Chen went to Xingyuan Zhongjun's big tent.

Entering the intense preparations, not only Lu Bu's big village, but also a big camp is the big camp of General Chen Dao.

In his big tent of the Chinese army, Chen Dao, without any lieutenants, was alone in meditation in front of the map.Chen Kaige walked in from the outside, then bowed and said: "General, Yuan Shao's soldiers who came back from the Yellow River reported that Yuan Shao's main force is not in Yecheng, but on the border between Jizhou and Youzhou, on the front line of Baoding."

Chen Kaige squatted down, and then showed Chen Dao instructions on the map.

Chen Dao was silent, and began to have a desire in his heart to ask the king of Chu for instructions to attack in the direction of Youzhou instead of Yecheng, but he just didn't say a word.

Chen Kaige continued to remind: "That is to say, Yuan Shao's main force in Jizhou is in front of General Lu Bu. Do you want to report this situation to the king?"

Chen Dao stood up apprehensively, then immediately turned around and said, "Your Majesty has decided that I will cross the Yellow River and attack from Yecheng. General Lu Bu will leave Youzhou in the east, and both armies have already entered. If we adjust..."

Chen Kaige reminded without hesitation: "General, the order given to you by the king is to attack Yuan Shao and the main force of Jizhou from a long distance. What's more, it is more beneficial for me to attack the main force of Yuan Shao and Jizhou with the equipment and elite level of the two armies. It is a rare battle for the world, and the general does not need to be a modest gentleman!"

After Chen Dao heard these words, he held the military Sima's fist, paused for a while and gritted his teeth and replied, "Okay, sort out the original statement of that Yuan Jun and report it to the king, and the king will decide!"

In the side hall of Chu Palace.

In the main hall, there is a map spread all over the floor, and the lights in the main hall are also brightly lit.

Nie Zefeng sat directly on the ground now, sitting on the map. Nie Zefeng sat on the ground and read Chen Dao's report, then threw it aside.Then he crawled over, drew a circle lightly with a pen on the map, and then said to the map: "Order Lu Bu's general headquarters, Chen Dao's department, I will instead order Chen Daodong to leave Youzhou and advance to Youzhou, let Lu Bu The general crossed the Yellow River and attacked in the direction of Yecheng."

After hearing Nie Zefeng's order, Ma Liang, who was accompanying him, reminded: "The two armies have switched directions, do you need to explain to the generals?"

Nie Zefeng waved his sleeves expressionlessly and replied: "No need, it's obvious, I just want to use the most elite troops to fight Yuan Shao!"

After Nie Zefeng finished speaking, with the support of Ma Liang, he stood up slowly, and after the civil servant next to him recorded the order, he began to order the courier to go forward.

These messengers galloped along the paths of the armies.

In just a few days, both Lu Bu and Chen Dao received orders from the King of Chu, and in the end, Lu Bu had no choice but to carry out the orders of the King of Chu, just because of the words "no complaints and no regrets!"

After receiving the order, Lu Bu immediately got on his horse and personally urged the entire army to change the direction of the battle.

General Lu Bu immediately stood by the side of the road, watching the army changing direction and marching beside him.

Zang Ba rode over and asked in puzzlement: "Brother, no, General, why did you suddenly change to Yecheng again? My outpost has already arrived in Xingzhou (today's Xingtai)!"

General Lu Bu replied in a stern voice: "I told you to change it and you changed it for me, what nonsense! You Zang Ba committed crimes and meritorious deeds. You almost lost everything last time. Our entire Xiliang Army almost died in battle. You are good!" Give me a call, if you can't play well, go back and continue to give me Zhanmen post, and you are not allowed to retire!"

After hearing this sentence, Zang Ba was startled immediately, saluted without saying a word, and galloped away with his horse.

Zhang Bao, who was beside him, was joking aside, and at the same time changed the topic, adjusted Lu Bu's mood and said: "Fortunately, Xingzhou and Yecheng are close to each other, otherwise it would be a bit messy."

Lu Bu looked back, Zhang Bao behind him, then reined in the horse, and said: "You are wrong Zhang Bao, the king's mind is clearer than yours and mine, this adjustment is just a small episode, a little close, but it can motivate The desire of both sides to win!"

Just after Lu Bu finished speaking, only Huang Zhong galloped over and slapped his horse with a whip.

Huang Zhong shouted from a distance: "General, general, the troops are suddenly transferred, and I, the vanguard general, have become the rear general!"

General Lu Bu also said sharply: "The battlefield changes rapidly, and General Huang should be able to adapt."

Huang Zhong yelled a little unconvinced: "The position of my vanguard general is arranged by the king himself, and I hope the general will take care of it."

General Lu Bu was a little impatient, and at the same time said with a bit of reprimand: "It was also arranged by the king in advance for our troops to leave Youzhou in the east. But the current order is: to attack from Yecheng. You, General Huang, don't care about it?"

Huang Zhong then asked: "General, do you really want to change the position of the vanguard general?"

General Lu Bu looked at the sky in front of him, and then said with a taste of teaching: "Your Majesty uses soldiers, if good medicine is used to treat diseases, as diseases change, so do medicines—"

In an instant, Huang Zhong's face turned pale.He pulled out the sword in his hand fiercely.

General Lu Bu's face turned to Zhang Bao, and he ordered: "Decree to the whole army, strictly implement the edict, keep a calm mind, and refrain from any disobedience. No matter whether you are as fierce as a tiger, as stubborn as a sheep, or as ruthless as a wolf, you will not listen." All those who command will be beheaded!"

After listening to Lu Bu's order, Huang Zhong looked desperate.The sword sheathed tightly in his hand.

In the Palace of Chu, Nie Zefeng began to be a little restless these days because of the war, so Nie Zefeng wandered back and forth in the mansion these days. Nie Zefeng, who hadn't been in the backyard for a long time, suddenly found that the whole palace was a bit peaceful and prosperous.

The Chu Palace was originally the original prime minister's mansion, but Cao Cao was the owner of a group of wives and concubines, and of course there were many beauties left in the palace.

Princess Cao Jie also organized a banquet in order to ease Nie Zefeng's mood. Of course, this banquet was also attended by people elected by the palace.

At this time, the sheng blew the chime, and the musicians were playing.

Before the feast, Nie Zefeng was surrounded by many beautiful women, talking and laughing.

Nie Zefeng looked around and suddenly made a discovery, and asked, "Why, all the beauties in the palace have jade hairpins on their heads? They are all the same!"

The beauties around looked at each other, and sure enough, everyone had hairpins on their heads, and they all pursed their lips and smiled in silence.

Of course, Nie Zefeng felt relieved a lot at this time, then he leaned back and said with a long sigh: "Flowers are so charming, why do people only have one kind of dress? It's so dull."

A woman next to her boldly replied: "Your Majesty doesn't know something. That time, you took a jade hairpin from a maid's head to scratch it, and everyone in the palace praised it. The sisters were afraid that the Majesty would be itchy again for a while. From then on, everyone put jade hairpins on their heads, and the price of jade in the capital skyrocketed."

After hearing this, Nie Zefeng was silent for a while, and then teased himself with a little sarcasm: "It's true that the king of Chu has such a thin waist, and the palace is starving to death. Quick, bring all your jade hairpins..."

After Chu King Nie Zefeng ordered them to hand them over, many jade hairpins were pulled from their heads and handed over.

Nie Zefeng took this jade hairpin and scratched his ears, and then changed to another one to scratch his hair. After waiting for a while, he changed to another one to scratch the back of his neck, which drew young and happy laughter from the women.

Nie Zefeng also laughed, and then said: "Look at you laughing like a flock of sheep, this king is also a shepherd."

This sentence, of course, caused all the beauties to burst into laughter.

Nie Zefeng stepped forward to support the case, then continued to smile and said, "Since you are so happy, I might as well make you happy today, guard, go, go to the imperial stables and bring some BMWs, let me have some 'sheep' 'Let's meet my 'God of the Army'!"

After the guard heard Nie Zefeng's order, he went down to deliver the order.

After receiving Nie Zefeng's praise, the prostitutes played harder and harder.

Nie Zefeng, who was in high spirits, naturally became more excited after hearing this piece of music, and Nie Zefeng's interest greatly increased, which of course caused the beauties next to him to be happy and encouraged.

Yiji on the side whispered to himself, "The battle on the front line is imminent, and it is really rare for the king to be so relaxed." After Ma Liang heard Yiji's words, he reminded Yiji: "The tension of the king has always been expressed by relaxation. It’s also loose on the outside and tight on the inside.”

After a while, [-] or [-] horse-breeding servants, each leading a fine horse, passed through the front of the hall to be inspected by Nie Zefeng.

Seeing such a majestic war horse, all the women exclaimed.

When the horsemen passed by, they all secretly peeped at the beauties on both sides. Of course, these beauties only looked at the horses or the king of Chu, Nie Zefeng. They never praised these lowly servants.

Nie Zefeng observed the horses and the grooms at the same time.

Yuan Mai was also caught among the grooms, only he held the steed in his hand, raised his head and didn't look sideways at those beautiful beauties, so Yuan Mai stood out very much.

At this time, Nie Zefeng noticed Yuan Mai.

Nie Zefeng pointed to the ground, and asked softly, "You, it's you, I have something to ask you..."

Yuan Mai held the steed in his hand, exuding a noble temperament, he bowed respectfully and obeyed his orders.

Nie Zefeng asked, "Are you from Jizhou?"

After hearing Nie Zefeng's question, Yuan Mai replied, "Return to your lord, this slave is from Jizhou and Hebei."

Nie Zefeng looked at his war horse, and asked, "You are feeding my 'Jechen'. Why did they choose you to feed it?"

Yuan Mai explained: "My lord, this horse has a habit of kicking people. The slaves love real horses, so the horse supervisor sent slaves to feed it."

Nie Zefeng continued to ask, "Is it still kicking you?"

Yuan Mai bowed and said: "The slave can forgive it...a horse always has a temper."

And in the conversation and the continuing conversation, it was decided that a great talent would appear.

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