I was a farmer in ancient times

Chapter 24 I am a Farmer

Ding Rui told Ding Shi one by one his thoughts.

At first, Ding was still snickering, watching Ding Rui grow up, he didn't do anything except shutting himself in the room, what could he do?

But listening to it, Ding stopped laughing, she listened very carefully and seriously.Her eyes were getting brighter and her heart was beating faster and faster.

"Mother! Mother! Mother?" Ding Rui shook his hand vigorously in front of Ding Shi.Ding came back to his senses and gave Ding a big hug.

"Son, you are amazing!" Ding Rui was instantly shocked.

How much does he want to hear this sentence?Since he was in kindergarten, he has worked hard to be a good student. He has won almost all the awards since he was a child, just to hear "Son, you are awesome! Son, you are amazing!" But until the end of his life, he Didn't hear either.He didn't expect that now, he heard it. Could it be that there was an arrangement in the dark?


Facing Ding Rui's inexplicable tears, Ding just smiled dotingly and stroked Ding Rui's head with his hand.

But Ding didn't know that she 'bought' a son with one sentence.From this moment on, Li Rui felt that he was really Ding Rui, and he also recognized Ding's mother.

Every day that followed, Ding Rui began to be busy.

Early in the morning of the first day, he, Zhang Qing, Zhang Ping and others went to the field for a field survey.He found that the people here are all dependent on the sky.According to Zhang Qing, fortunately, there is plenty of rain all year round, otherwise the farmer would have no way to plant.

After a day, he also clearly distinguished the class division of this era.Similar to the history he knows, it is divided into 'scholars, farmers, workers, and merchants'.

Farmers are further divided into those with land and those without land.Those who have land are called ------landlords; those who have no land but rent other people's land are called ------tenant farmers; and those who have land for themselves are not enough to live on, and they also rent part of other people's land are called ------ poor peasants .

In his situation, he is a standard landlord, while Zhang Qing and Niu Er have part of their own land and part of the land rented by Ding’s family, so they are poor farmers. .

But in Ding Rui's heart, at this moment, no matter whether he is a landlord, a poor peasant or a tenant farmer, he is still a peasant.Never thought that one day I would become a farmer?

If you don't plant the dealer again, you will starve to death.

After negotiating with Ding and Zhang Qing, Ding Rui took back all the land and held a mobilization meeting.

Although there are still a few people who do not agree to take back the land, but a cent of the farmer's land will be planted for you as a reward, and the initial reluctance has long been forgotten.

He divided his family's land into two parts according to distance, middle and near.Then the land in the distance is re-divided according to the actual situation of each family.But the nearby land, no one has a share.

Although everyone looked eagerly at the nearby land, the Young Master's family didn't get any share, and they didn't say anything, after all, no one got any share.

With the seeds, everyone worked together to plant all the distant land in less than four days.God has good eyesight, and it rained a lot just after planting, and it rained for three days and two nights.

Ding Rui still practices at home every day, and now he is much more diligent than in the 21st century.

It has been almost five months since I came here, and Ding Rui's head is going up.He estimated that he should be about 1.6 meters five now.About the same height as many adults.

The nutrition in ancient times can't keep up, which directly affects the height.He knew that he was growing up now, and he really wanted to get himself some milk to drink to supplement calcium.But people can't get enough to eat, so there are still people who raise cattle, and they just give up after thinking about it.

He heard that sports can grow taller, and the most effective way is to play basketball regularly and skip rope.

There is no basketball here, but he made a simple skipping rope with a straw rope.Insist on jumping a thousand times every day.

After these days of hard work, his body has improved significantly, and his body's toughness is much better than before.Taekwondo is also well practiced.It also gave him the confidence to keep going.

A new day begins.Ding Rui opened the window and took a deep breath of the fresh morning air. 'Hmm' is really refreshing!

The rain has stopped!

He hated rain since he was a kid, but this time he loves it so much!

Open the door and get ready to go out and solve a personal problem.Ding is already outside the door.

He smiled at Ding, "Mother, good morning!" Ding gradually got used to his way of greeting, and replied "Good morning!".

The couple washed up, held hands with each other and went to Zhang Qingyouli.When they opened the door, they were startled.

The room was full of people, although Ding Rui had already prepared himself, he was still quite surprised.

Seeing so many people coming, Ding also gave Ding Rui a complaining look.Ding Rui shrugged and smiled, Ding Shi pointed Ding Rui's forehead with his finger and smiled "naughty".

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