People in Zhangjiaao have never felt that life can be so wonderful.

Ding Rui was not idle either. He used these few days to observe the terrain of Zhangjiaao carefully.

Zhangjiaao is located in a small mountain depression surrounded by mountains on three sides.It is precisely because it is surrounded by mountains on three sides, so it is warm in winter and cool in summer, and the climate is pleasant.

The only downside is the water source.

As the saying goes, there are mountains and waters, and here are mountains --- Xiugu Mountain.There is also water --- Shuangxixi.

It's a pity that the water from the Shuangxi River goes all the way east from Xiugu Mountain, but it doesn't pass through Zhangjia'ao.Because Zhangjiaao is to the west of Xiugu Mountain.

This is also a headache for Ding Rui.In the past few days, he learned from the chats with the farmers that Zhangjia'ao has abundant rain all year round, and just to grow vegetables, rain alone is not enough.

Farmers also pointed out that mountains that are too far away are prone to water loss.

After several days of hard thinking, Ding Rui thought of planting potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc.Because they require much less water.However, the large-scale cultivation of vegetables cannot be solved by farmers fetching water from their homes every day.This also put Ding Rui in a predicament.

"Master, master, it's not good, something happened!" Zhang Ping ran all the way down the mountain, ignoring other things, he dragged Ding Rui and ran up the mountain.

While running, he explained the whole story to Ding Rui.

It turned out that Zhang Ping and his men were hunting on the mountain, squatting for a long time, and finally managed to guard a pheasant. The pheasant was about to be obtained, but who knew that a sharp arrow flew in and hit the farmers.

The farmers thought that what others were hunting was their own prey, but the archer said that anyone could hunt and kill the prey in Xiugu Mountain, and whoever shot it first would get it.

The father said that the father was right, and the mother-in-law said that the mother-in-law was right. When Zhang Ping saw something was wrong, he hurried down the mountain and reported it to Ding Rui.

When Ding Rui heard it, hey~ who is so powerful, hit by an arrow?Hearing what Zhang Ping said, this person is simply 'a hundred steps through Yang'.

The two of them ran for almost an hour when they faintly heard someone yelling and cursing.Ding Rui walked in and took a look, hey~ why does this person look so familiar?By the way, isn't this Li Si?The hunter in Lijiazhuang.

But at this time, Li Si looked a little embarrassed. His old clothes were torn several times, like a few pieces of rags hanging on his body, which was indescribably funny.

Compared with him, the villagers were even more embarrassed, and all of them were disappointed.

Li Si thought how many people Zhangjia'ao's people could bring in to ask for rescuers, but it turned out to be a thin, childish child, only a little taller, not eleven or twelve years old at most.

While Li Si was looking at Ding Rui, Ding Rui was also looking at Li Si.

This Li Sichang was tall and mighty, about 1.8 meters tall. Standing among these dozens of people, he really felt like he stood out from the crowd, but he was more like a fierce tiger facing a group of lambs.

Li Si is full of muscles. Judging from his exposed eight-pack abs, his figure is definitely not inferior to that of a fitness trainer.

Beside him, besides a pheasant, there are two hares.

"You are Li Si, Li Zhuangshi!" Ding Rui didn't know what to call Orion these days, but he was a strong man, and Li Si gave him a surprised look.Others also looked at Ding Rui.

how?Is it wrong?He didn't know that in this era, only great heroes can be called "strong men", just like people like Cao Cao can be called "heroes".And Li Si is at best a hunter.

Ding Rui knew that the address must be wrong, but since it was wrong, it would be wrong.

"I understand the general situation. This pheasant was hunted and killed by Li Zhuangshi, so naturally it belongs to Li Zhuangshi. You can go!" Although the others were not convinced, they did not refute.

Li Si did not expect that this group of elders would listen to a child.But he didn't think much, and went down Xiugu Mountain with his prey on his back.

After a busy day without any gains, everyone was disappointed. Facing Ding Rui's sharp gaze, everyone lowered their heads in embarrassment.

Ding Rui didn't say anything, and took the lead down the mountain. A group of adults followed him dejectedly, and no one dared to say anything.

At the entrance of the village, Ding Rui stopped and said to Zhang Ping, "Everyone is waiting for me at Uncle Zhang's house." After speaking, he ignored everyone and left on his own.

Zhang Qing was startled when he saw a group of people, except for Zhang Ping, who were all covered in scars.Zhang Ping told Zhang Qing the whole story, and just after he finished speaking, Niu Er came in, equally surprised.

Compared with everyone's failure, Niu Er's side is much better, with more than 40 mu of land, almost all of which have been planted.He came here just to say something to Zhang Qing and his boss.

Before, I thought that Li Si was not simple, but I didn't expect that he was so capable.The ten people teamed up are not his opponents, it seems that he still has reservations, otherwise, these people must have suffered more than minor injuries.Ding Rui took the alcohol while thinking.

This alcohol was left over from the last time he applied Zhang Qing.Looking at the alcohol in his hand, Li smiled. Unexpectedly, in ancient times, this alcohol had so many uses.

Everyone thought that being scolded by the Young Master's family was inevitable, but they didn't expect that the Young Master's family not only did not scold them, but treated them instead.

"It hurts a bit, bear with it, the weather is hot and the wound is inflamed and it won't heal." Zhang Qing didn't dare to bother the young master to do it himself, and stepped forward to help.

"Uncle Zhang, you have been busy all day, take a rest. You are not a doctor, so you don't know how to deal with it."

"Doctor?" Before Zhang Qing could react, Ding Rui understood, "I mean, you are not a doctor." "Oh!" Zhang Qing understood, seeing that Shaodong used words differently from others.

But Ding Rui thought: Grandpa, he really talked a lot and made a lot of mistakes.

In fact, applying alcohol is easy, and it has nothing to do with whether you are a doctor or not.But Ding Rui knew that this was the best time for him to buy people's hearts, and he must not pretend to be someone else's.

The Shaodong family treated everyone's wounds personally, and a fire rose in everyone's heart, warming everyone's new house.

Originally, Ding Rui was just trying to calm down today's incident, so that these villagers would not think too much, but he didn't expect it.This act won him all the hearts and minds.It made many people go through life and death for him.

After wiping off the alcohol, Ding Rui saw that the time was ripe, and said, "I know you will be wondering why I let Li Si take away our prey?" He looked around for a week, although no one said anything, but These simple people have long told everything with their expressions.

"There are three reasons. First, the eleven of us did not take down a single pheasant for a whole day. Second, the eleven of us were beaten to the ground by one person, and there was no room for retaliation. Just these two points, We have no way to get this pheasant, the key is that we all know that if Li Si doesn't shoot the pheasant, our chances of catching this pheasant are not [-]%. Right?"

Under Ding Rui's sharp gaze, everyone lowered their heads in shame.

"I know that compared with Li Si, we have less hunting experience, but if I ask a master to teach everyone how to hunt, will you be like today, unable to catch a pheasant all day?"

"No!" It was Zhang Sanwa who spoke, the one who was beaten the worst today.Ding Rui took a look, the worse he was beaten, the more bloody he was, the more bloody he was, the more he refused to admit defeat, the easier he was to persuade.

"No!" Zhang Ping also yelled. Although he was not beaten, his eyes were red. He was the team leader of these ten people. He felt worse than being beaten.

"will not!"

"will not!"

. . . . . .

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