Holy Emperor Jiuxiao

Chapter 561 The Eyes of Gods and Demons 【Ask for a monthly ticket】

"Holy Master, Luochen from Zhanhe Immortal City has been brought here."

At this time, twenty real immortals flew towards the city wall, and before the twenty real immortals came to the city wall, Gongsun Tianjiao's voice transmission came to Yunchen's ears.

Simply tell what happened in the City Lord's Mansion, in fact, Yun Chen knew what happened without Gongsun Tianjiao's words.

If Luochen dared to betray Wushuang Immortal City, he would naturally be killed, but he had to arrange things here, and it would also have the effect of killing chickens and monkeys.

Twenty people from Gongsun Tianjiao came to the city wall and saluted respectfully towards Yunchen. The other four real fairylands were restrained by Gongsun Tianjiao and others, and the others had already been killed.

"The disciple has seen the Holy Master."

Discovering the arrival of Gongsun Tianjiao and others, the immortals who had been stunned on the city wall finally came to their senses, feeling terrified in their hearts, because Zhanhe Immortal City betrayed Wushuang Immortal City. indivual.

Nearly [-] immortals were exterminated, and the two hundred true immortals were all lost. The strength of Sifang Immortal City was greatly reduced, and there was no ability to protect itself.

Luo Chenfan was caught, and now, as a disciple of Zhanhe Immortal City, he also felt uneasy. If Yunchen wanted to blame him, none of the immortals in Zhanhe Immortal City would be able to survive.

"Hmph, Luochen, do you know what happens when you betray me?"

Yunchen snorted coldly, ignored the disciples kneeling on the city wall, and stared coldly at Luochenfan. If he didn't betray him, Luochenfan's strength would be fully capable of being the city lord of Zhanhe Immortal City.

The peak of the True Immortal Realm has reached the Great Consummation, but if you betray him, you will lose, and the loss will be miserable.

"Yunchen, if you want to kill, kill it, don't talk nonsense, you think I am afraid that you will fail!"

Luo Chenfan glanced at Yun Chen, knowing that he had no chance of surviving, he just wanted to provoke Yun Chen to give him a good time, so as not to be tortured by Yun Chen's horrible methods.

I just don't understand why tens of thousands of immortals, two hundred and real immortals, and two great immortals disappeared. Obviously, it was caused by fighting skills in the distance. So many immortals disappeared in less than a quarter of an hour. I feel very inexplicable .

"Do you want to know where Lei Jingtian and the others went?"

Seeing that Luo Chenfan dared to resist even now, Yun Chen showed a faint smile on his face, and then waved his hand, and two top-level artifacts appeared in his hands.

These two artifacts are the treasures of brothers Lei Jingtian and Lei Jingfeng. They are the treasures of their fame. Anyone who is an immortal in Sifang Immortal City and Zhanhe Immortal City will know them.

"Their treasures, are they lost?"

Seeing the treasures of Lei Jingtian and Lei Jingfeng, Luo Chenfan couldn't help exclaiming anymore, the two top artifacts were the treasures of Lei Jingtian and Lei Jingfeng of the Great Wonderland, and the treasures of the Great Wonderland fell into Yunchen's hands, and he It is lost.

The loss of the two Great Immortals meant that all the other True Immortals and Immortals in the Tribulation Stage were also lost. It took less than a quarter of an hour. Could it be that nearly one hundred thousand Immortals were killed by dozens of Yunchens?

"The Great Fairyland, in the eyes of this seat, is just a slightly bigger ant, and the rest of the real immortals, hmph, exist like ants."

"If you want to die, it's not that simple. Those who betray me will have to pay the price of betrayal."

Yunchen glanced at Luo Chenfan disdainfully, and said in a cold voice, his voice was as cold as the voice from Nine Nether Hell, which made all the immortals tremble for a while, and their vests were still slightly cold.

After finishing speaking, he grabbed Luochenfan with one hand, and Luochenfan's body was suspended in the air. Yunchen looked at Luochenfan with sharp eyes.

"Ah, ah!"

"Ah, ah!"


One after another screamed, Luochen continued to scream, his face showed a look of horror, and his whole body was twisted in pain, as if he had seen something terrible.

Even the great consummation fairy at the top of the real fairyland will be so painful under Yunchen's eyes. What a frightening thing this is. And more.

Even Gongsun Tianjiao and the others were extremely curious. Yunchen didn't use any means to extract the soul and refine the soul, but just a look made this great power of the real fairyland Dzogchen so painful, and he worshiped Yunchen to the extreme in his heart.

That's right, this look is what Yunchen realized in the spirit world. When he entered the Heavenly Demon Valley, he had an epiphany on the edge of the Heavenly Demon Valley for three years. During the three years, he did not merge the Nine Heavens Fragment with the Heavenly Demon Holy Code.

However, he realized a kind of spell of his own, the Eye of God and Demon, which was also named by Yunchen himself based on the skill he had comprehended.

The eyes of the gods and demons have no other power, it is to deal with monks and immortals who are one level lower than oneself, and kill them with just one look.

This eye of the gods and demons is the supreme magical technique to punish traitors and opponents. Even the soul-killing technique of the demons and the soul-smelling soul-refining of the immortals are far inferior to the eyes of the gods and demons.

Immortals and monks who are seen by their eyes will have the most frightening things in their hearts, and they will also see the most frightening things in their hearts, and their mana and celestial powers will be reversed.

In the eyes of this god, with the supreme Taoism and magic skills, the immortal Yunchen's cultivation has reached the great perfection of the real fairyland, and he has obtained the aura of chaos. In the eyes of gods and demons, he naturally carries the aura of chaos With the energy of real demons, the people who have been cast will naturally suffer the most cruel torture physically and mentally.

"As the citizens of Wushuang Immortal City, you should have maintained the dignity of Wushuang Immortal City, but you failed to do so. This time, I can treat you as if you are involuntary, but next time, if someone betrays me, all the city will be destroyed."

"Get up, and remember that the immortals of your Wushuang Immortal City are the people of Wushuang Immortal City. They are proud of the strength of Wushuang Immortal City, and their shame is the shame of Wushuang Immortal City."

Yunchen looked at the immortals who were kneeling on the ground, said lightly, and finally said something that excited these immortals, Yunchen didn't pursue them, bypassed them, nothing could be happier than this.

Now they understand that in front of Yunchen, death is often better than life, and if they betray Yunchen, they will end up just like Luochen.

"You three, help the evildoer, just be like him."

Yun Chen's eyes turned to the three real immortals on the ground. At this time, the three real immortals were already extremely scared and their consciousness was blurred.

After finishing speaking, Yun Chen walked down the city wall, but when he turned around, the three true immortals automatically suspended in the air strangely, and Yun Chen also looked at the three true immortals.

"Ah, ah, ah...

There were bursts of screams, and the four immortals of the real fairyland were suspended in the air, twisting and screaming constantly.


There was a slight sound of breaking through the sky, and a blue light and shadow landed on Yunchen's shoulder. All the immortals could see clearly that it was a little blue monster. The little monster was extremely cute. In the middle, there is a space ring, and then the space ring is handed over to Yun Chen.

"I will leave Zhanhe Immortal City in two days. Please make arrangements for the affairs here."

Yunchen took the space ring and left with Lan Yubing and others. While walking, he gave orders to Gongsun Tianjiao who was beside him. In Zhanhe Immortal City, although many betrayed Wushuang Immortal City, there were also neutral families.

Naturally, Luo Chenfan had already ended up like this, and they would be the city lords of Zhanhe Immortal City. As for who would become the city lord, it was arranged by Gongsun Tianjiao and others.

"This subordinate will make arrangements."

After Gongsun Tianjiao finished speaking, he flew away quickly with a flash of his body, and disappeared in the city in a blink of an eye. He has been here for a while, so he naturally has a good candidate in his heart.

"After you go back, don't use your celestial power for a month."

Yunchen watched Gongsun Tianjiao leave, and then looked at one of the guards. This guard was going to pass orders to the City Lord's Mansion. He was plotted against by Zhanhe Xiancheng City Lord's Mansion and suffered serious injuries.

After finishing speaking, with a wave of one hand, a magical force shot down between the eyebrows of the injured guard. After the magical power entered the guard's eyebrows, it immediately exerted a magical effect.

The guard who was originally in low spirits suddenly recovered a lot, and his injuries were stabilized, but he couldn't use his immortal power for the time being. Yunchen would never treat his subordinates badly, but he could show endless terror when dealing with traitors. means.

Afterwards, Yunchen and the others went back to the inn to rest, and Lan Yubing and the others did not disturb Yunchen's rest, because Yunchen had just fought, and although he was tired, he gained a lot.

According to the previous situation, Yun Chen had to comprehend the situation of fighting skills in the past two days, gain experience from it, and killed two great immortals, absorbing the immortal power and the power of longevity of the great immortals.Refinement is required.

In Zhanhe Immortal City, it was already boiling. Yunchen, the lord of Wushuang Immortal City, came and killed nearly [-] immortals in Zhanhe Immortal City. None of the two hundred real immortals and two great immortals left, and all of them fell in Zhanhe. Outside the fairy city.

To kill so many immortals, only Yunchen alone, with the power of one blow, killed tens of thousands of immortals in the tribulation period and more than 100 true immortals.

In the end, he performed a terrifying fairy art and killed the two great immortals. Yunchen used countless artifacts, which were so powerful that the entire Zhanhe Immortal City was the work of Yunchen and Zhanhe Immortal City.

The most taboo of destruction was performed by Yunchen, breaking through the power of locking the sky and the formation of sealing the sky with one blow, the combined power of tens of thousands of immortals was broken by Yunchen with one move, and all the immortals were killed.

The city lord of Zhanhe Immortal City, Luo Chenfan, was also punished by Yun Chen, and he is still being tortured outside the city walls. They naturally knew that Luo Chenfan and Sifang Immortal City would unite to kill Yunchen, but they dared not say anything.

Now Yunchen was not only not killed by Luo Chenpan and the power of Sifang Immortal City, on the contrary, Yunchen also killed all the forces of Sifang Immortal City who came here.

After Luochen was punished, the strength of Sifang Immortal City was greatly reduced, and they basically lost the ability to protect themselves. They no longer worried about the turmoil in Zhanhe Immortal City.

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