The Conquest of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 39 First Round Attack

"Siege the city is the bottom, attack the heart is the top; lead the snake out of the hole and annihilate the enemy."

Standing on the top of the city, Huo Jun looked at the [-] elite troops below the city, and the new students couldn't help admiring him: "Wei Yan is indeed the general that Shuai Wen has always followed, and he really has the right way."

Xiang Lang said from the side: "General, don't make others prestige and destroy your own ambition like this."

"In field battles, we are definitely not Wei Yan's opponents. Order all soldiers, get ready to roll wood and thunder stones, and burn oil in ashes."

"Yes, General."

The sun was rising, and the mist in the morning slowly began to disperse. The Wancheng army, which had been silent all night, finally attacked.

There is a phalanx for every [-] people in the center, a total of [-] targets, with infantry in the center and cavalry on the two wings. The uniforms of Wancheng soldiers are all mainly red, which is like a ball of fire. contrast.

With one stroke of Wei Yan's sword, a trumpet sounded loudly and eagerly.

"All soldiers get down, all soldiers get down."

But it was too late, the roaring long arrows from the sawtooth bow, the burning bottles and gunpowder pellets from the trebuchet, and the machine gun-like continual crossbow all shot at the top of the city.

Although Huo Jun told everyone to get down, some soldiers still failed to escape the catastrophe.

The corpse was directly inserted on the top of the city tower by the crossbow, and then the thick smoke from the fierce battle filled the whole city. They might fall down. The dead bodies on the tower were scattered all over the place, and blood flowed into a river in an instant. The soldiers on the tower had no time to clean it up. The strong smell of blood and sweat were mixed with each other, filling the air, which was pungent and unpleasant. , and the war has just begun.

The resonant hissing was exciting, but it was quickly replaced by a strong charge of the Wancheng soldiers under the city.

The soldiers of Wancheng soldiers are all strong and strong, like the undulations of waves. They uttered a real shocking cry, which was passed on to each other and encouraged each other. The three predecessors, as the first offensive echelon of the attack, began to attack .

The tall arrow tower and the siege vehicle that went straight to the top of the city put the ladder directly on the top of the city, and the soldiers below also began to push the hammer of the siege and rushed to the gate of the city.

Arrows flew wildly in the air, and the bursts of longbows dragged a ray of light to cut through the sky that had just cleared up, and all they saw were soldiers falling on both sides.

The Wancheng soldiers had just approached the head of Xiangyang City from the engineering vehicle, and they were greeted by several spears, which were directly inserted into their chests. Before the blood spurted from the corners of their mouths, they were picked off the ladder. Warriors can only spray their blood in the air, spraying it on the homeland of other countries, maybe they will shed a drop of unwilling tears the moment the weapon leaves their hands...

But the Jingzhou soldiers also had to pay a huge price, because they risked the continuous crossbow set by the Wancheng soldiers from the arrow tower, and every time they came forward, they were accompanied by a rain of crossbows.

Huo Jun personally swung his knife on the top of the city to kill the soldiers and horses of Wancheng who attacked.

He shouted: "Go to hell, get down, kill the whole army, avenge my army that died on Jingshan Mountain."

The desolate screams, the frenzied killing, and the scorching flames made the soldiers of the two armies more and more anxious.

Xiang Lang finds the red-eyed Huo Jun in the flames of war.

"General, it's not good to blindly defend the city like this."

"Then what should we do?"

"General, I led a group of troops to attack and cut off their communication. You deliberately let them attack the top of the city, attracted the main force of the enemy to the bottom of the city wall, and then killed them all with a fire.

"it is good."

Now it's not just Huo Jun who is on the top of the tower, but also Wei Yan, who is anxiously looking at the top of the tower,

He didn't know why 3000 people equipped with advanced weapons didn't even rush to the edge of Xiangyang City.

Wen Qiang said loudly at this time: "Look, general, our people have rushed up."

Wei Yan looked in the direction of Wen Qiang's finger, and there were indeed soldiers jumping down from the top of the wall to fight them hand to hand, but it seemed that the number of soldiers was too large.

"Another three thousand-man teams."

After the order was given, more than 3000 elites all rushed to the top of the city wall.

Seeing the Wancheng soldiers who had rushed to the bottom of the tower, Huo Jun shouted: "Shoot them down for me, go prepare oil for me."

Jingzhou soldiers beat down the soldiers who climbed the tower in an instant, and then bows and arrows flew all over the sky, and Wancheng soldiers raised their huge shields again to meet those "locusts" all over the sky

These locusts were either inserted on the ladder, or on the arrow tower, and then a kind of wet thing began to be smashed and scattered to these places by the impact...

Suddenly a soldier shouted loudly: "Oil, oil."

"Run, run, run..."

But in an instant, the second shower of arrows fell directly on the scattered oil.

"Spray" and the fire started under the city wall in an instant.On the top of the arrow tower, the top of the ladder is raised.

The fire is made stronger by the wind, and the wind is made stronger by the fire.

The outside of Xiangyang city opened instantly, but it was not with a door hammer, but Xiang Lang took the initiative to open the city gate, and then a group of cavalry came out with swords, and those troops who could escape were blown away by the wind-like Beheaded by the Jingzhou cavalry...

"Let's withdraw troops."

Wei Yan announced helplessly.

"General, we still have more than 6000 people trapped there, don't you want to save them?"

"General Wen, there is a field of fire ahead. After the arrow towers and siege vehicles are burned, they will collapse. By then, our army will not know how many people have died, so retreat quickly."

Wei Yan and Wen Qiang hurriedly retreated unwillingly. At this time, it was just getting dark, and the setting sun left only a ray of light, shining on the smoky battlefield.

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