Ding Fang bid farewell to Ding Huixin.

"Go, don't play too late!" Ding Huixin felt happy when she saw her daughter's beautiful face. Now that she has both children, she feels happy just thinking about it.Sometimes she fell asleep and woke up happily.

"Mom, if you haven't slept when I come back, I'll sleep with you!" Ding Fang said as she walked to the door.

"What kind of relationship is it! Mother is waiting for you!" Ding Huixin was happy.This son has been sleeping separately from him since he was three years old. It's different to have a girl!

When Ding Fang passed by, Rao Yuanchen blushed.She knew that her brother must be partnering with her aunt to persecute others.

"No, no, this is too difficult! How many legs do ten toads have? How many?" Rao Yuanchen deliberately played drunk.

Everyone roared with laughter!

"Well, my sister is here, let's change the game, this one is called 'Truth or Dare'." Ding Rui said when he saw Ding Fang sitting down.

"How to play?" Yu Xing also became interested now, but he didn't drink a glass just now.Winners are always like this.The more you win, the more you want to win.

"This time there must be a drinking order. Let the first ones start! If the loser, the order master can ask a question, but the answer to this question must be the truth, so it is called the truth. As for this big adventure, the question must be 'sharp, mean, It hits the nail on the head'. It's okay if you don't want to answer, but you will be punished with alcohol, not one drink but three drinks!"

"Okay! This is interesting!" Zhou Maoqian became interested.

"Okay, let's start from the drinking order later, and randomly say a number within ten, starting in turn, every time seven, a multiple of seven, and a mantissa of seven must be mentioned. The drinking order silently counts three times, and three counts include three." If you don’t answer or answer wrong, you will be punished. There are conditions, if it’s your turn to take the drink order, you lose, and the next person will take the drink order!”

"It's so simple! Come, come, come~" Rao Yuanchen immediately regained his energy when he heard this.The madness of the wine just now is gone.Ding Rui looked at it and thought: This bastard is really good at acting cute and cheating!

The first round: Dong Guo Zhongxian holds the drinking order.He shouted: "Three"





"Punishment~punishment~" Rao Yuanchen saw that it was Ding Zhenyue and clamored for punishment.This bitch just fed me several times, and this time she can finally vent her anger.

Ding Zhenyue hummed.

Dong Guo Zhongxian saw that it was a girl, so he didn't ask the question he was thinking of, so he changed it:

"How much private money do you have?"

As soon as Dong Guozhong's gossip came out, everyone immediately fell into shock~

Ding Zhenyue didn't know how to answer, she thought for a while and said:

"I have to figure this out! It will probably take two days!"

As soon as Ding Zhenyue spoke, everyone was struck by lightning.Seeing everyone's expressions, Ding Zhenyue said innocently:

"I really can't tell. I have fourteen cloth shops, forty dyeing workshops, and..." Ding Zhenyue began to count with her fingers.

"Stop, it's okay!" Ding Rui thought, this aunt, no, it's my aunt, she really is a rich woman, she said it so recklessly, but luckily there are no outsiders here, if someone with a heart hears about it, don't kidnap her No wonder.

"Is it possible?" Ding Zhenyue opened her eyes, looked at Dong Guo Zhongxian blinking, Dong Guo Zhongxian hurriedly said:

"That's it!"

"Okay, let's start with the next drinking order!" Ding Rui said.

Seeing that it was him, Zhou Maoqian immediately said:








. . . . . .




"Punish, punish, hahaha~" Rao Yuanchen jumped up happily when he saw Ding Zhenyue again.

Ding Zhenyue gave Ding Rui a sideways look, meaning to say: Look at your good questions.

"Do you choose to drink or answer questions?" Zhou Maoqian asked.

"Answer" Ding Zhenyue wanted to drink, but it would be strange if she didn't get drunk after three drinks.

"Have you ever given Master Dong Guo a nickname?"

Ding Zhenyue was dumbfounded, thinking, how did he know?Said hesitantly:


Everyone had fun!What is it?

"This is the second question!" Ding Fang said hastily.

Everyone sighed.

This time Ding Fang is in charge of the drinking order, she has already made up her mind: "Four"





"Hee hee ~ punishment, punishment ~" Ding Zhenyue hurriedly clapped her hands. "Ask him tricky!"

Rao Yuanchen looked like 'a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water'.Xindao: How could Ding Fang ask such tricky questions with her gentleness?

Ding Fang smiled slightly: "At what age did you start not to wet the bed?"

As soon as she finished speaking, everyone paused for a while and immediately laughed.Ding Fang felt embarrassed, if Ding Zhenyue hadn't told her the question in advance, she would not have dared to ask!

When Rao Yuanchen heard the question, he stared at Zhou Maoqian, and Zhou Maoqian hurriedly said:

"I didn't say that!"

He glanced at Wang Bingui again, Wang Bingui faced him directly, he felt that Wang Bingui was not a talkative person, and wondered, who said that?

"Quick answer!"

Ding Zhenyue didn't care if Rao Yuanchen was embarrassed or not, she smiled coquettishly.

"Seven years old~" Rao Yuanchen scratched his hair and said.

No matter how calm and calm people are, they all laughed, let alone other people.

"Liar, drink fine! Hou Sheng clearly said that you are ten years old." Ding Zhenyue is naive, but it doesn't mean that other people are also naive.

When everyone heard it, they had their own calculations in their hearts.

Wang Bingui frowned, without much expression.

Zhou Maoqian threw the wine glass heavily, with a sullen face, scaring Ding Fang next to him.

Guan Duocheng doesn't like Rao Yuanchen and the others, because these people are really "walking sideways" in school, always bullying the weak.This Hou Sheng was the worst bullied, he was injured almost every day.But Hou Sheng was even more contemptuous of speaking ill of people behind his back.

Yu Xing is still more optimistic about Hou Sheng. After hearing what Ding Zhenyue said today, it seems that he has to reconsider the issue of Hou Sheng's conduct.If Hou Sheng knew that when he slandered Rao Yuanchen, he ruined his future, how would he feel?

Dong Guo Zhongxian and Ding Rui had seen the whole process of Hou Sheng digging a hole for Rao Yuanchen, and finally letting Wang Bingui see through it.It's quite exciting, so they are not surprised that Hou Sheng can say such a thing.

Ding Fang felt embarrassed, she didn't know there was such a thing behind her back.Otherwise, she wouldn't have asked.

"So it's this grandson!" Rao Yuanchen gritted his teeth~

"You are lying, and you will be fined three glasses of wine!" Ding Zhenyue said happily.

"He didn't lie, he was telling the truth. Because Xiaochen was in poor health since childhood, she was able to recover after being treated by a famous doctor!" Wang Bingui looked at Ding Zhenyue and said solemnly.

If Zhou Maoqian had said this, it might not be so convincing, but when Wang Bingui said it, everyone believed it.

"It was my father who cured his bedwetting. When he was a child, he didn't dare to drink too much water for fear of wetting the bed. Haha~ If he hadn't met me, he might still be wetting the bed now~" Zhou Maoqian's words made everyone sympathize with Rao Yuanchen again , I wanted to laugh at him again.

"He dared to lie, let's see how I can fix him when I go back!"

Ding Zhenyue didn't understand the complicated inside story, but when she thought of someone lying to her, she got angry.

"Little nephew, remember to go back and beat him hard!"

Ding Rui is really speechless, I really don't know how this simple girl has survived till now?

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