"Pay attention to the formation. Wolves generally don't attack a group of people, so as long as we don't actively provoke them, we'll be fine."

A wolf came out from the pack, looked up to the sky and howled, and glanced at Li Si.It seems to be afternoon!

It was also the first time for Li Si to see so many wolves. He knew that he couldn't mess up, and everyone was counting on him.If he is in a mess, people's hearts will be scattered!So he tried to stay calm.

The more nervous he was, the calmer Ding Rui became.

A picture flashed in my mind.

"Go into the woods!" Ding Rui took the lead, and the others followed closely behind him in formation.

The wolves followed them for a while and then stopped following them.Instead, he stared at them closely for a moment and then left.

Seeing the wolves leave, everyone sat down on the ground.

"Shaodong's family, you are a god in the sky. Look at the wolves and you dare not approach." Zhang Ping sat beside Ding Rui, looking at Ding Rui with a full face of admiration.

Khan~~~~ How can I be so godly?Didn't it suddenly occur to me that wolves would not attack people for no reason.The reason why they appear is because we have invaded their territory.


Wolves don't attack people, but there are only three of them.

Can't rest, they must be crying somewhere!Must be terribly scared!

"Go, brothers! Keep looking!" Ding Rui stood up and was the first to rush forward.Li Si saw that he was walking in front and followed closely behind.

"One by one!"

"One by one!"

"Zhang Yang~!"

"Zhang Yan~!"

. . . . . .

"It's brother! Zhang Yan, listen, is it brother~?" Yiyi fell asleep in a daze when she heard someone calling her!

"Hmph~!" Zhang Yan sat next to Yiyi.

Zhang Yang has long been sleeping like a dead pig.

"One by one~"

"One by one~"

. . . . . .

"Zhang Yan, listen, someone is really calling us!" Yi Yi heard it clearly this time!

"Brother! Brother! I'm here, I'm here!" Yiyi could already see the flames clearly.

Zhang Yan also stood up, although he was not as excited as Yi Yi, but his eyes looked around from time to time.

"Brother! Brother! I'm here, I'm here!"

"Everyone, stop shouting!" Ding Rui heard Yi Yi's voice faintly, but was covered by them and couldn't hear clearly.

"Brother! Brother! I'm here, I'm here!"

"Young Master, it's Yi Yi's voice!" The tenants jumped up.

"I found it, I found it."

"Brother! Brother! Woooo~ I'm here, woooo~ I'm here!" Seeing Ding Rui, Yiyi immediately rushed up and hugged Ding Rui tightly.

"Woo~~~ Brother, you finally came to save me. I knew you would come to save me. Woooo~~~!"

Ding Rui thought about countless scenarios after seeing Yiyi: beat her up, let her know how bad it is; ignore her. . . . . .

But seeing Yiyi crying with snot and tears, his heart softened, and he couldn't help himself no matter what.

"Okay, don't cry. Isn't my brother here? Be good, don't cry!" Helped wipe away tears one by one, took her hand, and walked down the mountain.

When everyone saw Zhang Yang who was sleeping soundly, they couldn't laugh or cry.They are all exhausted and half dead, look at this guy who doesn't know how to be afraid!

Li Si picked up Zhang Yang on his back and followed him down the mountain.

By the time everyone returned to the village, it was almost dawn.

And the whole village did not rest that night.

This night silently connected the hearts of the Zhangjiaao villagers together.

At this moment, in the hearts of all the villagers in Zhangjiaao, Ding Rui has become their backbone, even though he is still a child who has just turned ten years old.But no one treats him like a child.

. . . . . .


As soon as he woke up, Ding Rui was shocked by the surprise in front of him.

Here is the south, and it is snowing heavily in the south.It reminded him of the heavy snow in 21st century in [-].

At that time, he just watched the news and felt that it had nothing to do with him.But now it is different.

It is snowing in the south, which is undoubtedly worse.

After the plague just passed, the common people have not been relieved, and now the sudden heavy snow, Ding Rui really dare not think about it.

Ding has put on all the clothes.It was still cold, so cold that I shivered.Ding Rui told her to stay on the bed and not go anywhere.

Came to Zhang Qing's house.

"Uncle Zhang!"

"Shaodong's house!" Zhang Qing came out as soon as he heard Ding Rui's voice.

Looking at Zhang Qing's outfit, Ding Rui burst out laughing.

Like Ding Shi, Zhang Qing put on all the clothes he could wear.So it's a bit nondescript, fancy clothes!

When Ding Rui smiled, Zhang Qing's old face turned red.

'Cough~' It's a bit too much, Zhang Shuke is different from Zhang Pingping, he is also a scholar with a thin skin.

"Young master, come in!"

The inside of the house is much better than the outside.

"I want to ask Uncle Zhang, how long has it been since we have had such a heavy snow here?"

"It hasn't snowed since I was born!" Zhang Qing didn't know why Ding Rui asked this.

Oh~ I wanted to see what kind of natural disasters happened after the heavy snow in previous years, but now it seems that it is impossible.

Ding Rui called a few hunters, drove the carriage, brought out the cloth from the secret passage, and let it go down according to human hair.Although he could not resist the severe cold, Ding Rui's selfless spirit was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Fortunately, the storm passed quickly.

"Young master."

"Come in!" Ding Rui was still exercising when he heard Zhang Qing calling him outside.

"Shaodong's family, someone from Lijiazhuang is here!" Seeing the happy expression on Zhang Qing's face, it must be a good thing.

"What's the matter?" Ding Rui continued to exercise.One by one is also by the side, with nothing else in mind.Ding Rui nodded secretly, yes.

"Many people in Lijiazhuang want to sell the land to us. I want to see what the young owner means!" Zhang Qing sat beside him.

"Oh?" Ding Rui stopped when he heard it.

"How much land?"

"More than 1000 acres!"

"Uncle Zhang! What do you mean?"

"I'll figure it out, don't say that one thousand mu is five thousand mu, we can eat it!"

Ding Rui pondered for a moment, and explained some precautions.He asked Zhang Qing to let go of this matter.

After this incident, Zhang Qing fully demonstrated his business acumen.

Not only Lijiazhuang, but all the land within a radius of [-] miles for sale, he took it back.

Niu Er also showed talent in large-scale farming.

At this time, Ding Rui didn't know that he was already a "landlord" with more than 3000 mu of land.

Since Aunt Li recovered from her illness, she ran to Ding's house whenever she had something to do.

Amid the busyness of everyone, Ding Rui ushered in his first New Year in ancient times.

Under the leadership of Aunt Li, all the women in the village cut window grilles and put up curtains.

Li Si led the hunting team into Xiugu Mountain for the last time years ago.

It may be that the prey on the mountain saw the heavy snow for the first time, so they were all 'spirited', and they were easily caught by the hunting team.Return with a rewarding experience!

Today is New Year's Eve.

People say that they miss their loved ones during the festive season!

Ding Rui stood on the roof - this has become a habit of his.Looking at the moon.

'Dad, Mom, how are you? '


"One by one, put another one!"

Ding Rui took a look, isn't this the fireworks he made?Ding Rui gritted his teeth and said: "Zhang Yiyi!" He was so anxious that he forgot that he was still standing on the roof.


Sad reminder!

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