The Conquest of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 315 Attacking General Peak

Chen Dao led his elite [-] cavalry and had been watching from the sidelines in Liaodong for more than three months.

During these three months, he saw the Central Corps led by Zhao Yun wipe out the entire Liaodong and North Korean coalition forces in one fell swoop. He saw the results of Lu Bu's army turning from defeat to victory, and then from victory to defeat.

Chen Dao led his army commander, Ma Kaige, to the General Peak for inspection. What he saw was the poor mountains, the high cliffs, and the only pass in the poor mountains.

Chen stayed in the horse for a long time, then walked around the mountain, and then said with a slight smile: "This city has been broken through, and you gentlemen are waiting to capture Pyongyang City with me!"

On the second day, the scenery was still not clear in the thick fog, only the dewdrops on the nearby branches and leaves could be seen, and there were only hazy silhouettes left in the distance, intertwined with chaos, and the sky looked up seemed like The quilt is covered with a layer of light gauze, the morning light is faint, and everything is silent, it seems that time has stood still here.A bird's song suddenly came from nowhere, this piercing clear cry woke up the whole world, the forest suddenly became noisy, and birds from all directions also joined in the harmony.

The outside of the Jiangjunfeng frontier fortress seemed so quiet.

Thick mist shrouded the screen, and the gentle sound of horse bells came from a distance, and the sound of the bell was getting closer.

The two soldiers on the top of the city looked at the white dots moving below the city, and began to discuss in a low voice.

The slightly taller soldier pointed to the city and said, "Did you hear that?"

The slightly shorter soldier wanted to chat and replied, "I'm afraid the food convoy is here..."

"Then why are you still standing there... Open the city gate."

As they spoke, the two of them hurried down the city, towards the front of the dense fog.

The inside of the Jiangjun Peak frontier fortress is in a warm autumn, but the outside of the Jiangjunfeng frontier fortress city is already in winter, and the winter is chilling and quiet just wrapping around the entire pass.Thick mist shrouded the screen, and the gentle sound of horse bells came from a distance, and the sound of the bell was getting closer.

Da Yuanjing (Light People) In the early morning, the city defense of Jiangjun Peak stands in the light mist.

Caravan bells rang out gradually in the mist (ǎi short), and a line of carts loaded with luggage (zī posture) filed through the mist to the city.

The sergeant standing guard on the tower shouted, "What are you doing?"

The sergeant was escorted in front of the car, and he lazily replied: "I didn't see it, I gave it to the adopter!"

The sergeant on the tower cursed lightly: "You lords are finally here, wait, open the door for you!"

However, the two soldiers below, one high and one low, who had already walked down the top of the city earlier, had already gone to open the city gate. The two garrison soldiers tried their best to remove the huge gate latch on the city gate, and the heavy city gate was pushed open with a bang. up.

The guard sergeant who came out also said lazily to those people: "Did you bring some meat this time? Don't let us eat those boiled beans in salt water..."

The oncoming person suddenly flashed a cold light in his hand, and the blade cut the guard sergeant in half.

But what they didn't expect was that what followed was the head of the garrison sergeant rolling with infinite surprise clang (kēng pit).

Then, the horse-drawn carriages that rushed into the city gate drove into the city one by one, and all the disguised baggage carts were thrown open, and the soldiers of the Chu army with knives jumped out of the carts, and immediately ran to the tower...

At the same time, a North Korean lieutenant inspected along the city wall.At a gap he stopped.

There is a faint mist floating on the wilderness outside the city wall, which is still peaceful and picturesque.

The lieutenant sat down along the wall.He took out a handful of soybeans from his pocket and ate them with a chicken leg.

A piece of chicken accidentally fell to the ground.The lieutenant bent down to pick up the chicken.

At this time, a strange thing happened. He found that the chicken in front of him and some small stones in front of him trembled slightly on the ground.Accompanied by a low and weird sound, rumbling.

The lieutenant (huò or) turned over and got up, looking out.

I saw, on the horizon of the wilderness, a mass of dark objects was wriggling, gradually getting bigger, and slowly taking shape.

Countless horseshoes were running and trampling wildly, and behind them were countless wolf smoke.

Accompanied by the sobbing of the horn and the rough (guǎngguang) shouting of the Chu army cavalry: "Oh hey hey—" rushed across the entire mountain pass.

The hustling cavalry of the Chu Army swept across the frontier city defenses in a line-up formation.

On the face of the pale lieutenant on the city wall, his lips whispered (niè rú): "Chu Jun...Chu Jun!...Chu Jun..."

The fire sickle shot out, igniting the open flame.Shame on the catapult with an open flame.

The lieutenant's catapult hurls flaming objects with a bang.

The parabolic fire in the air ignited the beacon tower on the city wall in an instant.

All the beacon towers immediately ignited the beacon smoke of the alarm...

As the lieutenant shouted, the guarding sergeants rushed towards the city defense with knives and guns in their hands.

A soldier rushed to a sergeant of the Chu army.

The fierce Chu army sergeant swung his machete at the camera.

Blood splashed everywhere in front of the camera, and the North Korean soldiers fell to the ground facing the soldiers of the Chu army.

A Korean soldier raised his bow and arrow and set out to shoot at the city wall.

Inside the city gate, a general of the Chu Army, Kai Ge, rushed to the screen and threw a rope into the air.

The North Korean soldier fell to the ground and was dragged out of the screen by Kaige. Kaige brandished a saber on the horse, grabbed the rope tightly, and split the North Korean soldier with a knife.

Kaige shouted: "Brothers, go!" All the cavalrymen of the Chu army screamed in response, and rode past the mirror.On the city wall, the soldiers of the Korean army and the soldiers of the Chu army fought together.

Outside the city is another case.

The overwhelming Chu army cavalry rushed into the city gate unstoppably.

Inside the city gate, the Chu army rushed in riding on the corpses of North Korean soldiers.

Chengguan Market

The wild Chu army cavalry swept away all the bustling and prosperous streets.

The cavalry of the Chu army rushed to loot.

Shouts and cries of men, women and children were heard throughout the street.

The cavalry of the Chu army is controlling the string and releasing the arrow.

The resisting North Korean soldiers and civilians fell in pieces under the shriek of locust-like arrowheads (zú feet).

The cavalry of the Chu Army directly rode into the shop.

North Korean women were evicted from their homes.

There are turbulent horse legs and Chu Jun's scimitars shining coldly everywhere.

The old man Han was stabbed and fell to the ground.

Outside the granary in the city near Jiangjun Peak.

A group of Chu army cavalry rushed towards the mirror, and the leader of the Chu army, Chen Daojun, Sima Kaige, shouted: "Drive the cart over to load the grain!"

The soldiers of the Chu army with swords jumped out of the car in front of the mirror and rushed to the granary.

Inside the city near Jiangjun Peak

The cavalrymen of the Chu Army dismounted and grabbed the North Korean girl who ran forward.

The soldiers of Chu picked up the frightened and screaming Han girl and threw them onto the horse.Following a Chu army general moving forward, it can be seen in the camera: Under the pressure of the Chu army, a long rope tied up a young and strong man and was dragged out of the city like a slave.

The Chu army armed with torches rushed to throw the fire to the houses on both sides.

The army of Chu rode across in front of the mirror, and in the background was a tied carriage full of grain rolling away from the city.

The granary that could not be pulled away was also set ablaze.

The whole long street was burning with black smoke billowing.

The cavalry of the Chu army escorted the looted population and property away in a huge way.

The cart full of food and belongings hurried out of the screen.

General Peak was captured easily like this.

After capturing Jiangjunfeng, the entire Chen Dao army began to advance all the way, and successively captured Yunshan and other important strategic locations. However, North Korea, which is dominated by mountains, has firmly attracted the entire Chu army to these mountain passes. It is impossible to take advantage of the cavalry of the Chen Dao Legion.

On this day, they finally attacked under the Xiangshan Walled City in North Korea.

When the first ray of the rising sun dyed Xiangshan with a layer of golden clothes, five thousand Chu troops had already lined up in the east of the city.

Standing on the top of the city, the golden dragon raised its eyes and looked into the distance, only to see that the enemy army outside the city was full of arrogance and order, and the big "Chen" flag fluttered in the morning wind.

The five thousand Chu troops were all cavalry.

"General, the formation of the Chu army seems a bit strange. Could it be that there is some deceit in it?" Jin Hu next to him asked suspiciously.

"What's so strange?"

Jin Long had already guessed in his heart, but he didn't point it out, he wanted to see Jin Hu's eyes.

Jin Hu pointed to the Chu army and said: "This time the Chu army has [-] people, most of them are cavalry, but the Chu army that is about to attack the city is still all cavalry, why don't they change to infantry to attack the city? This is obviously not in line with the art of war, and the general finds it very suspicious."

Jin Long sneered, and said disapprovingly: "There is nothing suspicious, it's just because they are too confident."

When Jin Long saw the big banner with the word "Chen", he guessed that Chen Dao must be too confident.

Although Chen Dao is unparalleled in bravery, he is best at cavalry field battles, and most of his moves are cavalry, but siege is his shortcoming.

Knowing this, Chen Dao came to attack the city, and his intention was obviously the reason why he had swept across the entire North Korea.

At this time, the battle drums outside the city sounded, and the five thousand Chu troops moved with a bang, and began to slowly advance towards Xiangshan.

Jin Hu was also at a loss, and his blood suddenly surged, and he said proudly: "General, I failed to take down Chen Dao last time, so let me defend the city this time, and I will definitely kill the Chu army, Kill Chen Dao's prestige."

But Jin Long waved his hand: "Leave the head of the city to this general, Jin Hu, you have more important tasks, you should go to the city earlier to prepare."

Although Jin Hu was annoyed by the fact that he had lost to Chen Dao a few days ago, after hearing Jin Long's order, he immediately withdrew his fighting spirit and retreated to the city as ordered.

Standing on the ground with a big sword, the golden dragon faced the overwhelming enemy army like an iron tower, its knife-sharpened face was as cold as a mountain, as calm as a mountain.

The subordinates on the left and right seemed to be infected by Jinlong's composure, and faced the menacing enemy army without a trace of fear.

Three thousand chariots of North Korean soldiers, holding their knives, guns, bows and crossbows tightly, with determination surging in their expressions, watched the enemy approaching fearlessly.

At two hundred paces, the besieging Chu army suddenly accelerated their charge, shouting to kill and rushing forward.

Jin Long raised his hand and said sharply: "Fire the arrow!"

The flag was waved, the order was passed down, and hundreds of strong bows and crossbows were fired at once.

Countless sharp arrows, accompanied by the howling of thousands of birds' wings, pierced through the air, and fell towards the Chu army like raindrops.

The Chu army under the city had already made preparations. The first big shieldman held up the iron shield to block the incoming arrows for the siege team carrying the ladder.

Countless arrows were hammered down like raindrops, but many arrows still passed through the gaps in the large shield and hit the soldiers of the Chu army who were hiding underneath.

The sound of screams, one after another...


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