After hearing Ma Liang's military report.

Nie Zefeng hurriedly commanded the guards in the room, "Hurry up, mark the progress of the two armies on the map immediately..." The two guards climbed up and slowly drew the marching routes of the two armies under the urging of Chu King Nie Zefeng.

Nie Zefeng admired the wonderful lines on the map obsessively.

Suddenly, Ma Liang heard flames bursting into the sky outside. He walked over quickly and saw the wildfires all over the mountains. He turned around and shouted: "My lord, come out..."

Nie Zefeng stood in front of the map and asked puzzledly, "What's the matter?"

Ma Liang ran over and led Nie Zefeng to the entrance of the main hall: "Come out and take a look..."

The gate of the palace opened, and there were countless torches dancing on the big steps all over the mountains and plains.

Seeing the king coming out, the officials and soldiers who lit the torches cheered, and all shouted loudly: "Long live! Long live!"

Nie Zefeng was moved to tears by the shouts of the crowd in front of him.

Suddenly, the people behind the crowd dodged a path, and thousands of soldiers came forward carrying General Lu Bu.

Ma Liang pointed forward excitedly and said, "Your Majesty, look, General Lu Bu is here to report himself!"

People threw General Lu Bu into the air, shouting and cheering.

Nie Zefeng watched and watched, the smile froze on his face, turned around and walked back to the hall, and said in a voice that could hardly be heard by outsiders: "I have plenty to spy on, so why should he report it in person..."

After the soldiers calmed down and Lu Bu entered the palace, Nie Zefeng briefly explained and asked about the battle ahead. Nie Zefeng reiterated that his goal was the entire Jizhou, even including Liaodong. Lu Bu had already felt that although Nie Zefeng did not Obviously expressing blame, but Lu Bu has already sensed it, and immediately said to return to the front line and continue to attack.

At this time, on the land of Jizhou, it was a different situation.

Yuan Shao's wounded soldiers lying all over the ground were crowded and hugged each other outside the tent.

Yuan Shang led the remnants of the defeated generals to withdraw from Yecheng, and now they have withdrawn from the campsite a hundred miles away from Yecheng.

At this time, the bonfire on the campsite had been extinguished, and there was a moment of cool smoke.

Inside the camp, it was crowded with female relatives.

Yuan Shang got up suddenly when he heard the familiar neighing of the horse: "Listen, Han Qiong's white horse is back!"

The female relatives and generals stood up when they heard the sound of snoring, and rushed out of the tent after Yuan Shang.

Wounded soldiers, old people, and children were all standing on the slope in front of the tent. Obviously, they were all familiar with the neighing of the white horse.They looked forward.

At the horizon of the plain, a white horse came lumbering forward with bloodstains all over its body, and Yuan Shao was lying crookedly on its back.Yuan Shang looked shocked and excited: "General Yuan Shao is back!"

The remaining Jizhou soldiers and Yuan Shao's family shouted: "General Yuan Shao is back!" They swarmed towards the white horse.Yuan Shang excitedly ran forward with the crowd, and shouted loudly: "Father, father!"

The white horse carried Yuan Shao into the crowd, and the white horse knelt down on the ground.

People were stunned.

Yuan Shao's body on the white horse had already dried up.

People stepped aside in shock.

Yuan Shang walked over from the crowd, and she shouted in a crying voice: "Father, father... you are back! Oh... God!"

Because Yuan Shang originally thought that his father was seriously injured, but the unfortunate thing is that Yuan Shang only saw one corpse, Yuan Shao's corpse, Yuan Shang collapsed to the ground when he saw all this.

All the people saw Yuan Shao's body and Yuan Shang who had been laid out, and the crowd rushed to Yuan Shang's side with crying and shouting: "Young General!"

The left and right generals came out from behind the crowd and greeted everyone: "Quick! Take the young general into the tent!"

The white horse struggled on the ground and spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes wide open and he died!

In this way, Yuan Shang, who fell into grief, passed the day with a burst of wry smiles.

The next day was dawn.

Han Qiong and Han Meng led a group of generals through the corridor to Yuan Shang's dormitory and knelt down in order.The leading general, General Han Qiong, reported loudly: "General Han Qiong, deputy general Han Meng, and all the generals of the Great Han Dynasty pay their respects to the young general!"

After a loud call, all the Jizhou soldiers and horses present knelt down facing the sleeping tent, and shouted in unison: "Greetings, Major General!" In the silence, first two guards walked out, and then Yuan Shang walked out.

Yuan Shang closed his eyes in a daze.

Han Qiong reported: "Jizhou must be without a master for a day. After the general died on the battlefield, the minister will act as the general, but he feels that the authority is not enough to unite the hearts of the people. To revive our Jizhou and the morale of our Han Dynasty, Therefore, I invite the major general to come forward to stabilize the country and encourage the courage of the people."

As soon as Han Qiong said a word, the audience was silent.

Yuan Shang looked up to the sky and laughed three times.

Laughing so that everyone's bones shrugged.

Yuan Shang burst into tears suddenly, and said sadly: "God, why do you torture me like this, why..." Yuan Shang's crying moved everyone, and the camp was full of crying.

Yuan Shang was already weeping uncontrollably.

A great cry, a great sorrow, enveloped the camp.

Suddenly, Yuan Shang stopped crying, wiped away his tears, and looked solemnly at the crowd.

Pairs of tearful eyes looked at him.

Yuan Shang finally stopped his tears. After slowly wiping away his tears, Yuan Shang said generously: "My subjects in the Han Dynasty, my soldiers and civilians in Jizhou, sadness cannot replace our courage to survive. Although, I, Jizhou Although the soldiers and horses have just been defeated, the national system is still there, the mountains and rivers are still there, and the spirit of our soldiers and horses in Jizhou is still there. I am still young and it is not convenient to command the whole army. I would like to entrust General Han Qiong to act on my behalf Regarding the affairs of the general, I hope that all the subjects of Jizhou will work together to tide over the difficulties together. The Han Dynasty has always taken care of me, Yuan Shaoren, and everything will be fine, it will be fine!"

After speaking, Yuan Shang tried his best to smile, and then slowly retreated into the sleeping tent.Just when Yuan Shang was about to return to the big tent, suddenly a horse came quickly and shouted: "Slow down, slow down."

When Yuan Shang retreated, all the generals under the tent congratulated Han Qiong for becoming a general.

However, at this time, everyone saw that General Zhang Nan was coming.

Zhang Nan held up the seal letter of the general and announced loudly: "The general will appoint the young general Yuan Shang as the general, and continue to lead us to fight."

After hearing this order, the audience was silent, and suddenly burst into tears, the crying was earth-shattering, and in the was Han Qiong who took the lead, knelt down and worshiped: "Greetings to General Yuan Shang!"

Then, other generals also bowed in unison: "Greetings to General Yuan Shang!"

After Yuan Shang received the order, he took the general's seal from Zhang Nan with both hands, and announced loudly: "My soldiers in Jizhou, you have all heard me. Gather together, prop up the collapsed tents, and re-ignite the cooled pot piles, the army and the people are one, and we will work together to tide over the difficulties!"

Yuan Shangren tried to pull himself together.There will always be someone shouting suddenly: "The Han Dynasty will not perish, long live the great general!"

Then everyone shouted in unison: "Long live the general, long live the general!!"

After this defeat, Yuan Shang began to gather his troops. They were attacked by all sides along the way, and finally they retreated to the border between Jizhou and Youzhou. This is Yuan Shang who gathered tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. It is no longer difficult for the warlords to gather hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses.

Although Yuan Shao is young, he is constantly expanding his strength and territory under the protection of veteran Han Qiong.

After Lu Bu quickly returned to the Jizhou battlefield, he attacked Yecheng in one fell swoop. The defenders of Yecheng Shenpei, Guo Tu, Xu You and others died in battle. Jushou was also captured on the battlefield and sent to Xuchang.

At this time, Yecheng was constantly moving in and out of military cavalry.

Yuan Shao's generals had General Lu Bu's flag everywhere, and the general's mansion was also piled up with all kinds of confiscated items.

The sergeants are all preparing for departure.Prepare for the next attack.

After pacifying Yecheng, Lu Bu left General Huang Zhong to guard, and he led the troops to attack again.

After acquiring Yecheng in Jizhou, Pei Yuanshao was shot to death by random arrows in the battle of attacking Xingzhou. Pei Yuanshao's troops temporarily returned to Jizhou to be controlled by Huang Zhong. Along the way, they went directly to the area of ​​Dingzhou Prefecture, and Generals Zhang Bao and Zhou Cang also went to the front.

And General Lu Bu had just left Yecheng, and Lu Bu camped outside Yecheng.

At this moment, General Lu Bu sat alone in his tent, meditating.

The dusty Zang Ba came in.

Lu Bu came in and asked, "I can tell from your expression that the body has not been found."

Zang Ba replied helplessly: "The search for Qingqi from all directions has returned, but there is still no whereabouts of Yuan Shao Shanyu. Interrogating the generals and soldiers who captured Yuan Shao and surrendered, they only know that Han Qiong led Yuan Shao to break through on a white horse. There is a theory that he may find a remote place to end up..."

General Lu Bu said suspiciously: "Suicide? Yuan Shao is different from the generals of our Chu army. Their Yuan family took the Han Dynasty as their responsibility, and there are very few suicide precedents. Such a statement will definitely not satisfy the king. The king is alive." If you want to see people, if you die, you need to see corpses..."

Zang Ba reported: "The army will continue to attack, I am afraid there is no time to search."

General Lu Bu continued: "The world's affairs are still in the past, and they will not be resolved after all. Has anyone from Huang Zhong's department contacted you?" Zang Ba shook his head and said, "General Huang Zhong is an old man who cares about face. I'm afraid Huang's army is not willing to face the heavy losses. Interrogation of the military commander's history."

General Lu Bu ordered: "Well, you take some of the captured things and comfort the surviving soldiers of the Huang Department for me. After all, General Huang is also credited. Please comfort him for me! In addition, you tell him that the deputy commander of Pei Yuanshao More than 1 elite cavalry will soon arrive in Yecheng, and these 1 cavalry will be included in General Huang Zhong."

In this way, Jizhou quietly changed its name from the Yuan family to the Nie family.

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