Chen Dao explained: "I can't control myself!"

Nie Zefeng became angrier as he listened, and reprimanded him, "What can you do to get along with Huang She?"

Chen Dao replied sharply: "He insulted the minister's brother-in-law..."

Hearing this, Nie Zefeng stopped talking.

After a while, a guard who came back from the forest handed Nie Zefeng an arrowhead with blood on it.

The guard reported that it was brought from the frontline Zhengding Mansion.

Nie Zefeng broke the arrowhead and threw it on the ground.

Nie Zefeng shouted loudly: "What a pity, Huang She, the majestic army general, did not die on the battlefield, but was picked to death by a deer with its horns... Is that so?"

Nie Zefeng looked at the guard, his eyes were full of murderous intent, as if he could conquer everything in an instant.

The guard replied knowingly: "Yes, Your Majesty, General Huang She was killed by antlers."

Nie Zefeng looked at Chen Dao, and shouted angrily: "This deer is too wild, what do you think, General Chen Dao..."

Chen Dao raised his head slowly, gritted his teeth and replied, "Yes!"

Nie Zefeng said sadly: "I recalled the words of an ancestor. He told me that a knife is only useful if it is sharpened too fast. If it is sharpened too quickly, it will be easy to use, but it is easy to break and cannot be kept for a long time..."

Chen Dao bowed his head and remained silent.

Nie Zefeng sighed and said: "Forget it. Thick and dirty, no one is allowed to talk about this matter from now on, otherwise, there will be no mercy!" Everyone present knelt down and replied: "Zunzhi..."

Chen Dao was still kneeling down.

Nie Zefeng walked up to Chen Dao slowly, then helped him up and said, "As the military commander of our Chu army, you must be tolerant!"

From Chen to silence, now I feel a kind of annoyance and remorse.

Nie Zefeng finally comforted him: "Chen Dao, you have to remember that what you and I are doing today is a great cause that created the world. Do you know what it means to our Chu army to defeat Yuan Shao to seize Jizhou and the overlord of the Central Plains? To open up the vast living space of our Chinese nation from south to north, from east to west. It is to go beyond the barrier of the Great Wall to the vast South China Sea and the Western Regions. Who else should I have? Such a sense of mission. Can’t you have it when you are old? Why are you so narrow and shallow? Why can’t you be inclusive? You, you, you recite the preface poem of "Li Sao" for me, recite it for me now! Recite..."

Nie Zefeng pointed his finger directly at Chen Dao.

In an instant, Chen Dao's eyes were filled with tears.

Nie Zefeng shouted loudly: "Back it..."

Chen Daosheng burst into tears, and replied in tears: "Your Majesty... Your Majesty..."

Nie Zefeng pointed at Chen Dao and sighed helplessly, "Okay, okay, if you don't recite it, I will recite it for you..."

Nie Zefeng looked at the surrounding mountains and began to recite: "I am the direct descendant of the great sun god. My father and grandfather are the great Zhu Rong. When the Big Dipper points to the first month, it happens to be the auspicious day of the beginning of spring. Birth, the Emperor watched my birth, and bestowed upon me the name of goodness... I was named 'Zhengde'! The emblem is the son of the god 'Lingjun'..."

Hearing this, Chen Dao, who was kneeling on the ground, was sobbing.

Nie Zefeng stopped reciting, looked at it with deep love, and asked, "Do you understand? You and I are both descendants of the Sun God, don't disappoint!"

Chen Dao got up slowly, walked towards his steed, got on the horse, and rode away.

Nie Zefeng, who slowly closed his eyes, murmured: "Go back to the palace... You don't have to kneel anymore, go to your Youzhou, and be your Marshal of the East Road!"

From this day on, Chen Dao began to attack all the way north, and he has no complaints or regrets since then.

While the Chu army was resting, the remnants of Yuan Shang in Jizhou underwent earth-shaking changes.

The old general Han Qiong sat in a prominent position, and beside her was the new general Yuan Shang.

Yuan Shang said lightly: "... For many years, I have always had such a wish. After all, our Yuan family is a citizen of the Han Dynasty. We could have submitted to the court and stopped fighting."

The ministers and generals were silent.

General Han Qiong started coughing twice in every three sentences. He looked at the new general Yuan Shang and replied, "I hope and it is the general who turns the veteran's dream into reality."

All the ministers and generals looked at General Yuan Shang together.

In the end, Yuan Shang stood up slowly and said: "This general sent an order: I will lead more than 3 of our remaining soldiers to surrender to the imperial court."

At this time, Han Meng and Zhang Nan strongly refused to submit to the court, that is, they surrendered to the Chu army, but they were beheaded one by one by Han Qiong's pre-arranged soldiers, that is, in July of this year, Yuan Shang surrendered to the Chu army. military.

Yecheng Chu Palace.

Several cars of Yuan Shang drove to the gate of the palace lined with guards of honor.

Yuan Shang, Han Qiong and other important generals got on and off the car.

After Yuan Shang got out of the car, he saw a mansion that was both familiar and unfamiliar. He was familiar because it was the General’s Mansion. He had lived here for 20 years. He was unfamiliar because it was now the Palace of the King of Chu, not the Mansion of the General.

The sound of the announcement resounded through the sky.

In the General, Nie Zefeng held a grand welcome ceremony for Yuan Shang. After the completion, Nie Zefeng appointed Yuan Shang as Prince Taibao for Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, and became a civil servant.

Also, in this month, Nie Zefeng saw Yuan Xi's beautiful wife Zhen Mi.

When meeting for the first time, Nie Zefeng saw a stunning woman.

Zhen Mi's elegant jade face is engraved with clear facial features, her water-colored eyes are clear and bright, but with the coldness of conversation, she seems to be able to see through everything, her small and delicate nose is as thin as a cherry. The small mouth, the smile rippling on the delicate and flawless face, the delicate face reveals a trace of charm, seductive and awe-inspiring.Wearing a light pink gauze dress, with a white soft smoky robe gently held around her waist, nine mandala flowers are embroidered layer upon layer with silver flashing threads on the skirt corners. The middle is particularly eye-catching, and the skirt collar is hung by two silver brocade ribbons crossing the neck.

Lined with a long silk ribbon with a wide moiré silver pattern wrapped around Ying's arms, with a little powder applied, a head of jet-black hair hangs gracefully around her slender waist. A light fragrance.A crystal necklace around the neck makes the clavicle more and more clear, and the white jade bracelet on the wrist sets off the snow-like skin

On this day, just after sending Yuan Shang off, Nie Zefeng drank several glasses of wine, and under the protection of the guards, he came to Zhen Mi's residence, a separate courtyard.

At this time, Zhen Mi was leaning on the railing to look at the moon, dazed in a daze.

When she woke up, she turned around and saw Nie Zefeng coming in, and Zhen Mi felt a trace of panic on her face.

The guard maids on the left and right hurriedly saluted, Nie Zefeng waved his hands and shouted: "You have nothing to do here, all go down."

The maids retreated in a hurry.

Nie Zefeng and Zhen Mi were the only ones left in Nuo Da's carved railings.

In the dead of night, the lonely man and widow were alone in an empty room, and the strong man in front of him smelled of alcohol and had an evil look on his face.

Zhen Mi suddenly had a bad premonition, her face blushed quietly under her shyness.

"My lord, it's so late, you come... What are you doing here?"

Zhen Mi asked timidly in a low voice.

After drinking, Nie Zefeng suddenly revealed his lustful nature. He smiled evilly and said, "What are you doing? Hehe, what does Mrs. Zhen think this king is here for when this beautiful day is beautiful?"

Nie Zefeng stepped forward step by step, evil fire was burning on his drunken face.

Zhen Mi became more and more flustered, so she had to retreat step by step. After a few moments, she had retreated to the corner of the wall, and there was no way to retreat.

Nie Zefeng's iron-tower-like body was just pressed against her. The solid chest was just a few feet away from her chest. Zhen Mi's blushing face could even clearly feel Nie Zefeng's alcohol-smelling breath.

Zhen Mi supported his chest with her delicate hands, trying to push him away, but her strength was weak, but she couldn't shake him a bit.

And when her palm touched, even though she was separated by a layer of clothes, she could still feel the firm muscles. The moment she touched it, Zhen Mi's heart couldn't help but thump.

Zhen Mi tried her best to restrain her uneasiness, forced herself to be calm, and said with feigned anger: "Your Majesty, I am a married woman, please respect yourself."

"Yuan Xidu was beaten to Youzhou by us, and we have long since abandoned you. What kind of married woman are you?"

With a sneer, Nie Zefeng's body pressed forward even tighter, almost squeezing Zhen Mi's plump twin peaks to the point of deformation, and those tiger palms slid to her hips, grabbing them hard. .


Zhen Mi's delicate nose couldn't help humming, and her plump body trembled slightly, as if she had been shocked.

After a moment of dizziness, Zhen Mi suddenly realized that she had been insulted by this martial artist and should have resisted fiercely, how could she let out that moan that sounded like enjoyment instead.

Infinite shame surged all over her body in an instant, Zhen Mi blushed up to her ears, bit her red lips tightly with her white teeth, and pushed Nie Zefeng away desperately with both hands.

Zhen Mi kept resisting, pushing, trying to break free from the squeeze of the man in front of her, but it was a pity that she didn't have enough strength, everything was in vain.

Nie Zefeng's hands deftly slipped into her skirt, tore off the small garment, and moved wantonly between her belly, crunchy peaks, and fat buttocks, kneading and kneading.

Zhen Mi's heart was in a mess, and her mature body trembled involuntarily.

That delicate body that has been dry for a long time, has never been so intensely comforted, and the longing in my heart seems to be gradually awakened.

However, the so-called reservedness that has been cultivated over the years, as well as the remaining rationality, are constantly admonishing her not to fall into the hands of thieves. As Liu Biao's wife, she must resist violence.

"Your Majesty, please let it go..."

When Zhen Mi was about to open her mouth to beg, Ying Hun was quickly blocked by Nie Zefeng's mouth, forcing her to stick out her tongue halfway, and let him taste it.

At this moment, Zhen Mi's heart was already occupied by shame and anger, as well as that trace of inexplicable pleasure.

Embarrassed and angry, Zhen Mi couldn't move Nie Zefeng's tower-like body, clenched her small fists in both hands, and struck Nie Zefeng like crazy.

Nie Zefeng didn't pay any attention to it, the more fiercely she resisted, the more he aroused his strong possessive desire.

And so the story of a real beauty and a hero unfolded.

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