The Conquest of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 307 Bloody Battle in Liaoyang

After several months of fierce fighting, Zhao Yun led the army to defeat Liaodong and the North Korean allied forces, and won a brilliant victory. King Nie Zefeng of Chu held a huge welcome ceremony in Lieliu City. There was no living force in Liaodong that could resist. That is, Gongsun Yuan's last [-] elite cavalry.

After careful consideration, Nie Zefeng, king of Chu, finally entrusted Lu Bu with the task of eliminating Gongsun Yuan.

After several bloody battles, Lu Bu finally surrounded Gongsun Yuan in Liaoyang City in Liaodong, and a bloody battle for the city was being staged.

One morning in the autumn and September of AD 21.

When the first rays of the rising sun intertwined on Liaoyang City, and the whole city seemed to be dyed with a layer of gold, five thousand Chu troops had already lined up in the east of the city.

Standing on the top of the city, Gongsun Yuan raised his eyes and looked into the distance, but he saw the enemy army outside the city was in a state of arrogance and order, and the big flag with the word "Lu" fluttered in the morning wind.

Half of the five thousand Chu troops were cavalry.

"General, the formation of the Chu army seems a bit strange. Could it be that there is some fraud in it?" The deputy general next to him asked suspiciously.

"What's so strange?"

Gongsun Yuan had already guessed in his heart, but he didn't point it out. He wanted to see the eyes of the lieutenant next to him.

The lieutenant general pointed to the Chu army and said: "This time the Chu army has [-] people, most of them are infantry, but nearly half of the Chu army that is about to attack the city is cavalry. suspicious."

Gongsun Yuan sneered, and said disapprovingly: "There is nothing suspicious, it is simply because Lu Bu was born in Xiliang, and Lu Bu's most elite troops are cavalry. This may be the last battle in Liaodong, and he will definitely give the final honor to us." Give it to his Xiliang cavalry unit."

When Gongsun Yuan saw the big banner with the word "Lu", he guessed that Lu Bu must be in the middle of the formation.

Although Lu Bu is unparalleled in bravery, he is best at cavalry field battles, and most of his moves are cavalry, but siege is his shortcoming.

"Although Lv Bu is good at attacking fortified positions in field battles, Lv Bu is not good at attacking cities and lands. Although the King of Chu uses soldiers like a god and knows heroes, the King of Chu is still emotional."

When Gongsun Yuan satirized in his heart, the lieutenant was still at a loss.

At this time, the battle drums outside the city sounded, and the five thousand Chu troops moved with a bang, and began to slowly advance towards Liaoyang City.

Seeing that the deputy general was also at a loss, his blood burst forth suddenly, and he pleaded for life in a sharp voice: "General, I failed to take down that Lu Bu before, so let me defend the city this time, and I will definitely kill that Lu Bu's majesty." .”

But Gongsun Yuan waved his hand and said, "Just hand over the head of the city to me. You prepare enough food, grass and weapons for me, and I'm ready to retreat at any time."

Although Zang Ba was annoyed that Xu could not defeat Lu Bu in that battle, he immediately withdrew his fighting spirit after hearing Gongsun Yuan's order, and retreated to the city as ordered.

Gongsun Yuan stood on the ground with a big sword, facing the overwhelming enemy army like an iron tower, his knife-sharpened face was as cold as a mountain, as calm as a mountain.

The Liaodong Army on the left and right seemed to be infected by Gongsun Yuan's composure, and faced the menacing enemy army without a trace of fear.

Three thousand Liaodong soldiers, holding their knives, guns, bows and crossbows tightly, with determination surging in their expressions, watched the enemy approaching fearlessly.

At two hundred paces, the besieging Chu army suddenly accelerated their charge, shouting to kill and rushing forward.

Gongsun Yuan raised his hand and shouted sharply: "Fire the arrow!"

The flag was waved, the order was passed down, and hundreds of strong bows and crossbows were fired at once.

Countless sharp arrows, accompanied by the howling of thousands of birds' wings, pierced through the air, and fell towards the Chu army like raindrops.

The Chu army under the city had already made preparations. The first big shieldman held up the iron shield to block the incoming arrows for the siege team carrying the ladder.

Countless arrows were hammered down like raindrops, but many arrows still passed through the gaps in the large shield and hit the soldiers of the Chu army who were hiding underneath.

There were screams one after another.

However, the Chu army did not slow down their progress because of this, and they still rushed towards Liaoyang City fearlessly.

Looking down at the Chu army advancing in an orderly manner, Gongsun Yuan murmured in admiration: "As expected of Lu Bu, the number one brave general in the world, the soldiers under his command are indeed elite."

In a short time, thousands of Chu troops had crossed the moat, the first wave of siege troops approached the city wall, and more than ten ladders were slowly erected.

Hand-to-hand combat in the city is just around the corner.

Gongsun Yuan raised his sword eyebrows, shot with murderous aura all over his body, and slashed his long sword, and shouted sharply: "The athletes of Liaodong, fight side by side with this general, and kill the enemy!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

On the front line of the city, the Liaodong athletes roared with enthusiasm, because this is their last city. If they all fail today, they will have no way out, and their history can only be written on today's page.

The rumbling howling sound spread all over the wilderness, directly changing the expressions of the besieging enemy troops.

A few hundred paces away, Lu Bu waved Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, kept pulling his red rabbit horse, and said in his heart, "Gongsun Yuan never cared about soldiers, but now looking at this situation, his subordinates seem to be willing to fight for him to the death. In the past few months, Gongsun Yuan has not retreated half a step, and has always been so brave, what has he experienced, so that he has such great power?"

Lu Bu was surprised and uncertain, and the fighting spirit in his body seemed to be gradually disappearing.

"General, the morale of the Liaodong Army seems to be very strong. Are we going to attack later?"

The general next to him, who is also Lu Bu's best brother, Zang Ba, suggested it.

Lu Bu said unwillingly, "I'm going to rule the world, so why would I be afraid of anyone?"

After finishing speaking, Lu Bu jumped off his horse, rushed to the drum array in a few steps, and snatched a drummer's wooden hammer.

He rolled up his sleeves, and with a pair of iron arms as round as the mouth of a bowl, he swung them up and beat the drum vigorously to cheer for the soldiers under him.

Seeing Lu Bu beating the drums for them in person, the thousands of people under his command were inspired, their morale was greatly boosted, and the shouts of killing shook the sky, gradually suppressing the shouts of Gongsun Yuan's army at the top of the city.

On the top of the city, the battle to join the city has begun.

In the north corner, a Chu army hook ladder took the lead to set up the battlement. This kind of long ladder with a sickle on the top can tightly hook the city wall.

As soon as Fang took over the city, the Chu army's trapped team with swords and shields bravely climbed up.

Gongsun Yuan's army guarding the city had also been prepared. Stones the size of human heads whizzed down, knocking down those Chu soldiers who couldn't dodge from the hook ladder.

Amid the miserable howls, an enemy with a bloody head fell from the city several feet high, and fell into a pile of bloody and mutilated corpses.

On the front line of the city trench, five hundred crossbowmen of the Chu army, under the cover of large shields, shot upwards at the defenders at the top of the city to suppress the defenders' counterattack.

In the dense rain of arrows, Liaodong soldiers with exposed heads were continuously shot in the forehead, some fell to the top of the city, and some fell to the bottom of the city, mingling with the enemy's corpses.

Gongsun Yuan sat in the center of the city tower holding his sword, and commanded the battle calmly without moving a single step.

In the north, seven or eight soldiers of Gongsun Yuan were shot down under the powerful arrows of the Chu army, and the follow-up manpower was not enough to make up for it, and the defense here was immediately weakened.

The Chu army attacking the city took advantage of the situation to rush up, and three or five strong archers, swordsmen and shields of the Chu army rushed to the top of the city in a whizzing manner.

Seeing this, Gongsun Yuan yelled sharply: "Where is the deputy general, let me quickly kill the enemy who ascended the city from the north!"

The lieutenant general, who was in the middle of the bloody battle, got the order, and simply took off his half body armor, bare shoulders, and ran to the north side with a big knife in his hand.

Amidst the roar, the big knife swept out like a wheel.

Under this kind of power, all the soldiers of Liaodong began to attack the top of the city like crazy, and then, amidst the sound of shattering shields, several Chu soldiers who boarded the top of the city unexpectedly He was chopped off alive.

The Liaodong generals and soldiers who were furious, with the meager strength of the Liaodong Army, forced back the enemy who ascended the city.

Afterwards, the lieutenant thrust his broadsword into the ground, picked up the fork on the ground, and pushed his arms toward the hook ladder with his arms soaring.

Amidst the loud shouts, the lieutenant-general raised his might and forked out the hook ladder which was more than a few feet high and had seven or eight people lying on it.

Accompanied by a burst of screams, the hook ladder wobbled and fell down, with a weight of several hundred kilograms crashing down, hitting most of the Chu army who were unable to dodge on the ground.

Most of those who were hit were killed on the spot, and even a few were cut in half, and the broken parts were all bloody, which was extremely tragic.

However, the lieutenant was also hit by several arrows in the chest, and then fell down the wall with honor.

In this way, the first round of mad attack was blocked by Gongsun Yuan.

During the half-hour battle, hundreds of Chu soldiers were killed or injured. The blood stained the earth-colored city wall red, and the corpses at the base of the city wall were piled up high.

The lieutenant general in the army saw that the city of Liaoyang was fortified and Gongsun Yuan's defenders were quite tenacious, and knew that with the current strength of the army, it was impossible to conquer.

Seeing this situation, Zang Ba really didn't want his soldiers to sacrifice in vain, so he rode his horse and came to Lu Bu, and reported: "Gongsun Yuan's army has been prepared for a long time. If our army continues to attack by force, it will only hurt the soldiers. General, I think we should temporarily withdraw our troops today, and make a long-term plan in the future."

"withdraw troops?"

Lu Bu held Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, pointed to the front and said, "It took only half an hour to retreat, wouldn't it damage the morale of our army, General Zang Ba, are you afraid of that Gongsun Yuan, or do you have other reasons?" What do you think?"

Lu Bu is a mockery of the Xiliang cavalry's invincibility and invincibility for many years, and it is also a suspicion of Zang Ba's own ability.

Zang Ba, seeing his elder brother making such a big determination today, his brows were darkened, and his chest was filled with anger, but he could only grit his teeth secretly, and ordered the whole army not to retreat a step, and continue to attack.

The Chu army, who was frustrated in the initial attack, could only muster their morale, and continued to step on the corpses of their companions, launching every second round of attacks on Liaoyang City.

Gongsun Yuan on the top of the city is still standing still like a towering iron tower, the blade in his hand is shining coldly, the red cloak is fluttering in the wind, and the banner with the word "Gongsun" flying proudly above his head.

Facing the second round of strong attack by the Chu army, Gongsun Yuan continued to command the battle calmly without any fear.

A ladder was overturned, countless enemy soldiers fell down the city, wood and rocks, and the red-hot molten iron were thrown at the enemy non-stop.

In the blink of an eye, it was another half hour of bloody battle. This time, not even one person from the Chu army was able to reach the top of the wall.


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