Holy Emperor Jiuxiao

Chapter 456 Heavenly Sword and Spirit Devouring Sword

Ordinary people who have never practiced have a lifespan of more than ten thousand years. Such a thing is completely beyond his imagination. You must know that monks practice against the sky in order to live forever.

Every time one reaches a level of cultivation, one's cultivation base will increase a little, and one's lifespan will also skyrocket a little, so that one can slowly reach the level of immortality.

But these ordinary people here can live forever without practicing. Although it is not known whether these people can live forever, this longevity is absolutely amazing.

"Everyone, please forgive me for entering your place by mistake, we will leave now!"

Yunchen looked at these people, and said politely, even if these people have no cultivation base, but in this mysterious place, it is better not to turn your face first, and since you were drawn here, there must be something pulling you, you can't Turn things up first.

But after finishing speaking, these ordinary people didn't respond at all, they just surrounded them, as if they were waiting for someone to arrive.

Yun Chen didn't want to speak anymore, he just took a rest with Lan Yubing and others while watching these ordinary people, if there was any threat, he would leave this place immediately.

It didn't take long before I saw a group of people walking towards this side. The people here didn't have any cultivation level, they were completely ordinary people, but Yunchen found that one of the old men had no cultivation level in his whole body, but he had a kind of magical power , this kind of power can make people lose consciousness and lose their mind.

Like a kind of mysterious sacrifice, a group of six people came towards Yunchen and the others, an old man, a [-]-year-old girl, and four big men who were like guards.

The most attractive thing is this [-]-year-old girl. There is no trace of human fireworks all over her body, she is as holy and noble as a goddess of the gods.

But on the face of this holy and noble girl, there was a hint of naughty expression, which disappeared in a flash, and returned to that kind of holy and inviolable temperament in a blink of an eye.

This temperament, even if it is like a blue rain iceberg, is somewhat different. This kind of temperament does not belong to human temperament at all, but a holy temperament unique to the descendants of gods.

It has surpassed the description of beauty, and only the word goddess can be described. This is the real goddess. Although she is only [-] years old, she looks like a real goddess.

Not only Yunchen, but even Lan Yubing and the others were also attracted by this girl's aura, but they were all high-level monks, so they quickly reacted and looked away.

"Your Excellency has come out smoothly."

When the old man came in front of Yunchen and the others, he made a miraculous meeting etiquette, and finally spoke to Yunchen in a flat voice, but with a hint of joy and anticipation.

This sentence made Yun Chen feel profound, because he was surprised that this old man actually knew so many things, and in this place, he actually knew that he had entered the inner city.

"Well, I've come out smoothly, but please forgive me if I stumbled into your place by mistake!"

Yun Chen nodded, since the other party had already said it, there was no need for him to hide it.

"I finally waited for your Excellency to come here. It is also a chance and a destiny for you to come here. Please!"

The old man nodded in satisfaction, said a few inexplicable words, then made a gesture of invitation, and finally led Yunchen and others to the depths.

Yun Chen and the others didn't say anything, they just walked along with the old man, but this young girl carefully looked at Yun Chen and Lan Yubing and the others from time to time.

His eyes were extremely clear, without any impurities, even if he looked at Yun Chen, Lan Yubing and the others, he was just curious.

There was a slight smile on the old man's face, he didn't speak, and he seemed to respect the girl very much.

After walking for an hour, I finally came to a densely packed palace and pavilion. These pavilions and palaces are no different from the outside, but they are very old and look old.

However, these pavilions are indeed made of magical trees, which are as strong as treasures and will never corrode.

Yunchen followed the old man into a big hall, there was no one in the big hall, there were 24 people in Yunchen, plus the old man and the girl, and the rest stayed outside.

Everyone sat down as guests and hosts, but the girl sat in the middle, and the old man was in a position in the lower right corner. The arrangement of the seats puzzled Yun Chen, but it didn't show it.

"Your Excellency, I believe that you are the body of the Heavenly Sword and have mastered the Heavenly Sword."

After the old man sat down, he was not polite to Yun Chen, he naturally understood Yun Chen's doubts, and said it straight to the point, so as not to misunderstand Yun Chen.

"That's right, I have the body of the Heavenly Sword. I have mastered the Heavenly Sword. I don't know how you know it. I'm very confused."

Yun Chen nodded without any hesitation. At this time, he also had to clarify some things, otherwise he really didn't feel at ease staying in this place.

"Hehe, I have lived for 90 years, so I naturally know some things. You must be confused. The people here are ordinary people, but their lifespan is very long."

"Because the people here are the real survivors of the gods, the descendants of the gods, and have survived here for generations. Everyone has a life span of 10 years. I am the guardian of the gods, and I can have a hundred Ten thousand years of longevity."

The old man spoke slowly, Yun Chen and the others kept silent, listening to the old man telling some secrets here as if he wanted to tell a story.

Yun Chen and the others were terrified, they did not expect that this place was the real remnant of the gods, and the city of the gods in the distance was like a monk's city.

People in this place cannot practice here, unless they enter the city of the gods, they can practice.

The millions of residents here are all descendants of gods, but they will never be able to enter the city of gods to practice, which is also the seal of their ancestors.

Only after the heavenly sword is united, can the city of all beings be opened and enter the city of gods. Some of them will be able to lift the seal, and their cultivation will skyrocket rapidly.

According to the old man, as long as they enter the City of Gods, at least 1 people here can recover to the realm of true immortals in an instant, and the rest of them can also recover to the stage of crossing the catastrophe.

And this girl is the goddess of the city of gods, every 1 years, she can be resurrected for 100 years, and after 100 years, she will sleep again for another [-] years.

"This, you should need it."

After the old man finished speaking, he handed a piece of black animal skin in front of Yun Chen. There was something wrapped in the animal skin, but Yun Chen couldn't penetrate the animal skin with his spiritual sense, because there was a mysterious spell on the animal skin.

Yun Chen glanced at the old man, then took it seriously, and opened it gently. After opening the animal skin, his eyes froze for a moment.

There was a look of excitement in his eyes, this kind of excitement was even happier than getting the artifact.

What I saw was a broken sword wrapped in animal skin. The broken sword was one and a half feet long, and the whole body was gray with a hint of red light.

"Spirit Devouring Sword."

Yun Chen said it in surprise, he didn't expect that this half-cut sword was actually the first half of the Spirit-devouring sword, and the half-cut sword of the Spirit-devouring sword can emit the power of a divine weapon. If the two-section broken sword is repaired, this power I don't know how to reach the level of gods and demons.

"That's right, it's the Spirit Devouring Sword."

"The Spirit Devouring Sword was destroyed by the Heavenly Sword, but the Heavenly Sword was also scattered by the Spirit Devouring Sword. Both losers!"

Seeing Yun Chen's surprised expression, the old man understood that Yun Chen didn't know the real secrets of the Spirit Devouring Sword and the Heavenly Sword, so he slowly revealed the secrets of the Heavenly Sword and the Spirit Devouring Sword.

The Heavenly Sword is an ancient treasure, and the Spirit Devouring Sword is also a supreme treasure, but when the two destructive treasures are combined, they have a destructive attack and fight against each other, finally causing the destruction of the Spirit Devouring Sword and the Heavenly Sword, and the city of the gods. Also sealed.

All of this was caused by a supreme power. As for who has such great strength, the old man didn't say anything, but Yun Chen thought of this person.

It is the strong man mentioned by the powerful demon Tian Wudi. Only such a strong man can destroy such powerful existences as Tian Wudi and Spirit Devouring Sword.

Although the old man concealed a lot, Yunchen still knew some secrets, but it was not complete, and he didn't want to ask the old man, because the old man didn't want him to know more, which would affect Yunchen.

This place, the relic of the gods, should be the place where the Nine Heavens Scroll, the Heavenly Sword, and the Spirit Devouring Sword were born, but few people know the real secret here.

Lan Yubing and the others listened quietly to the old man's words, feeling extremely surprised in their hearts, but they kept silent, and the girl on the other side was the most relaxed.

This girl, that is, the real goddess, is called Ling Luo, and she was also born during the destruction of the Heavenly Sword and the Spirit Devouring Sword. The old man did not tell Ling Luo's life experience, only his identity.

The old man talked with Yunchen for three full hours before stopping, and finally arranged for Yunchen and others to stay, and explained some things to Yunchen.

Yun Chen didn't say anything, just followed a girl dressed as a maid and walked towards a pavilion in the distance, this place is quite spacious.

This pavilion, with a quiet environment, is suitable for monks to live in, but Yun Chen and others have no magic power now, so they don't need to practice at all.

After settling in, Yunchen and others lived in this place. After resting for two days, Yunchen found the old man alone to clarify some things.

This time, Yunchen understood completely. He was wearing the Spirit Devouring Sword, the Heavenly Sword Punishing the God Formation and the Nine Heavenly Swords. More importantly, Yunchen had practiced the Nine Heavens Fragments and the Heavenly Demon Sacred Canon.

The first time Yun Chen came in, the old man knew that Fu Luoling had indeed gone out from here. Although Emperor Tian Wu was not in this place, he had also come in, and the two of them finally left the city of gods.

No one knows how or why they left, and this relic of God was originally not in the spirit world, but in a magical place, but after the destruction of the Heavenly Sword and the Devouring Sword, it was Came to the spirit world.

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