Holy Emperor Jiuxiao

Chapter 1 Nantian Sect 【For Collection】

In the Nantian Mountains, cranes are flying, and spiritual energy is lingering!

This is the legendary Immortal Mountain. The Nantian Sect, one of the top ten sects of cultivation in the Zhao Kingdom, was established here. The Nantian Mountain is as high as ten thousand feet, with spiritual energy surging everywhere, and endless palaces and pavilions can be vaguely seen.

"Wow, this is where the immortals live!"

"Sure enough, it's a fairyland. I can practice immortality here in the future."

"A lot of cranes."

"You look like a fairy."


In the square at the foot of Nantian Peak Mountain, there were a total of three hundred fourteen or fifteen-year-old youngsters. After entering the Nantian Sect and seeing the fairyland-like Nantian Peak, they all showed surprise on their faces.

These disciples were all selected from the nearby city of Nantianzong to practice. Nantianzong recruits disciples every five years. Anyone who is ten to 15 years old has the opportunity to enter Nantianzong to practice.

"I don't know how Yan'er is doing with her cultivation?"

Among the many young disciples, a 15-year-old boy in white clothes said softly, the boy's clothes were washed white, but they fit him very well, and he had a pair of wise eyes on the same immature face.

Compared with other teenagers, he lacks the activeness of childhood, but has more quietness. His whole body exudes a strong smell of books, and he looks like a scholar.

His name is Yunchen, he is a child of a family near Baiyun City, and he was also a scholar who has read a lot of poetry and books. He happened to meet Nantian Peak to recruit disciples, and his childhood sweetheart's fiancée entered Nantianzong to practice first.

Seeing his fiancée entering Nantian sect to practice, he gave up his bright future and followed the last group of teenagers to Nantian peak to practice. Seeing that Nantian peak is better than the fairyland in the book, he was very excited.

"Haha, scholar, I'm thinking of your Liu Yan'er again."

A young man was the closest to Yunchen. Hearing what Yunchen said, he turned around and laughed loudly at Yunchen, with a trace of malice on his face. After he finished speaking, several youngsters not far away also laughed.

"I'm talking about a scholar, if you take another three years, it won't be a problem to be No. 1 in the palace exam. If I have that kind of result, I won't come to practice."

"Seeing the environment here now, I still like to practice here."

A few young people said each other sentence by sentence, and when they looked at Yunchen, they were also envious. Among the many children in Baiyun City, their grades were all number one, and they were also one of the most promising talents in the palace examination in Baiyun City. With a beautiful fiancee, who would not envy such a life.

"You guys, I have nothing to say to you, please be quiet, so as not to be seen by the immortal master sometimes, it will definitely have a bad influence on the outside."

Yun Chen wasn't angry either. When they were in Baiyun City, they often saw these young people, and it was normal to joke a few words occasionally. Thinking that this place is a place for immortals to cultivate, they shouldn't make any noise.

After he finished speaking, he stopped making a sound to avoid being noticed. This is also the knowledge he acquired from studying. At any time, he must learn to keep a low profile and deal with everything with calmness.

"Whoosh, whoosh."

"Whoosh. Whoosh."

There was a sound of piercing through the sky, and two young immortals in blue clothes flew towards them with their swords on their feet. Their clothes were floating and they were extremely chic, and then they landed steadily on the steps of the square.

The youngsters below looked dumbfounded, and their hearts were turbulent. Is this the ability of the immortals, flying around, so unrestrained. At this time, these youngsters have already compared themselves to the immortals who just flew here.

"The place where you practice, don't make any noise, or you will be sent back down the mountain immediately."

A slightly older young man said in a deep voice, his voice was deep and low, but the words reached every young man's ears, causing eardrums to ache.

"You are the last batch of disciples recruited this time, and now we will start testing your spiritual root aptitude. My name is Zhang Hao, you can call me Senior Brother Zhang, and his name is Feng Ming."

The younger youth said lightly, without any fluctuation in tone, but he was much more amiable than Feng Ming who started talking.

"Hello Senior Brother Zhang! Hello Senior Brother Feng!"

Yunchen immediately bowed politely to the two young immortals. In his eyes, it is the reason why many people don't blame people for bowing, let alone just a single sentence.

"Hello Senior Brother Zhang! Hello Senior Brother Feng!"

Seeing Yun Chen salute and say hello, the other teenagers were not far behind, and hurriedly followed Lin Ye's example and saluted the two young immortals.

"Hmph, who is your Brother Feng, don't get close to me, stand up for me, and start the test!"

Feng Ming saw these teenagers call him his senior brother, and his eyes showed disdain. They are just the children of mortals. He is at the eighth level of Qi training, so he dares to get close to him.

After finishing speaking, he stared at Yun Chen sharply, and then looked at the other teenagers, without showing any color to the teenagers present.

Yun Chen was stared at, and his heart moved slightly, people don't offend me, I don't offend others, I actually put my hot face on my cold butt, but I immediately suppressed this slight anger.

"Let's start the test. When you pass by here, if the color appears on your body, stand in the place corresponding to the color."

Zhang Hao looked at his junior brother, and shook his head secretly. He still knew his junior brother's temper, so he couldn't say anything.

A fist-sized crystal ball appeared strangely in his hand. The crystal ball was crystal clear and exuded a strong spiritual energy. I don't know what method he used, but the crystal ball suddenly emitted a gray light.

All the teenagers also lined up to walk towards the steps. After passing the light of Zhang Hao's crystal ball, each of them exuded a different color.

The body of the first boy glowed red, and then he stood on a spot painted with red. It turned out that not far from the steps, the ground was painted with ten colors, red, orange, red, green, blue, purple, black, white, and gold. All have a radius of ten feet.

Next, the second boy was also red, and the third boy was red. Soon, more than thirty boys had been tested, and most of them were red. Zhang Hao showed a disappointed look on his face.

"Green, yes, stand on the green ground."

Finally, there was a boy with a green body, Zhang Hao's face looked better, and then he continued to test for other boys.Half an hour passed, and all the teenagers had finished the test.

Yunchen also saw where these teenagers stood, most of them were red, a few were orange and red, and there were four each of green and cyan.

There are only two blues, but there is one purple. Even if Yunchen doesn't know what is good or bad, he can tell that purple is better than blue, and red is the worst.

Sure enough, Zhang Hao spoke, and Yun Chen's arrogance in his heart slowly sank, sinking into the abyss.

"The spiritual root is divided into [-]%, [-]% of the spiritual root is red, and [-]% of the spiritual root is orange. The better the spiritual root, the higher the achievement of cultivation, and the faster the cultivation. You don't know what I'm talking about now."

"According to the regulations of Nantianzong, those with less than [-]% of their spiritual roots can only be handyman disciples, [-] to [-]% of their spiritual roots are outer disciples, and more than [-]% of their spiritual roots are inner disciples. But in the future, they can be promoted according to the progress of their cultivation. .”

Zhang Hao looked indifferently at the young man standing on the ground in three colors of red, orange, and red. His eyes were cold and devoid of emotion. Cultivation is against the sky, and there must be no cheating. The spiritual root is destined by the heavens and cannot be changed.

"Junior Brother Feng, you bring disciples with more than [-]% of their spiritual roots into Yunluo Peak, and I will handle the matters here."

Zhang Hao said to Feng Ming, who was showing disdainful eyes, that he knew that his younger brother would not seriously deal with the low-level disciples here.

"Senior brother, I'm sorry, I just need to dispose of these garbage disciples casually. I just don't want to see these garbage."

Feng Ming stared at Yun Chen coldly, it seemed that at first Yun Chen called him Senior Brother, which brought him insult.Then he left with the other teenagers.

Yun Chen's heart was shaken and uncomfortable, he didn't expect to be insulted twice in a row when he came here, and he was powerless and could only bear it.

After Feng Ming took away the other youngsters with more than 200% spiritual roots, there were still more than [-] young people left, and these young disciples were all with less than [-]% spiritual roots.

"Now, you have two choices. One is to stay and become the disciples of Nantianzong, and the other is to leave Nantianzong. I will send someone to send you back. Those who leave will stand on the right, and those who stay will stand on the left. .”

Zhang Hao pondered for a while, and said calmly, and then waited for these disciples to choose whether to stay or leave, stay, the cultivation achievements are not high, and if they leave, they can go back to be a mortal for a lifetime.

Yun Chen chose to stay without hesitation, because he came here to practice for his fiancée Liu Yan'er, even if he looked at his fiancée for the rest of his life, it would be a kind of happiness.

After a cup of tea, the result finally came to fruition. Among the more than 200 teenagers, only three chose to leave, and the rest chose to stay, because if they stayed in the place where the immortals lived and practiced, they themselves were immortals.

"Okay, you three, I will send someone to send you back. The ones you leave behind will be regarded as members of the Southern Heaven Sect. After a while, you should remember the rules of the Southern Heaven Sect carefully, and you must not violate the sect's rules."

After Zhang Hao finished speaking, he took Yun Chen and others up to the top of Nantian Peak. After walking for half an hour, they finally came to a stretch of pavilions.

Along the way, there are fairy spirits and green leaves everywhere, giving people a feeling of being in a fairyland, and seeing some young disciples practicing from time to time.

Miscellaneous Workshop

Zhang Hao led the crowd to a huge pavilion, and the words Miscellaneous Workshop explained what this place was.Feng Ming asked Yun Chen and others to stay outside the miscellaneous workshop, and went inside by himself.

After a brief explanation, he quickly left the miscellaneous workshop. The person who arranged for them was a middle-aged fat man. The fat man's small eyes scanned Yun Chen and the others, and a smile appeared on his face, as if he saw the customer. Same.

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