In the afternoon, Chen Gui, those more than one hundred warships, and tens of thousands of surviving soldiers fled back to the water village in a hurry.

The fire boat came afterward, plundered past the water fortress, and went downriver.

The nightmare was not over yet, just when Chen Gui was taking a breath, Gan Ning's navy had rushed towards him.

Two hundred warships, with the momentum of a great victory, tried their best to attack the water village.

The main force of the water army was lost, and more than half of the [-] soldiers and horses were lost. At this time, Chen Gui was already in shock, and he still had the heart to stick to it.

Chen Gui, who had just escaped to the water village, did not dare to hesitate any longer, and immediately led his remnant army of ten thousand, abandoned the water village, and fled all the way to Xiapi City.

Gan Ning's [-] sailors captured Xiapi Water Village almost without bloodshed.

After the great victory, Gan Ning left some troops to guard the water camp, while the rest of the army quickly advanced to the middle city of Xiapi City.

Xiapi, the northern suburbs.

In the large tent of the Chinese army, Nie Zefeng rested his legs on the table, flipping through the military books leisurely.

As the commander-in-chief of the three armies, he is calm and calm at the moment, without the slightest sense of tension in the midst of a war.

The faces of the generals in front of the tent were tense, except for Xu Shu, everyone had a bit of uneasiness on their faces.

Nie Zefeng issued only one military order when he was in charge of the Chinese army: "Tomorrow we will stand up and take Xiapi City in one fell swoop!"

The order was passed, the flag was shaken, and the sound of war drums shook the sky.

Amidst the thundering drums, the formation of the King of Chu began to change, and the banner with the word "yellow" came out slowly. Covering more than a hundred Thunderbolt vehicles, they drove slowly to Xiapi City.

Immediately behind the Perak Chariot were the three thousand elite Changsha soldiers who were best at fighting in the mountains.

These [-] elite Changsha soldiers are veterans who have followed Li Feng since Jingzhou, they are best at attacking cities and mountains, and Nie Zefeng often sends this army into battle when encountering difficult battles.

Amidst the sound of rumbling war drums, this excellent army formation slowly advanced towards Xiapi City.

Above Guancheng, Zhang Fei showed a trace of disdain on his stern expression.

"It turned out to be a thunderbolt car." Zhang Fei's serious expression gradually became a little disapproving.

When Cao Cao attacked Picheng, he also used thunder chariots, but in the end it was in vain.

Now that the role has changed, Zhang Fei, who has personally experienced the failure of the siege, sees Nie Zefeng also using the thunderbolt car, so he naturally feels disdainful.

Even so, Zhang Fei didn't dare to take it too lightly. Seeing that the enemy line had advanced within the range of the crossbow, he immediately ordered the crossbowmen in the city to shoot and kill the king of Chu fiercely.

As soon as the drum sounded, arrows rained down on Xiapi city.

That was really falling from the sky. With the condescending momentum, the arrows shot by Liu Jun not only increased the range, but also doubled the strength of the team.

Countless arrows, as dense as migrating locusts, were overwhelmingly directed towards the Chu army.

Facing the torrential rain of arrows, the shield bearers in the front row could only hold their shields high and move forward fearfully, but they were overwhelmed by the dense arrow rain.

The crossbowmen hiding behind the shields can only reluctantly look for opportunities in the gaps in the shield array. If there is a gap, the enemy shoots more than ten arrows before they can reflect one or two arrows, and they are not accurate at all.

On the first day of junior high school, the Chu army's bows and crossbows clashed at a long distance, but they were completely suppressed by the advantageous Liu army.

However, none of these brave soldiers of the Chu army flinched, and they continued to move forward with difficulty despite the enemy's fierce arrow rain.

After losing hundreds of people, the sword and shield players and crossbowmen finally won the launch distance for the thunderbolt car behind them.

More than a hundred Thunderbolt vehicles, under the cover of the companions in front, quickly loaded the stone bombs. With an order, the first wave of more than a hundred stone bombs rose into the sky with the sound of the wind, roaring Then he blasted down Picheng.

The moment the stone bullets flew into the air, it was as if a downpour stopped suddenly. The dense arrow rain on the city stopped instantly. Liu Jun's crossbowmen, who were afraid of stone bullets, squatted under the parapet to avoid the flying bombardment.

"boom boom"

—In the blink of an eye, more than 100 stone bombs crashed into Guancheng like meteors.

For a moment, the sound of heaven and earth cracking was like thunder, and stone chips flew, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

Nie Zefeng, who was watching the battle, frowned slightly.

Although the momentum of the thunderbolt chariot was huge, the effect was not very good. From a distance, Liu Jun's soldiers who were killed on the spot by the stone bullets were only a dozen or so.

This is no wonder, because the city building technology in this era is limited, whether it is Guancheng or ordinary cities, most of them are built of earth, so this thunderbolt chariot can play a huge role in attacking Zengtongjian City.

However, the city of Xiapi is all built of rocks, and its strength is far better than the earthen city of Zengtong.

The stone bombs falling all over the sky bombarded the thick city wall. Although the sound was loud, the destructive power was really limited. Apart from blasting away a few edges and corners, they did not cause substantial damage to the city wall. Influence.

However, the power of this thunderbolt car overwhelmed Liu Jun, forcing them to shrink under the wall, not daring to show their heads to fight back.

But at this time, the archers of King Chu who had been suppressed could calmly launch a counterattack against the enemy city. Suddenly, the rain of arrows and stones rained down instead, and the Liu Jun on the city was so suppressed that he couldn't hold his head up.

"General, the time has come to attack the city."

Pang Tong keenly spotted the fighter and said.

Nie Zefeng raised his whip and shouted, "Beat the drum, attack—"

The drums of the third pass roared.

Li Feng of the former army got the order, raised his sword and shouted loudly: "Shengcheng team, attack the city for the old man—"


Amidst the loud shouts, the [-] fortification team moved with a bang, carrying ladders and rushing carts, swarming up Picheng like the tide.

There is no moat in front of Xiapi City, and Li Feng's elite Changsha soldiers can easily enter the city and start the battle of ascending the city calmly.

But Zhang Fei on Guancheng was unmoved, still confident.

Because Zhang Fei is extremely confident in Xiapi City's defense system.

The inner city and outer city of Xiapi City are reasonably constructed, with many arrow towers and urns. Outside the main city wall, there are also large and small stone villages, which form a three-dimensional defense system with the main gate city on the front.

What Li Feng's army is attacking now is only the first line of defense in the outer city of Xiapi.

When the Shengcheng team reached the bottom of the city, the thunderbolt chariots did not dare to fire again, so as not to bombard the friendly army by mistake. At this time, only a few thousand crossbowmen who could provide cover for the siege soldiers were left behind.

When these elite Changsha soldiers started to set up ladders and began to attack the city, they were surprised to find that the city wall was narrower than where they had lined up before.

More than 3000 Chu kings crowded under the city wall, but only five or six hundred people could use it to climb the city at one time. The rest of the soldiers crowded under the city wall became the targets of Liu Jun.

"Stand up for me, and fight back immediately. Whoever dares to flinch again will be killed immediately!" Zhang Fei on the city, drew his sword and yelled, commanding Liu Jun.

The stone bombardment stopped, and Liu Jun's soldiers dared to straighten up. Under Zhang Fei's command, they began to counterattack.

All of a sudden, Mu Mu, Luo Shi, and arrows rained down one after another.

Although the defenders counterattacked very fiercely, these elite Changsha soldiers were as disciplined as a mountain. Without the order to retreat, they fearless life and death, and continued to bravely climb up the ladder to the top of the city.

However, the strength advantage of this attack could not be brought into play, and the crossbowmen under the city could not suppress the enemy's long-range firepower. In addition, the pass city was extremely high. After a short time, the 400 elite soldiers lost [-] people, but No one was able to successfully board the Guancheng.

Nie Zefeng wanted to go down, and he clearly witnessed the tragedy of his own army. He knew very well that Xiapi City was too dangerous, and if he continued to attack like this, it would only hurt soldiers in vain.

At this time, Pang Tong next to him also said: "General, our purpose of probing has been achieved. The current offensive is not good, and it will be useless to continue the strong attack. Why don't we retreat first."

But the generals next to him expressed dissatisfaction one after another.

Nie Zefeng raised the long sword in his hand and ordered: "Li Feng's army retreats, Gao Shun's army moves forward."

In the tough battle, Nie Zefeng once again activated his trump card and fell into the camp.

Unwillingly, Li Feng's army retreated slowly.

Through countless corpses, Nie Zefeng saw the arrogance and courage of a general on the top of the city.

At this time, Zhang Fei held the Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand, facing the overwhelming enemy army like an iron tower, his knife-sharpened face was as cold as a mountain, as calm as a mountain.

The subordinates on the left and right seemed to be infected by Zhang Fei's composure, and they didn't even have a trace of fear in the face of the menacing enemy army.

The three thousand soldiers of the Liu Army held their swords, guns, bows and crossbows tightly, with determination surging in their expressions, and watched the enemy approaching fearlessly.

The trapped camp started its own successful pace, moving slowly at five hundred steps,


At [-] paces, the soldiers of the besieging camp suddenly accelerated their charge, shouting and rushing forward.

Zhang Fei grabbed his Zhangba Snake Spear with his right hand, raised his left hand, and shouted sharply: "Fire the arrow!"

The shouts have always been Zhang Fei's order flag, and when the order is passed down, hundreds of strong bows and crossbows shoot in unison.

Countless sharp arrows pierced the sky with the howling sound of thousands of birds flapping their wings, falling towards the soldiers trapped in the camp like raindrops.

The soldiers of the trapping camp under the city had also been prepared long ago. The first big shield bearer held up the iron shield to block the incoming arrows for the siege team carrying the ladder.

Countless arrows were nailed and fell like raindrops, but many still passed through the gaps in the large shield and hit the soldiers of the trapped camp hiding below.

There were screams one after another.

However, the soldiers trapped in the camp did not slow down their progress because of this, and they still rushed towards Xiapi City fearlessly.

Looking down at the soldiers of the trapped camp advancing in an orderly manner, Zhang Fei murmured in admiration: "As expected of Gao Shun, as worthy of being a soldier of the trapped camp, the soldiers are indeed elite."

In a short time, thousands of soldiers from the trapped camp had crossed the moat, the first wave of siege troops approached the city wall, and more than ten ladders were slowly erected.

Hand-to-hand combat in the city is just around the corner.

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