When Huang Zhong summoned his cavalry, he held his own dragon scale sword in his hand, feeling helpless in his heart.

At this time, he seemed to see that death was really very close to him this time, very close.

He saw that half a stick of incense was still needed for the troops to prepare, so he urged his horse to meet Lu Bu who was walking towards the large formation of the Chinese army again.

Huang Zhong looked at Lu Bu, and finally put forward a condition. He clenched the dragon-scale sword in his hand, held it up with both hands, and handed it to Lu Bu, saying, "This dragon-scale sword was handed down by my ancestor, Longwei General Huang Sheng. This is the fifth generation here, I hope you can pass this saber on to my son Huang She, and hope that he can inherit the Huang family's ancestral business."

The scene of Lu Bu's dragon-scale sword and the fierce battle with Huang Zhong appeared in an instant.

Lu Bu took the saber with his heavy and heartbroken hands, and then assuredly replied: "Don't worry, general, I will definitely do it."

Huang Zhong saw that the last concern had been settled, so he urged his horse forward to charge.

Lu Bu quickly called Huang Zhong to stop: "Wait a minute."

Huang Zhong hurriedly reined in his horse and looked back. Lu Bu was holding the same long saber, the Dragon City Saber.

Lu Bu said affectionately: "This sword used to be the weapon of the former parachutist Li Guang, the Dragon City Sword. I got this sword from my master. The master told me that General Li Guang brought him All the lofty ambitions and life joys and grievances are all pinned on this big sword. This battle sword is destined to be a sword of revenge. This sword will either drink blood or break apart. It is a pity that I failed to complete the life-long battle with the Huns because of the lack of time. Now I will hand over this big knife to you, take it."

Huang Zhong, who took the big knife, looked at the big knife. The shimmering cold light was enough to deter everything. Huang Zhong gripped the big knife tightly and replied: "General, when you see this knife again, it will surely die. Broken into a thousand pieces."

Huang Zhong gripped the Dragon City Saber tightly, and roared away.

The Chu army is in front of the front of the army.

Huang Zhong reined in his constantly circling war horse, and loudly issued orders to his troops.

"I, Huang Zhong, am the vanguard general of the entire army today. Follow me and destroy Yuan Jun. The Chu army is mighty, and the Chu army is mighty!"

And all the soldiers behind also shouted: "The Chu army is mighty, the Chu army is mighty."

In Huang Zhong's attack of 1000 soldiers, [-] soldiers and horses each time, and the tails of the last [-] cavalry were dragging branches, which would raise huge dust during the attack, causing thousands of horses to attack. Thousands of horses came to kill, but the [-] troops did not fight, that is to say, there were only [-] Chu cavalry in each round of attack.

Huang Zhong held up the Dragon City Broadsword in his hand and shouted: "Come on!"

Huang Zhong was the first to rush out of the battle formation, and the first round of [-] cavalry followed closely behind.

Huang Zhong's first 4000 troops are at the forefront, attacking in a dispersed manner. They form a group of five, one is an archer, one is a shield player, one is a spearman, and two are swordsmen. They charge rhythmically, and they launch in a pincer shape. Attack, and the thousand cavalry in the rear charged in dense formation to cover the cavalry in the rear who had previously dragged the branches.

It was just a short charge, and huge dust and smoke rose from the battlefield. Yuan Jun on the opposite side thought that the main force of the Chu army was attacking.

The horses neighed, and the swords shone coldly against the sunlight.

Thousands of troops and horses rolled forward like a torrent, and Yuan Jun on the opposite side, not to be outdone, also left his battle formation one after another and began to charge over.

The two sides wanted to fight over a distance of about three miles.

All the generals in the charge looked serious, they just shook the swords in their hands without saying a word.

The cavalry of the Chu army finally fought with the cavalry of Jizhou.

Huang Zhongheng shook the Dragon City Broadsword in his hand, and kept killing the Yuan Jun knights in front of him.

And the [-] cavalry behind them all want to spill all the resentment suppressed on their bodies for not being able to go to the battlefield for dozens of days on the enemy on the opposite side in an instant.

The metal on the battlefield resounded after the sound of impact, and there was a miserable howl. A soldier from the Chu army and a soldier from the Yuan army were bloody, and the soldiers who fell off their horses fell into pieces. The bloody and mutilated corpse, even if it has a little strength to fall off the horse, but after being trampled by thousands of troops, it will still become a bloody meatloaf.

Five hundred archers of the Chu army shot out one after another on the way to charge.

In the dense rain of arrows, Yuan Jun's cavalry and infantry who were coming towards each other were shot in the foreheads, some immediately fell off their horses, some fell to their knees with a plop, and the corpses of Chu Jun and Yuan Jun were constantly mixed together on the battlefield. group.

It is not because of the bravery of the Chu army that the entire Yuan army will be defeated in groups. After all, the numerical advantage of the Yuan army will be revealed shortly after the battle. In the north, under the powerful arrows of the Yuan army, seventy or eighty soldiers of the Huang Zhong army came out one after another. After being shot down, the follow-up manpower is not enough to make up for it, and the attacking sides here are immediately weakened.

Yuan Jun took advantage of the situation to attack, and three or five strong archers, Yuan Jun's sword and shield hands, began to rampage among the Chu army.

Seeing this, Huang Zhong shouted sharply: "Where is the deputy general, kill those bitches for me!"

The lieutenant general who was in the bloody battle heard Huang Zhong's order, gave up the enemy in front of him, dragged his sword in his hand and urged his horse to run to the north side.

Amidst the roar, the big knife swept out like a wheel.

Amidst the sound of shattering shields, several soldiers of Yuan Jun were cut off and flew off their horses.

Afterwards, he thrust his broadsword into the ground, took out his saber and rushed into Yuan Jun's formation, because short weapons are more suitable for fighting in close combat.

Amidst the roar of shouts, the lieutenant stood up, and countless soldiers of the Yuan Army fell off their horses or fell to the ground. Several people were cut into two pieces, bloody and bloody, extremely tragic.

However, in the end, the warrior was also shot with several arrows, his chest was pierced by countless scimitars, and he fell to the ground and died.

In just half an hour of fighting, the Chu army had already died and injured thousands of horses, the whole earth had been dyed crimson, and the corpses on the battlefield were piled up layer after layer.

However, just after the first round ended, Huang Zhong urged the second round of troops to attack again. In the blink of an eye, it was another half-hour bloody battle. This time, more people died on both sides, and the blood was even more crimson. Now, it seems that this blood can merge into a small stream.

Huang Zhong brandished the Dragon City Broadsword among the thousands of troops, and was invincible, killing and injuring hundreds of people along the way.

Huang Zhong pulled the trigger with his foot and shot dead the two brothers Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang who were rushing over from the Wanjun.

In the third and fourth rounds, the two sides have reached a fever pitch. Most of the soldiers on both sides have fallen off their horses, and they have started fighting on foot...

And the setting sun also began to slowly fall, and the battlefield under the afterglow was even more shining.

The Chu army was completely insane, but when the Dragon City Broadsword killed nearly a thousand people, it was finally cut into two sections. Huang Zhong had to discard this sword in the midst of the chaotic army and seize the length of a Yuan Army soldier. The knife began to wave, and the horse began to fall to the ground after a long period of circling. Huang Zhong was thrown to the ground. At this time, Yuan Jun around him rushed towards him...

Just when Huang Zhong and Yuan Jun were fighting in a large formation, all the troops in the Chu Army headquarters began to make a big detour.

At this time, Yuan Shao and Jushou in the woods were waiting for the battle report ahead.

At this time, a fast horse roared towards him. Yuan Shao fixed his eyes and saw that it was Zhang Nan, his trusted general. Zhang Nan reined in the horse and reported: "General, the main force of the Chu army has completely fallen into our formation."

Ju Shou next to him reminded: "General, now is the best time to attack."

Yuan Shao was slightly puzzled, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to signal to stop.

But in the end, he decided to attack. He drew out the long sword in his waist and shouted: "Soldiers, attack with me."

Yuan Shao took the lead, and one hundred thousand elite Jizhou cavalry rushed out of the mangrove forest and threw themselves into the battlefield.Press down on Huang Zhong's team of thousands of people.

Seeing Yuan Shao's entire army attacking, the sentry officer hurried over and asked for instructions: "General, please attack."

Lu Bu, who was standing at the highest point, had already seen the [-] elite rushing out of the mangrove forest.

Lü Bu ordered: "I ordered to open the jaws and turn around to the enemy's left flank. Pei Yuanshao and Zhang Bao's troops outflanked to the right, and Zang Ba and Zhou Cang's two troops led [-] elite hussars to launch a frontal attack. The troops in the center will follow me."

Lu Bu raised Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, and ordered loudly, "Brothers, go!"

The Chinese army began to move forward with Lu Bu's red rabbit horse, chasing south and pecking north along the way. The appearance of [-] elite hussars caused great lethality to these unprepared Yuan Jun.

On the battlefield, there was a Molotov cocktail emitting gorgeous sparks in an instant.

Yuan Shao arrogantly thought that the main force of the Chu army was facing him, but when he charged at Huang Zhong's troops with his sword, he saw the hussars of the Chu army coming from all directions, and the elite Chu army pushing forward. The generals "Zang" and "Zhou" suddenly appeared on the way of the frontal charge. Yuan Shao looked up and saw not only the new cavalry charging again, but also a phalanx of the Chu army.

At this time, Zhang Nan, a trusted general who was in the battle, urged his horse to come to Yuan Shao's side, reined in the panicked horse and reported: "General, it's not good, we were fooled, we fell into the tricks of the Chu army, they didn't do anything at all!" Put the main force into the front of our army. Let's retreat, there is still time!"

Yuan Shao asked: "Withdraw, where are we going? Can I leave the brothers alone?"

After Yuan Shao finished speaking, a complex and contradictory mood rushed into his heart. Looking at the cavalry of the Chu Army that kept pouring in all around him, he knew that he was defeated, but he also knew that if he did not retreat now, he would die, and death would soon is his only way out.

The general next to him, Zhang Nan, dissuaded him eagerly: "General, there is a general who will fight to the death with the Chu army here. We cannot live without General Yuan Shao in the Han Dynasty and Jizhou. I have already picked a strong horse with endurance, and there are several others. Hundreds of death-defying cavalry escort General Yuan Shao, let's kill a bloody road!"

A decision that truly determines fate is fixed on this day.

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