The Conquest of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 356 Bold Pursuit

The defeated Pengcheng garrison began to retreat, and rumors arose among Liu Jun from all walks of life in the places he passed.

According to Guan Yu's plan.Originally, he wanted to withdraw the whole army back to Xuzhou intact, but the rumors that surrounded him disrupted his overall plan.

Before it was time to move out, deserters had already begun to appear in the battalions. Immediately afterwards, the battalions began to rush to retreat south regardless of the retreat order issued in advance.

A retreat turned into a disorderly escape in half a day. On the road going south, more than 5 Liu Jun fought for each other, fleeing south desperately, for fear of being overtaken by Nie Zefeng's army.

Less than half a day after Liu Juntuan's chaotic retreat, Nie Zefeng led the main force to Chaoyang City.

With [-] divine cavalry, plus [-] unarmored iron pagodas, [-] light cavalry traveled [-] miles a day, and rushed to the southern line with lightning speed.

Chaoyang City Gate, which had been under siege for more than a month, finally opened again, and the city guard general led his troops out of the city to welcome Nie Zefeng's arrival.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, for defeating the Liaodong and Korean armies." The general defending the city greeted him, clapping his hands and laughing in praise.

Nie Zefeng galloped forward, patted the general guarding the city on the shoulder, and sighed: "General, you kept the sun with [-] steps and held off ten times the enemy for life. Without you, how could this general do it?" Feel free to fight the Xiliang army."

With Nie Zefeng's approval, the vicissitudes of life of the general guarding the city also showed a bit of relief.

The two ministers expressed emotion to each other, and the general guarding the city said: "Now that the army of Xuzhou has retreated, and the siege of Chaoyang has been relieved, it is better for the general to enter the city and let the soldiers rest for a few days. Late."

The general defending the city obviously didn't know the purpose of Nie Zefeng's visit.

"There's no need to rest. The guest is leaving. How could he who is the host not go and give it away himself?"

Nie Zefeng turned his gaze to the south, and a murderous look loomed on his knife-sharpened face.

"Could it be that the general wants to..." The general who guarded the city seemed to understand, his expression froze slightly.

A sneer flashed across the corner of Nie Zefeng's mouth, and he suddenly shouted loudly: "Pass on the general's order, the whole army will go south immediately, the target is Xuzhou!"

With [-] cavalry and Chaoyang's thousands of soldiers and horses, Nie Zefeng had nearly [-] troops at hand. Facing the [-] Liu army, he did not have an advantage in numbers.

But according to the information sent back by the scouts, the [-] Liu Jun were not so much elite soldiers, but rather a group of rout soldiers who had fled. They had no military discipline at all.

Nie Zefeng then divided the troops into three groups. Yuan Mai and the general who defended the city led [-] cavalry to pursue from the left flank. Huang Zhong alone led [-] cavalry to pursue from the right flank. Three routes of soldiers and horses joined forces to attack Xuzhou.

Nie Zefeng's soldiers and horses, whose fighting spirit was in full swing, headed south from Chaoyang City, heading south in a threatening manner.

The distance from Chaoyang to Xuzhou is less than a hundred miles. If Guan Yu's army can retreat in an orderly manner, they can arrive smoothly in about a day by marching quickly.

However, in Xuzhou, which was in a state of chaos, the battalions rushed to fight each other for roads, and the sergeants scrambled for each other. There was no order at all, which delayed the speed of retreat.

At dawn the next day, it was fifty miles north of Xuzhou.Nie Zefeng finally saw Liu Jun's embarrassed figure.

Looking around, on the road going south, there are abandoned armor, flags, drums and other ordnance all over the place, and even whole truckloads of food, grass and luggage have been discarded.

As far as the eye can see, there is a lot of dust, and countless sergeants who have discarded their armor and armor are crowded on the road like going to a market.

"Liu Bei. You don't know the lesson after several times, so let the general give you this old thing who doesn't know how to fight, and teach you a good lesson."

In a sneer.Nie Zefeng raised his eyebrows horizontally, his hunting spirit was raging.

"The generals and soldiers of the Chu army, join me in a bloody battle. Let Liu Jun know our reputation—"

Under the command, Nie Zefeng clamped the horse's belly violently, and came out like the wind with a long knife in his hand.

The passionate Nie Jun knight behind him roared with a loud "kill" sound, and rushed out like a landslide.

The iron hooves galloped, kicking up dust all over the sky, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

The sound of shouting and killing like a tide, soaring into the sky, directly changed the color of the world.

In front of Liu Junzhong, Guan Yu was frowning.The soldiers who shouted at him should not be crowded, and they didn't even notice that there were enemy soldiers chasing behind them.

The chaotic voices filled the eardrums, making Guan Yu very upset. Suddenly, he vaguely heard something strange.

When he turned around subconsciously.The whole person is like falling into an ice hole in an instant.

"Riding... cavalry... Nie Zefeng's cavalry!"

Panicked, Guan Yu actually forgot his identity as the commander-in-chief of the three armies, and blurted out a scream.

The left and right soldiers looked back after hearing the sound, when they saw the billowing sandstorm, the figures surging in the dust and mist, and the banner with the word "Nie" fluttering high.In an instant, he fell into an unprecedented panic.

"Nie Zefeng is chasing you—"

"Cavalry! The enemy's cavalry—"

Shouts of panic suddenly rose from the chaotic crowd, and Liu Jun, who was already emotionally disturbed, collapsed in a blink of an eye and ran away with his head in his arms.

"Mi Fang, form an array of five thousand troops to meet the enemy at a speed, you must block the enemy's army, otherwise my fifty thousand army will fall apart."

Guan Yu made a decision without hesitation, and when he gave the order, he turned his horse and went first.

Mi Fang's heart trembled, and she said anxiously: "The enemy cavalry is coming fiercely, and our army's morale is low, how can we stop it?"

Guan Yu glared at him, and said sharply: "Pengcheng's soldiers are our Xuzhou's elite, how can they stop less than a few thousand enemy cavalry, this is my general's military order, how dare you disobey."

General Guan Yu ordered to move out, Mi Fang had no choice but to reluctantly scold the Pengcheng soldiers under his command to form an formation to meet the enemy.

Guan Yu steered his horse and galloped, following the tens of thousands of terrified Liu Jun, like ants in a nest, looking towards Xuzhou and rushing.

The Pengcheng soldiers are indeed the most elite army in Xuzhou. When most of the Liu army's fighting spirit collapsed, the five thousand Pengcheng soldiers still maintained their positions.

Mi Fang is not a person who is not familiar with military affairs, he tried his best to stabilize his mind, galloped back and forth to command, and in the shortest time, he hastily formed a large infantry formation, blocking the way of the road.

To the north, Nie Zefeng charged over three hundred steps away from the enemy formation.

Looking up, I saw the enemy formation blocking the way. Shieldmen, gunmen, and crossbowmen were lined up one after another. Facing the menacing charge of our army's cavalry, they were calm and calm, and there was no sign of panic. .

Nie Zefeng was a little surprised that the enemy did not panic in the face of chaos. He quickly guessed that among the Liu army, the troops with some quality must be the Pengcheng soldiers trained by Guan Yu.

Pengcheng soldiers are indeed the most elite soldiers in Xuzhou, but it is a pity that there are such valiant soldiers but unscrupulous generals, after all, they are just a bunch of cannon fodder.

A sneer curled up at the corner of Nie Zefeng's mouth, and he suddenly shouted: "The whole army, detour to the east and attack its right flank."

Under the order, the following standard bearers waved the command flag, and when the three thousand cavalry were two hundred steps away from the enemy's formation, they suddenly changed direction, circled an arc, and attacked the right flank of the enemy's formation.

The essence of cavalry is not to rush blindly, but to seize the enemy's weaknesses and use strong mobility to attack the weak threats of the enemy's infantry at any time.

Although the infantry formation of Pengcheng soldiers was solid, Nie Zefeng could see through it at a glance that his army lacked cavalry protection, and the two wings were weak threats.

Mi Fang, who was in the infantry formation, saw the enemy cavalry turning to attack the flank, she couldn't help being shocked, and hurriedly ordered the army to turn around.

The soldiers turned around in a hurry, but 5000 people were crowded together, such a huge monster, it was extremely difficult to turn around.

When the army had just turned its head and the shieldmen and gunmen hadn't reached their positions in time, the cavalry led by Nie Zefeng had already charged within a hundred paces.

The rolling iron flow, like a black raging wave, carried the power to sweep everything, and rushed to the huge wedge-shaped formation composed of three thousand cavalry, like a torrent that burst down a bank, carrying the supreme power, towards Liu Jun The flanks raided.

The hundreds of cavalry rushing to the front lowered the spears pointing at the sky, and the hundreds of cold blades combined into a huge arrow that moved the world, tearing the air, like the fangs of death.

This made the deterrent force of heaven and earth kill, and instantly crushed Liu Jun's will to resist, who was unable to turn around.

The shield bearers in the front row looked at each other in horror, and those who still had some courage were still looking around for the movements of their companions, while the cowardly ones had already started to turn around and run away.

Even the most elite Pengcheng soldiers could not withstand the ferocious Nie family iron cavalry.

Hearing that Mi Fang was shocked, the military formation turned pale, and repeatedly scolded and tried to suppress the formation, but more and more people fled. He even beheaded several deserters with his own hands, but he couldn't stop the trend of defeat.

The infantry formation, which was solid as a rock a few seconds ago, is now like a fragile glass wall. Once it is broken, the entire wall will be torn apart.

Fall apart!

Facing the overwhelming situation of defeat, Mi Fang fell into despair completely, and no longer cared about any military order, she ran away first.

After Mi Fang fled like this, the little willpower left by the soldiers disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Five thousand Pengcheng soldiers scattered in a hurry, scurrying around like headless flies.

The oncoming Nie Zefeng and his murderous cavalry plunged headlong into the flock of sheep like uncaged wild animals.

The weapons in their hands mercilessly slashed at these enemy soldiers who blocked their progress, stepping on their corpses and crushing them forward.

Nie Zefeng was more like a demon general from hell.The broadsword was slashed in all directions, and where the blade passed, there was no life left.

Killing wildly all the way, the blood mist was flying, and Nie Zefeng's knife had cut off countless heads.

Old man Liu Bei has repeatedly invaded each other by crossing the void, and this time he is attacking from three directions.He almost pushed Nie Zefeng to the brink of desperation.

At this time, Nie Zefeng had long hated this celebrity who only knew how to sit and talk.

Today, he wants to extinguish the flames of anger in his heart with blood.Use killing to forge your own prestige.

He didn't know how long he had been killed, but when he suddenly looked back, there were corpses everywhere behind him.Blood soaked every inch of the ground, forming a large, disgusting dark red swamp.

The bloody land extends along the avenue going south, and spreads out to the east and west wings. Countless incomplete limbs and broken heads are scattered on it, like embroidery on a big red carpet.

Such a bloody scene is as tragic as Shura's hell.


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