"This is really 'Cao Cao', 'Cao Cao' is coming, the general really did a good job..." Although Gao Shun had expected it, he was still excited about Liu He's surprise victory.

He muttered to himself, but the excited generals were stunned, and all of them looked dazed.

All the generals were thinking to themselves, what does the success of conquering Pingcheng have to do with that "Cao Cao"...

Gao Shun realized that his words were "inadvertent", so he coughed a few times, pretending to be disapproving.

He suppressed his excitement, turned his eyes to Jin Xiaosheng who was pushed to the ground, and asked, "Are you Jin Shengzhi?"

Jin Xiaosheng, who was pressed to the ground, struggled desperately, but was held down by the deputy general's tiger's palm, and his knees could not leave the ground even a little bit.

Jin Xiaosheng, who was angry and hated, could only say bitterly: "So what, the surname is Chu, he can be killed or cut up casually, how can I, Jin Xiaosheng, be humiliated by you."

When Jin Xiaosheng yelled like this, all the generals in the tent were furious, and glared at Jin Xiaosheng with angry eyes.

Gan Ning said angrily, "General, this little boy is so rude, it's better to kill him with one knife."

The generals were angry, but Gao Shun only laughed it off, not furious.

If a prisoner like Jin Xiaosheng with weak martial arts skills and no ability to command an army was an ordinary person, if he dared to be so arrogant in front of Gao Shun, with Gao Shun's temper, he would have been killed with a single blow.

Jin Xiaosheng is lucky, fortunately he is Jin Sheng's son.

During the Battle of Liaodong that year, Lu Bu fought against Jin Sheng. He deeply admired this man's martial arts and military talent. Gao Shun, who was eager for talents, naturally wanted to take such a famous general under his command.

However, Jin Sheng received great kindness from the Jin family.The loyalty to the Jin family is not so easy to cut off, and it is not easy to subdue this person.

Now it is different, Jin Xiaosheng, Jin Shengwei's son, is now in the hands of Gao Shun, holding such an important chess piece, once the time is right.By the way, Gao can be used cleverly.

At the moment Gao sneered by the way. "Body and skin, you are the parents of the family. Your father, Taishiyi, is just you. You are dying. Do you want your Taishi family to be the last one?"

This rhetorical question immediately shocked the generous Jin Xiaosheng, who was stunned for a moment.

At this time, Gao Shun said again: "Young man, life is sincere and precious. Living is the most important thing. First calm down, think carefully, and then make a decision whether to seek life or death."

After saying that, Gao Shun waved his hand and shouted: "Come on. Take him to Xiangshan, so that he can be taken care of."

The deputy general got the order, and he ordered his subordinates to drag out the bound Jin Xiaosheng.

This time, Jin Xiaosheng didn't struggle anymore, but with a heavy expression of thought, he was taken away obediently.

This arrogant young general was taken away sadly, in the big tent.Soon the excitement returned.

The generals were excited, and Zhuge Liang, who offered this plan, had a calm expression on his face.

And Gao Shun was muttering and sneering. "Pingcheng fell, and the North Koreans were kicked in the ass. I really want to see what the expression of the North Korean lord is now."

In the big tent, all the generals laughed loudly.


Twenty miles away, the North Korean camp.

Jin Tianzheng was dressed in military uniform, riding a tall horse, and patrolling the troops in high spirits.

At the water camp, from the shore to the trestle bridge, [-] Korean soldiers lined up.

Looking around, the densely packed heads of people were like black clouds pressing down on the ground, and countless flags were waving. Under the blowing of the river wind, they rolled like raging waves one after another.

The dense iron armor reflected the dazzling white light, and the sharp weapons almost chilled the sky.

Looking at the mighty soldiers under his command, the shadow of the previous day's defeat had disappeared, and Jin Tian's face was filled with strong confidence.

Today is the auspicious day of the zodiac, the day Jin Tian personally selected to send troops.

Jin Tian decided to use his entire army to attack Beicang again. This time, he had learned the lesson from the previous attack and made full preparations for the attack.

Jin Tian believed that in this attack, he would be able to break through Beicang and put his "Jin" clan's banner on the land of North Korea's Zhongzhou again.

"Listen, all soldiers, I, Jin Tian, ​​made an oath here today. The first person to attack the enemy camp in Beicang will be rewarded with a hundred gold; the first to kill the enemy will be rewarded with a thousand gold; !"

Facing the soldiers of the North Korean army who were ready to move, Jin Tian's high-pitched voice promised a huge reward.

The North Koreans, who already had a heart of revenge, heard this astronomical reward, and all of them were so excited that their blood boiled and their eyes were bloodshot.

Jin Biao, who was in front of him, was the first to shout loudly: "Kill Gao Shun—"

"Kill Gao Shun—"

"Kill Gao Shun—"

Tens of thousands of North Korean troops roared angrily like a pot had exploded. The roar of mountains and tsunami seemed to make the river behind them boil.

Glancing at the soldiers with the highest fighting spirit, the confidence and indifference on Jin Tian's face became even stronger.

It was strong, and he thought to himself: "Gao Shun, Gao Shun, old hatred, this time I, Jin Tian, ​​will clean up the snow with you!"

He secretly swore in his heart that Jin Tian had already raised his whip, intending to use a heroic tone to order the whole army to attack.

Just as he raised his whip, a horse galloped towards him, and the hasty sound of hooves interrupted Jin Tian's thoughts.

A scout galloped to the front of Jin Tianma, rolled off the saddle, his face was full of panic.

"General Qi, General Jin of Joseon County urgently reported that the enemy general Liu He suddenly entered Jiangnan District three days ago and captured Pingcheng. General Jin Xiaosheng was captured and all our defenders were wiped out. The enemy army is advancing along Xiushui to the inland river. , General Jin, please give the general a quick instruction."

Pingcheng fell!

This astonishing news, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, instantly hit Jin Tian and all the North Korean generals.

In an instant, Jin Tian's expression changed, all his confidence and vows of revenge were shattered by this shocking news.

"How could the Chu... army suddenly attack the Jiangnan area? How is this possible?" Jin Tian exclaimed, and even his tongue was a little knotted under the shock.

All the generals were in a daze and frightened, not knowing why, but Zhang Gao, who was in fright, was the first to react.

"Earlier, the scouts from Chosun County discovered that a Chu army had indeed appeared on the Lukou Trail, but General Jin only said that Gao Shun was repeating his old trick, so he just sent more troops to defend Chosun County. Now it seems that Gao Shun did not intend to attack the south of Chosun County, but took the opportunity to attack Pingcheng, which was empty of my defenses."

Zhang Gao's words unraveled the mystery, Jin Tian and all the North Korean generals didn't realize it until now.

In Jin Tian's heart, a sense of shame and resentment suddenly arose, Jin Tian felt that his own resourcefulness and judgment were overwhelmed, and he was once again humiliated by Gao Shun.

As early as a few days ago, the North Koreans stationed in North Korea's Zhongzhou area reported that a Chu army had left Beicang and returned to Lukou.

At that time, Jin Tian only thought that Gao Shun was going to repeat the old trick again, trying to cross Mufu Mountain and pose a threat to the south of Joseon County.

Therefore, Jin Tian once laughed at Gao Shun as "poor as a donkey", and wanted to play the old trick again.

This time, in order to ensure that there is no chance of death, Jin Tian gave Jin Yu, who was staying in Chosun County, a death order, ordering him to send troops to strictly guard the mountain roads in Mufu Mountain, and never allow the Chu army to enter Chosun County from the south. .

Jin Yu did indeed. He not only sent troops to occupy the various mountain passes, but also dispatched a large number of scouts, distributed among the Mufu Mountains, to closely monitor the movements of the Chu army.

And the Chu army appeared in Mufu Mountain, and this superficial sign also convinced Jin Tian of his own judgment.

Therefore, Jin Tian ordered his brother to lead [-] soldiers and horses to guard the dangerous mountains everywhere, and must deal a head-on blow to the "sneaky" Chu army.

But both Jin Yu and Jin Tian never imagined that Gao Shun's army would unexpectedly attack Jiangnan District, take down Pingcheng in one fell swoop, and even capture Jin Xiaosheng.

Shame, great shame!

Jin Tian hated and was ashamed, almost gritted his teeth with hatred.

"General, our army is weak in the Jiangnan area. If the Chu army goes to the inland Hebei and cuts off the North Korean county, our army will be completely cut off from North Korea. The consequences will be disastrous. I implore the general to immediately send troops back to the Jiangnan area. "

Zhang Gao realized the seriousness of the situation and immediately spoke to Jin Tian.

Jin Tian hated and was anxious, but he fell into a dilemma.

If it is necessary to send troops to the south to aid the Jiangnan area, once the force is reduced, it is bound to be impossible to launch a large-scale attack on the Chu army in Beicang in a short period of time.

And just a moment ago, Jin Tian was full of confidence to encourage the three armies, and promised generous rewards, which pushed the emotions of the soldiers to a boiling peak.

Now, in the blink of an eye, he suddenly stopped sending troops. This will definitely be a blow to the morale of the soldiers. What will happen to his face as a general?

But if you ignore this, then as Zhang Gao said, if the Chu army really cut off the river, Gao Shun will make a big counterattack at that time, and his tens of thousands of elite main forces will be in a situation of destruction!

Jin Tian was in great pain, his riding whip was tightly clenched in his hand, his finger bones creaked, his face was gloomy and helpless.

The tens of thousands of soldiers of the Korean army who had already lined up were still full of fighting spirit, waiting for the order of their own generals, thousands of sails raced, hundreds of boats competed, and rushed to the enemy's camp.

But with their blood surging, they couldn't wait for Jin Tian's heroic order.

Nuo Da's water camp was silent, and a feeling of suspicion and restlessness began to permeate among the North Korean soldiers.

"General, Pingcheng only lost a few hundred soldiers and horses. If we send troops to the south at this time, if we can wipe out the enemy troops invading the Jiangnan area, it will be considered a victory, and it will also boost the morale of the three armies."

Zhang Gao saw that Jin Tian was reluctant to make a decision because of face-to-face, so he set up a ladder for Jin Tian.

Jin Tian's gloomy expression only improved a little bit. Although he knew Zhang Gao's words in his heart, he was taking his face into consideration, but so what.

In desperation, Jin Tian could only sigh deeply, and said bitterly: "Forget it, let that dog thief Gao Shun be proud for a while. Then I will order you to lead [-] soldiers and horses, and return to the Jiangnan District immediately. , After annihilating the invading enemy army, come quickly to meet up, and then break through the enemy camp in Beicang with all your strength. Beicang.

Twenty miles away, the latest news about the North Korean army quickly reached Gao Shun.

According to the information from a day ago, Jin Tian was originally gathering an army, planning to launch another massive attack on Beicang.

But on the day when Gao Shun received Liu He's victory report, the Korean army's long-planned attack suddenly subsided, and the detailed intelligence claimed that a North Korean army of about [-] people left the Dalai Lama that day. Camp, galloped downstream.

From various indications, Jin Tian had probably heard the news of the fall of Pingcheng, and as a last resort, he had no choice but to give up the imminent attack, and instead drew troops to deal with Liu He's surprise attack force.

Chu Ying heaved a sigh of relief.

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