The Conquest of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 289 Annexation and merger of states

On the way to Taiyuan

Pang Tong, Wei Yan, and more than a dozen carefully selected imperial guards came galloping on horseback.

Pang Tong asked Wei Yan next to him: "General Wei, the relationship between us and Bingzhou is just a nominal relationship between monarch and minister. We have not really unified Bingzhou, is that so?"

Wei Yan hurriedly cupped his fists and said, "Your Majesty believes in the courage of the doctor even more!"

Pang Tong asked in surprise, "Courage?"

Wei Yan took a deep breath and said sharply: "Yes, to deal with those local officials, the doctor must show the courage of the court. Don't forget, you represent the king! Although he is a warlord, a warlord who has just surrendered, But since he surrendered to our Chu army, he will naturally obey our Chu king!"

More than ten riders galloped away, and within a few days, they galloped all the way to the gate of Taiyuan City.

At this time, the Gaogan yamen in Taiyuan City, Bingzhou

There are many ceremonial sticks, and the local officials of Bingzhou, led by senior officials, line up in front of the yamen.

Drums and music sounded together, and Pang Tong and Wei Yan rode their horses, surrounded by the Imperial Forest Cavalry Guards, and came majestically.

Bingzhou Mu, Cheqi General Gao Gan and the garrison Sima led the way to meet them.

Pang Tong and Wei Yan, who had dismounted, chatted with the officials.

"Bingzhou Muche Cavalry General Gao Gan welcomes the envoys of the King of Chu!"

And the army Sima next to him also greeted: "Wang Cheng, the garrison Sima, has seen the two adults!"

Pang Tong was a little shy, Wei Yan tugged him remindingly.

Pang Tong was in a hurry, and said in an adaptable manner: "Oh, the weather in Taiyuan is indeed more slippery and hotter than that in Yecheng!" Rain!"

However, what Wei Yan and Pang Tong did not expect was that the high-ranking official was actually a civil servant.

Army Sima asked Wei Yan: "How come the general has never seen your lord's military uniform and the uniform of the guards?"

Pang Tong took the opportunity to add: "Your Majesty Wei Yan is the new Commander-in-Chief of Your Majesty's Imperial Forest Army, and these strong men are also your Majesty's Imperial Forest Army."

Seeing them, Sima saw them all well-equipped, and between the dances of their hands, there was a domineering army. He couldn't help admiring: "No wonder, no wonder, the last general has seen it. Two adults, please..."

After the two were welcomed into the main hall by the high officials and the army Sima.

The banquet is held by Fang Zhang, and all the people who add wine are local beauties.

Pang Tong stared at the beautiful woman's neck, and praised: "The land of Bingzhou is really slippery, look how good the skin is..." Pang Tong's salivating eyes met Wei Yan's.

The senior cadre smiled knowingly: "That is, that is, Bingzhou is a place that produces beautiful women. After our official duties are finished, I will take you around to show the charm of my Bingzhou women!"

Wei Yan asked the garrison Sima with concern: "Does the military Sima understand the situation in the frontier? What is the current situation of Ma Chao's army?"

After Pang Tong saw the above words, he went on to say: "Yes, how is Ma Chao's army now?" Army Sima briefly introduced: "Ma Chao's 20 troops are currently stationed at the frontier fortress, and they have received [-] Huns. However, they occupied a favorable position to resist vigorously, but both sides suffered heavy losses, and Ma Chao's army now urgently needs to replenish troops, weapons, and horses."

Wei Yan continued to ask: "How many people are there in Taiyuan's garrison? What kind of equipment are they equipped?"

Army Sima introduced: "Although our army is small in number, we are good at fighting in the field. Our cavalry in Bingzhou and Jizhou are equally famous. Once, General Li Mu of Qin State led a thousand cavalry to defeat tens of thousands of Xiongnu cavalry. Your Majesty attacked Jingzhou, Jiangdong Water Station, but we are suitable for field warfare and mountain jungle warfare."

Pang Tong clapped his hands and shouted: "Great, it can be seen that the king has chosen the right place to send troops from you to assist General Ma Chao."

After Jun Sima heard these words, he looked at Gao Gan in confusion.

After Gao Gan heard this sentence, he also put down his glass of wine in deep thought.

Looking at the situation, Gao Gan knew that he had to say something now, and said: "The two lords have come to Taiyuan City, Bingzhou, to mobilize troops under the order of the king. Unless I meet the King of Chu in person, I will not mobilize a single soldier!"

Pang Tong followed up on this and continued to preach: "Very good. The deployment of troops is an earth-shattering event. Your Majesty is very cautious about this, and wrote a personal edict with the imperial pen—see, the two of you may have never met your Majesty before." Is it the imperial pen? Do you recognize it? What an honor for the two of you, look, the king wrote the names of the two with his own hand: Bingzhou Shepherd Chariot Cavalry General Gao Gan, Army Sima... Oh, the king rarely writes edicts by himself!"

Gao Gan took the order, looked at it with shining eyes, and handed it to Sima.

Army Sima cupped his hands, and said arrogantly: "This general may be a bit old-fashioned, but when dispatching troops, I will only accept the presence of the King of Chu in person, not what you pretend to be...!"

Pang Tong stood up and asked, "Why, the military commander can't trust us?" He pointed to the Yulin behind him, "Without the king's personal order, how could we come here from thousands of miles to send troops? dispatched, don’t you see how the king attaches great importance to this operation?”

The whole venue was suddenly plunged into a kind of fear, which was already enough to draw a sword.

Gao Gan said with a smile: "I can see it, I can see it, to be honest, this is the first time we have seen the demeanor of the king's guard in this remote place..."

Gao Gan slowly put down his wine glass, and said directly with his beard in silence: "However, I heard that the king's Chu army is invincible in the world, and has always looked down on the stragglers in our places. Why didn't the king send his own Chu army instead Rely on us local warlords!"

Pang Tong pointed at the high officials and said angrily: "Bold! How dare you and other local officials discuss the interior of the palace in private. In the whole world, is it the king's land, and the shore of the land is the king's minister. As a local official, he can disobey the current Your Majesty, look carefully, what is this..."

Pang Tong took the royal scepter from his side with a swish.

Pang Tong shouted loudly: "Mianjie is like Mianjun, kneel down before you wait!"

Although, they are people who have just surrendered, but for such a situation, Gao Gan and Sima had no choice but to kneel face to face.Pang Tong said sharply: "Since you have recognized the authority of the king, you should honestly send troops to assist Ma Chao's army according to the order!"

The military commander immediately stood up, and then replied loudly: "Master Envoy, these are two different things. It is precisely because we are loyal to the King that we must adhere to the system of dispatching troops stipulated by the King. If the King himself does not come, I will definitely not send troops. !"


Wei Yan, who had been watching silently from the sidelines, knocked over the utensils in front of him forcefully.

Wei Yan reprimanded loudly: "In front of the king's scepter, Lord Sima doesn't cherish his head so much, then I'm sorry, come on, use Sima's head to uphold the authority of the king! Drag it on! Cut it off!"

Several Yulin rushed forward.

Jun Sima jumped up and drew his sword at the same time, and the guards in the hall also drew their swords one after another.

Wei Yan sneered and said: "It seems that there are some brave men in the little Taiyuan City. If you want to try swordsmanship with the king's guards, then try it!"

Suddenly, the whole hall could be seen, it was already swords and swords hitting, the sound of weapons resounded everywhere, Wei Yan could only drink on the spot.In just three or five rounds, the guards in the court and Sima himself were subdued by Yulin's swordsmanship.

Gao Gan also turned pale, but he also eagerly comforted him: "Presumptuous! Let go!"

Gao Gan blocked more guards from rushing in.

Gao Gan walked up to Wei Yan and begged for mercy, "My lord..."

Wei Yan suddenly put the bowl in his hand on the table, and ordered loudly: "Cut off that Sima who blasphemed the king's authority! There are not many heads!"

Wei Yan just finished speaking.

A royal guard raised a knife in his hand and dropped it, blood spattering on the case.

Even Pang Tong was stupid.

Holding the long sword in his hand, Wei Yan said to all the troops above the main hall: "Even disobeying the orders of the Supreme Commander is ashamed to be a soldier. Senior officer, look, are you handing over the army of this county, or are you going to hand over... ..."

Seeing this bloody scene, the senior scholar who was a scholar plopped on his knees, kowtowed, and cried, "I obey the king Shengwei and hand over my military power to help Ma Chao's army!"

Wei Yan raised the long sword in his hand and ordered: "Let your deputy Sima immediately notify all the garrison troops to gather immediately. I want to speak to the soldiers in person..."

All the soldiers in the hall were intimidated by Wei Yan's lofty ambition and the imperial army, and were forced to follow Wei Yan.

Accompanied by Deputy Sima, Wei Yan galloped quickly to the barracks in Taiyuan City, Bingzhou.

At this time, the sergeants in the battalion lined up neatly, their expressions were blank, and they were whispering among each other.

High officials from Taiyuan galloped here accompanied by Pang Tong and Wei Yan on horseback.Everyone waits to ride their horses and stand in front of the team.

Wei Yan looked at Gao Gan.

Gao Gan cleared his throat, and then said: "The current king personally ordered me to garrison in Taiyuan, and immediately set out to assist the Ma Chao army and resist the invasion of the Huns army. You must obey the command of the two imperial envoys. Anyone who dares to disobey the order will be killed without mercy." !"

The ranks of sergeants fell silent.

Wei Yan urged the horse to take a step forward, then held the long sword in his waist and said: "I heard that the cavalry in Taiyuan has always been famous for their bravery and strength. I saw you today, and they are indeed extraordinary. I also heard that you You are good at fighting in the mountains and forests, so the king did not mobilize the elite Chu army, the main force of the court. Why? Because in the eyes of the king, you are the elite Chu army fighting in the jungle! You represent the majesty of our Chu army!"

After hearing these words, the eyes of the sergeants lit up.

A sergeant shouted: "Does Your Majesty really know us?"

Wei Yan pointed at him and asked, "What's your name!"

A sergeant replied, "His name is Qin Dahu!"

Wei Yan smiled, and then said generously: "Okay, Qin Dahu, now Your Majesty not only knows that Taiyuan's cavalry army is good at fighting, but also knows that there is a soldier named Qin Dahu in Taiyuan's cavalry army. As for you, are you a big tiger or not?" A small bug, the king will wait and see!"

Hearing Wei Yan's encouraging words, the soldiers coaxed into laughter.

Wei Yan pointed to the cavalry of the Royal Forest Army behind him and said, "Don't laugh, can you see the Imperial Forest Guards behind me? I have a total of 20 cavalry in the Imperial Forest. They once directly defeated Yuan Shao's [-] troops with an army of [-]. But with three thousand soldiers and horses, the king's memory can even call out the names of each of them and the names of the horses!"

After hearing this, the soldiers were amazed.

Wei Yan pointed to a Yulin army and said: "This is the Yulin army that we incorporated into our Yulin army in Yuan Shao's old department in Jizhou, but he was not discriminated against because he was loyal to Yuan Shao. Moreover, we can also see one thing, the king is now The chief guard is Yuan Mai, the son of the great general Yuan Shao, what kind of monarch is the king!"

Yulin Zhang Gao said loudly: "Your Majesty advocates the death of fathers and offspring, so the Yulin Orphan was set up in the Yulin to adopt the offspring of officers and soldiers who died in foreign wars. Your Majesty treats us orphans like a father. I once went hunting with Your Majesty. Spooning soup in the same pot, sleeping under the same tent..."

The soldiers listened fascinated, because they had never heard of such a king.

There is a war started.


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