brave general of Xiliang, the soldiers under his command are indeed elite."

In a short time, thousands of Yuan troops rushed to the Weishui River, and the soldiers on both sides began to draw out their swords and guns at each other, and began to fight hand-to-hand.

Gan Ning raised his sword eyebrows, shot with murderous aura all over his body, raised his two halberds, and shouted sharply: "Soldiers of the Chu army, fight side by side with this general and destroy the enemy!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The athletes of the Chu army were full of enthusiasm and roared in unison.

The rumbling howling sound spread all over the wilderness, shocking the soldiers of Cao Jun who came to fight.

And Wang Zhen, who was commanding behind, never put all his cavalry troops into the water to fight. He has been waiting for the enemy to come ashore, waiting for these Chu soldiers to go ashore, and use the speed of the cavalry to attack.

But at this time, the damn civil official said in a strange way: "General Wang, the morale of Gan Ning's army seems to be very high. The general won't back down in battle, will he?"

Wang Zhenru had his back on his back, knowing that Zhong would order him to attack in the vanguard, but he had doubts about him, but he was helpless.

He gritted his teeth secretly, and snorted coldly: "I have been living in the desert for many years, who am I afraid of?"

After finishing speaking, Wang Zhen jumped off his horse, rushed to the drum array in a few steps, and snatched a drummer's wooden hammer.

He rolled up his sleeves, and with a pair of iron arms as round as the mouth of a bowl, he swung them up and beat the drum vigorously to cheer for the soldiers under him.

Seeing Wang Zhen beating drums for them in person, the thousands of people under his command were inspired, their morale was greatly boosted, and the shouts of killing shook the sky, gradually suppressing the shouts of the Ganning army in the water.

In the shoal, soldiers from both sides have already started to pick up the station.

Amidst the miserable howls, an enemy with a bloody head fell into the water and never got up again. Their blood quickly stained the entire river red.

Under the cover of the big shield hand, Cao Jun's crossbowmen, composed of infantry behind, shot arrows wildly at the Chu army on the opposite bank to suppress the Chu army's counterattack.

In the dense rain of arrows, soldiers were constantly shot in the forehead, and some fell to death in the water. The bodies of Chu soldiers and Cao soldiers were mixed together.

Standing on the deck, Gan Ning held his halberds tightly in his hands, and commanded the battle calmly without moving a single step.

Under Cao Jun's powerful arrow attack, seven or eight Chu soldiers were shot down one after another. The follow-up manpower was insufficient to make up for it, and the Chu army's front line began to loosen a little.

Looking at this situation, Gan Ning shouted loudly: "Jinfan Army, kill those Cao troops who came over."

The Jinfan Army was Gan Ning's brothers when he was in Dajiang. After Gan Ning returned to Nie Zefeng, he organized them into the most elite personal guards.

The personal guards who were in the bloody battle were ordered to simply take off their half-body armor, bare their arms, and ran to the north side with a big knife in their hands.

Amidst the roar, the big knife swept out like a wheel.

Those soldiers of the Cao army were instantly wiped out by the elite Chu army. Amidst the sound of shattering shields, several soldiers of the Cao army were chopped off and flew out.

The furious personal guards forced back the soldiers of Cao Jun who were charging at the front.

Afterwards, the personal guards fought bravely to kill these soldiers of Cao Army one after another. Their continuous, fast, cruel, and life-and-death tactics killed the soldiers of Cao Army who had begun to decline, although they were prosperous in these periods. retreat, kill.

Cao Jun's soldiers who charged up were all killed on the spot, and several of them were cut in half, and the cuts were all bloody and bloody, which was extremely tragic.

During the half-hour battle, more than a thousand people were killed or injured by Cao's army. The blood actually dyed the entire Weishui River red, and dozens of corpses floated in the river.

Wang Zhen, who was in the army formation, was really annoyed when he saw that all his elite infantry could not defeat the Chu army, but he also knew that his soldiers were not good at water warfare at all, so he had to lure these people to the shore, and then Use cavalry to block their way back, and then wipe out the Chu soldiers in one fell swoop.

I saw that Wang Zhen raised the weapon in his hand high, and then began to announce the order to determine the fate of the legion.

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