The Conquest of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 310 The Gongsun Family

Gongsun Yuan, who had rolled to the ground, endured severe pain and wanted to get up, but Lu Bu had already returned to his horse and stood in front of him. He slapped him with the back of his knife, and Gongsun Yuan, who had just got up just now, was slapped on the ground again. on the ground.

"Lu Bu's thief, how dare you treat me like this, I will definitely tear you to pieces, you thief..."

Gongsun Yuan, who couldn't get up, could only lie on the ground and curse angrily.

Lu Bu struck Gongsun Yuan's severed wrist with the saber, and said coldly, "Don't you think it hurts? If you don't shut up, I'll cut off your claw."

When Lu Bu threatened like this, even though Gongsun Yuan was angry, he didn't dare to say anything.

The famous Gongsun general with a broken wrist could only grin and stare at Lu Bu to vent his anger.

Looking around, the battle is still going on.

The Xiliang cavalry and Zang Ba's raiding team attacked inside and outside, causing the [-] Chu army to fall into chaos, and the infantry that followed them further broke the Liaodong army's will to resist.

It's just that these Liaodong Army are not a mob. Although they are in a disadvantageous situation, many of them are still doing tenacious resistance, because they are the last elite of the Liaodong Army. What we want is only their last glory, that is, the last drop of blood flowed into them, so that future generations will remember that they were once glorious Liaodong soldiers.

Seeing everything around him, Lu Bu didn't want his soldiers to make unnecessary sacrifices, so he dragged Gongsun Yuan up high, and shouted: "Gongsun Yuan has been captured alive, you are waiting to surrender!"

He used all his strength in this roar, his loud voice was like thunder, and he suppressed the noise of tens of meters around him.

The surrounding Liaodong army heard the reputation, but seeing their generals struggling in mid-air, they were all terrified.

In thousands of eyes, Lu Bu held up the remnant body of Gongsun Yuan, his red cloak fluttered and fluttered, and his whole person was like a god, which directly changed the expressions of Liaodong soldiers.

Those who are timid will surrender on the spot, while those who are brave will throw away their ashes and armor, and flee without daring to resist.

The collapse was from far to near, like a collapsed domino. After a short time, the [-] Liaodong Army collapsed.

From the beginning to the end, this raid lasted for half an hour, and it ended with the defeat of the Liaodong Army.

Excluding the casualties and the fleeing Liaodong Army, there were more than [-] descendants.

"General, this battle was a happy one!"

Zang Ba, who rode his horse to join him, seemed to be in a blood bath, his whole body was red.

Lv Bu praised: "This battle can be won, General Zang Ba, you should be the first to win."

Being praised by the most brave general in the world, Lu Bu, Zang Ba was very excited, but he didn't dare to take the credit, he cupped his hands and said, "If the general hadn't used his troops like a god, how could the general be able to kill so heartily tonight."

Lu Bu laughed loudly, his whole body brimming with joy.

Although the Liaodong army was defeated and Gongsun Yuan was captured alive, Lu Bu was not dazzled by the victory. Although the main battalion was broken, the side battalion of Gongsun Yuan's Chengtou captain with thousands of elites was still there, which should not be underestimated.

In order to prevent the lieutenant general from counterattacking, Lu Bu led [-] soldiers and horses to cut off the troops, and ordered Zang Ba to lead a large group of soldiers and horses, as well as thousands of soldiers, to retreat to Liaoyang City first.

Liaodong Army partial camp.

The sudden fire in the direction of the main battalion attracted the lieutenant's attention early on.

At first, the lieutenant general thought that the fire was just accidentally flooded, and he expected it to be extinguished in a short time, so he was not too worried.

It was only as the fire got bigger and bigger that the lieutenant gradually realized that there must be another reason for the sudden fire.

So the deputy general hurriedly sent scouts to the main camp to find out what was the reason.

The scout's report surprised the lieutenant: "The enemy army robbed the camp late at night, and all the food and grass in the main camp were burned."

The lieutenant general, who was shocked, wanted to wait for all the troops from the side battalion to go to support him, but he was afraid that this was Lu Bu's plan to attack the west. Before knowing the truth, he had to order all the soldiers to wear armor and be on guard at any time.

The fire in the main battalion was getting bigger and bigger, and the shouts of killing spread across several miles, even the lieutenant general who was several miles away could clearly hear it.

"What's the matter with the main camp? Even though Brother Yan is brave, how can he easily break through the camp wall?"

The deputy general watched the fire in the main camp from a distance, full of suspicion in his heart.

Just when he was puzzled, several riders came in a hurry from the direction of the main camp, and the leader was the counselor.

The counselor's arrival made the lieutenant realize the seriousness of the situation, he hurriedly steered his horse towards the gate, and bumped into the counselor on the way.

"General, there is a loss in the main battalion, so hurry up and go to the rescue." The counselor who hurried over shouted out of breath.

The lieutenant frowned, and said in surprise: "The big camp has a lot of antlers, and the number of soldiers and horses is several times that of the enemy. How did the enemy break it so easily?"

"I don't know what kind of tricks Lü Bu used. Now Lv Bu's Xiliang cavalry has rushed into the camp. If you don't send troops to rescue, if the general is at fault, can you bear the crime?"

The counselor, who was sweating profusely, yelled loudly, blatantly threatening the lieutenant general.

The deputy general listened harshly, and annoyance flashed across his eyes, but he thought that Gongsun Yuan was in danger, but he didn't care about arguing with the counselors, so he hurriedly mobilized his troops and horses, left the camp and ran towards the main camp.

Along the way, more and more defeated soldiers fled, but the shouts of killing in the direction of the main battalion gradually weakened.

When the deputy general approached the main battalion, the east was already pale and the sky was getting brighter.

The fire was still burning in the direction of Daying, but there was no sound of killing.

The battle seemed to be over.

Directly ahead, Lu Bu's army stood in formation, blocking the way of the deputy general.

Seeing this situation, the deputy general knew that the camp was lost, and seeing that Lv Bu had known that he would come to support him, he was afraid of falling into Lv Bu's trick again, so he had to order his horses to be reined in, not daring to move forward.

"General, the main battalion is just ahead, why stop the soldiers and horses?"

The counselor came running from behind and questioned.

The lieutenant general pointed at the army formation ahead, and said in a deep voice: "The main battalion has been lost, and the enemy has already prepared for it. How can we fight again at this time."

The counselor was also dizzy from anxiety, so he calmed down a little and observed the situation of the main camp before he suddenly woke up.

The counselor's face was full of surprise, he couldn't figure out how his [-] soldiers and horses were destroyed by Lu Bu overnight, and now he didn't know whether Gongsun Yuan was alive or dead, so the counselor was extremely anxious.

Just at this moment, a pair of riders galloped over, but the visitor did not carry a weapon, so he was clearly an envoy.

That ride stopped ten paces away.

"I am Zang Ba under the tent of General Lu Bu. I am specially ordered by General Lu Bu to deliver this item to the general."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Cang violently threw the thing in his hand out.

That thing fell in front of the formation, and the soldiers picked it up and showed it to the lieutenant general.

When the lieutenant general and counselor saw the thing, their expressions couldn't help but change drastically.

That golden thing is Gongsun Yuan's helmet.

"Could it be that the general has died in battle?"

The lieutenant couldn't help being surprised.

As soon as the words came out, Zang Ba raised his voice and shouted: "My general has captured Gongsun Yuan alive. The general said that he doesn't want to fight with you, general. If the general doesn't want Gongsun Yuan's head to fall, please retreat immediately. Hurry up." Offend me again in Liaoyang City."

After finishing speaking, Zang Ba said nothing more, turned around and rode away.

In a moment, Zang Ba rushed back to the main formation.

At this time, Lu Bu waved Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, and parked his horse leisurely, not paying attention to the enemy army on the opposite side at all.

Seeing Zang Ba's return, Lu Bu said, "Zang Ba, can you hand over the helmet to the enemy?"

"The helmet has been thrown to the other party, and I also yelled to them what the general told them."

Zang Ba said harshly.

Hearing this, Lu Bu nodded slightly, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and a sly smile flashed across his eyes.

"Do you know who the deputy general is? He is Murong Zhao, a famous general in Liaodong. He is from Xianbei. He dominates the soul of the entire Liaodong army.

Although Lu Bu has two cavalry from Jiang Rui, Shenxing Cavalry and Xiliang Cavalry, what he lacks is a capable general of Liaodong. If he wants to hold Liaodong steadily, he must find a general of Liaodong.

If he could get an excellent cavalry general like Murong Zhao, it would be like adding wings to a tiger, and the burden on him would be greatly relieved.

However, Lu Bu had already calculated that Gongsun Yuan and the counselors were deeply afraid of Murong Zhao. How could Lu Bu not take advantage of this opportunity to use Gongsun Yuan to capture Gongsun Yuan and defeat the Liaodong Army.

When Gongsun Yuan heard Zang Ba's threatening words, a trace of surprise flashed across Dao Scar's face.

The general of the Gongsun family was captured. What a major change. For the entire Liaodong County, it means that they have lost their country, and now they are all subjugated people.

When Murong Zhao was shocked, the counselor who was equally terrified was already suspicious, and squinted his eyes and looked at Murong Zhao fiercely.

"Order the entire army to retreat to the North Korean border immediately."

Murong Zhao gave the order to retreat in a deep voice, and he didn't even return to the partial camp, and directly retreated to the border of Liaodong and North Korea dozens of miles away.

The counselor was shocked when he heard this, and said anxiously: "After the general fell into General Lu Bu, why did you withdraw your troops instead of sending troops to rescue him?"

In his words, he did not hide the meaning of questioning.

Murong Zhao glared at him, and said coldly: "Didn't you listen to Zang Ba? If I dare to attack again, he will kill the general. Do you want to kill the general?"

The counselor was choked up, angry and anxious, but he didn't know how to fight back.

Murong Zhao didn't pay any attention to him, he turned his horse and retreated towards the southeast.

Although the counselor was unwilling, he didn't dare to stay here alone, so he had no choice but to retreat northward with Murong Zhao's army.

When the sky was bright, Murong Zhao was already more than ten miles away, and the two Liaodong Army camps outside Liaoyang City were all empty.

However, Lu Bu did not relax his vigilance, and remained stationed outside Macheng. He did not lead his army back to Liaoyang City until the intelligence brought back by the scouts confirmed that Murong Zhao had really retreated.

In this battle, [-] Liaodong troops were defeated and Gongsun Yuan was captured alive, which can be described as a complete victory.

Lu Bu, who returned to the city, ordered to take all the wine and meat from the Liaoyang City Treasury, and rewarded the three armies, and the whole army rejoiced.

After a celebration banquet, Lu Buling escorted the general of the Gongsun family up.

After a while, Gongsun Yuan was dragged into the lobby by Zang Ba.

At this time, the handicapped general of the Gongsun family was ashamed and full of anger. When he saw Lu Bu, he gritted his teeth with hatred, wishing he could eat Lu Bu.

Lu Bu smiled lightly, admiring Gongsun Yuan's distraught look with great interest.

Seeing this, Zang Ba angrily shouted: "A defeated general, how dare he not kneel when he sees my general."


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