I was a farmer in ancient times

Chapter 10 Guardian Ghost

Son, wake up quickly!Father Li looked at the pale Li Rui and prayed silently.


"Second Young Master, Second Young Master wake up~~~~~~"

"Ma'am, please take a rest! You have not eaten or slept like this for three days. The second young master woke up, but you fell ill, what should you do?" Xiaoju looked at the person on the bed unconscious, and the person beside the bed refused to eat. If you don't drink, she can't help at all.

"Okay, you can wake up after taking another dose of medicine."

"Really? Ma'am, did you hear? The second young master will wake up after taking this medicine." Xiaoju feels that the medicine in her hand now seems to weigh a thousand catties, because it is not just medicine, but the second young master wakes up to save his life. symbol.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen." When Ding heard that her son had hoped to wake up, she became much more energetic.

"Forgive Chen's blunt words, the second wife should take care of herself first. The second young master is weak now. If you are sick, it is easy to adopt him." Mr. Chen left the medicine and left.

"Xiaoju, bring the food quickly, no, give me the medicine first, I will give Xiaowu the medicine first."

. . . . . .

"When do you think he will wake up?"




"No, I lose every time."

Headache, huh?Am I not hospitalized with acute appendicitis?Why doesn't my stomach hurt and my head hurt?Who else is talking?

"Look, is he awake?"

"I'm awake."

"Who? Who's talking?" Li Rui clearly heard two people talking, but couldn't see them.

"Huh? Why can't he see us?"

"Yeah! Really can't see us?"

"Who's playing tricks? Why don't you come out quickly?" Li Rui yelled for a long time but didn't see anyone.Could it be that I am hallucinating?


Why are you back?

Li Rui looked at the scene in front of him, isn't it Gao Renwu's room?etc?How did I time travel back?Yes, because someone attacked me from behind.

Damn~ It seems that life will be lost at any time in ancient times, so I still have to find a way to go back as soon as possible.


"Second young master, you're awake. Woohoo~~~~~~" No wonder the woman is said to be made of water. Look at the two women he is familiar with, one can cry better than the other.

"Pour me a glass of water, I'm thirsty."


After Li Rui drank the water, he kept thinking, if he slipped into the water and traveled to ancient times, then if he fell into the water again, would he really travel back?

I was attacked so I traveled back, but it seemed to be ten days earlier.But did he really travel back or was he just dreaming?

Also, before I leave, I must find out which grandson plotted against me.

Ouch~~~~~~Dizzy, with such a big bag, there will be no congestion, right?This can be big or small. In the 21st century, many people have brain injuries due to accidents, which affect vision, movement, or memory loss.

Fortunately, I have no problems now, wait, these seem to be sequelae, some will take a few days, some will take a few years~ woo~~~~~~ What kind of shit luck am I having?

I heard that he woke up, and many people came early the next morning.

It was different last time, this time they were all giving gifts, and they were all very polite.Although many people spoke insincerely, Li Rui received a lot of good things.Look, this Polygonum multiflorum, I have never seen such a big one.Look at this, it is said that it is a thousand-year-old ginseng.

But why didn't Gao Renwen come?

Could it be related to him?No, this kid is naughty but kind-hearted.

"Sister Xiaoju, why didn't Gao Renwen come today?"

"Eldest Young Master, Eldest Young Master..." Seeing Xiao Ju's hesitation, Li Rui was even more surprised.

"Say it……"

"The second young master slipped into the water, and the eldest young master is still unconscious in order to save you."

"What? This idiot, he doesn't know how to swim to be a hero..." Although Li Rui cursed, he was really touched. After all, if a person sacrificed his life to save him, even if he was a wooden person, he would still be moved.What's more, after these few days of contact, he liked this child more and more.

Li Rui struggled to get up, but was held down by Xiaoju on the bed. "Second young master, you can't go anywhere now, just lie down and rest obediently."

Li Rui was really weak. He hadn't eaten for three days and was only supported by medicine. In addition, he was hit with a sap and then thrown into the water. Started to pant.

"Sister Xiaoju, bring me the food." Hearing that the second young master wanted to eat, Xiaoju hurried to heat up the food and brought it up.

After eating, Li Rui couldn't fall asleep, so he took out the book he 'stolen' from last time to read.Alas, I really miss the electric lamps of the 21st century. Looking at the present, oil lamps are usually lit.Li Rui smelled it, but it didn't look like kerosene, and he didn't know what it was.There are also candles at this time. Xiaoju said that they are only lit during the Chinese New Year, which shows that candles are very precious now.

Fortunately, this book is written with a brush, and the characters are relatively large, which does not seem to be very laborious.I have developed the habit of speed reading since I was a child, but classical Chinese is also very brain-intensive.Halo, after reading this, I don't know how many brain cells will die.

After reading it three times in a row, Li Rui realized that according to the introduction in the book, their current location should be in the Guangdong area of ​​China, because it is April and the outside temperature is more than 30 degrees, so it should not be wrong.

As for which dynasty it was, it is not mentioned in this book.There are only some travel notes in the book. It seems that the author of this book has traveled to many places: now Yunnan, Shaanxi, Hubei, and Hunan are all involved, and he is simply a travel expert.According to the book, the current imperial city should be Xianyang.

"You said this idiot could see us a few days ago, why can't he see us now?"

"You want to know?"


"If you want to know, ask yourself! Hee hee~~~~~~"

"Who is it? Who is talking? Come out to me, don't pretend to be a ghost." He clearly heard someone talking in front of him, but he couldn't see anyone.

"You're right, we are ghosts."

"Hee hee~~~~~~"

"If you are ghosts, I am the Jade Emperor. Even if you are ghosts, you are also cowards."


"You idiot, if we hadn't saved you, you would have died countless times. Let's go and ignore him."


"Come out, come out..." Li Rui's heart was trembling, there was obviously someone there, why couldn't he see it?Could it be that he was blind?No, you can clearly see things by yourself?

Should it be?Could it be really... Huh~~~~~~Li Rui thought that this idiot could see unclean things, suddenly a chill came up from the soles of his feet, and his whole body became cold after a while.Li Rui quickly hid under the quilt.Before I could see but not hear, now I can hear but not see...

"Amitabha~Avalokiteshvara~Jade Emperor~Tathagata Buddha, help me~~~~~~" While Li Rui was chanting non-stop, the two little ghosts appeared again.

One is a little ghost who often plays various scary death scenes to frighten Li Rui. He is about eight or nine years old and looks very cute.The other one is 60 years old and has gray hair.But both of them were pale and bloodless.

"Second boy, do you think he won't be able to see us anymore?" the child said to the old ghost.

"You are the boss, you don't even know, how do I know?" The old ghost's two white eyebrows twitched and twitched very amusingly.

"I think, is it because someone hit the back of the head? No, if the higher-ups find out, they will blame us for being unfit for protection. We have to think of a way, think of a way." The little ghost's petite appearance is very inconsistent with his mature movements. It looks very funny.

"Didn't I ask you to clean up? Why are neither of them dead?" A gloomy voice sounded, and in addition to this dark night, if anyone was there, they must think they were in hell.

And right now there's a guy who feels like he's in hell.

"It's because my subordinates are not good at work. Please take care of it." There was a person kneeling under the rockery. If it was daytime, Li Rui would have recognized him, but it's the middle of the night and there is no one.

"Forget it this time, don't do it yet, wait for my order."

"Yes" After waiting for a long time without a sound, the kneeling man wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked left and right for no one, and slipped away quietly.

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