Holy Emperor Jiuxiao

Chapter 60 Amazing Fortune

"Brother Yunchen, isn't it too wasteful for the two of us to live in such a spacious room? In the future, you will have spirit stones to buy me interesting accessories."

After the buddy left, Yunchen brought out a set of formation flags, covered the entire place, and then performed a few simple prohibitions, and came to the center of the courtyard.

Seeing that Yunchen couldn't live in a room with five spirit stones a day, but had to live in a courtyard with 50 yuan a day, Mu Linger said with some reluctance.

"We live far away, and we can't take care of each other, so we can only make such a separate courtyard. You don't need many spirit stones for your little things."

Yun Chen said softly, and finally sat in meditation in the center of the courtyard to rest, replenishing the consumed real energy, so as not to have no real energy to use when encountering danger.

And Mu Linger started to choose her own room, and then counted her trophies. For her, these things are some rare treasures, because she has never seen them before.

After resting for three hours, the true essence consumed by his whole body finally returned to the best state. Then he looked at the room where Mu Linger lived, and lived in next door to her. But he has no experience in fighting methods at all, mainly because he doesn't understand the world of comprehension and how to deal with things.

After returning to the room, he began to count the magic tools and spirit stones, as well as medicinal materials and materials obtained over the years. There were countless monks lost in his hands, and the storage bags were naturally indispensable.

As soon as his consciousness moved, he poured out all the storage bags in the Lost Bead. Seeing a large pile of storage bags, Yun Chen was stunned. Although he knew that he had killed countless monks, he never did. Imagine having so many storage bags.

In other words, basically a storage bag is a monk, and naturally there are many storage bags with storage bags in them, because they also killed other monks, but they were killed by Yunchen in the end.

Seeing so many storage bags, Yunchen smiled wryly, and finally called Mu Linger over. It must be much easier for the two of them to organize these items together.

"Brother Yunchen, why did you call me over?"

When Mu Ling'er heard Yunchen calling her over via voice transmission, she was startled for a moment, her face could not help blushing, she didn't know what Yunchen was calling her for, in the room, the lonely men and women would definitely want to go somewhere else.

"Look at these storage bags, let's organize them together."

Yunchen looked at Mu Linger's appearance, and immediately understood, but he didn't tell the truth, lest Mu Linger would become more shy and pretend not to know.

"Oh, it turned out to be a storage bag, great, let me see what else is interesting in it."

Mu Linger looked like this before, and then saw a lot of storage bags in front of Yunchen, and said happily, there might be something interesting in the storage bags.

"You have a unique sense of medicinal materials. You divide the quality and year of medicinal materials, and put away the level of spiritual stones and magic tools. We will sell the unnecessary ones."

Yunchen talked about some simple things. There are so many storage bags here, there must be many types of items. Since they need to be sorted out, they must be sorted out.

The two of them spent three full hours, and Mu Linger was a little tired, and finally fell asleep directly on Yunchen's bed, and he had to deal with the rest by himself.

But three hours later, Yunchen finally showed a smile on his originally cold face, and he also cleaned up, 430 seven storage bags for monks in the Qi training period, 670 storage bags for monks in the foundation building period of the Demon Dao, and storage bags for monks in the foundation building period of the Righteous Way. 460 bags.

Although he didn't kill so many orthodox foundation-building monks, these storage bags were all obtained from the storage bags of demonic foundation-building monks or Qi-training monks.

There are 24 Jindan stage monks. With so many storage bags, spirit stones and medicinal materials, there are naturally countless magic weapons. After a simple count, there are about 360 million spirit stones alone. These spirit stones include my own Not to mention the spirit stones he got by doing the missions himself, the number of spirit stones he got from doing the missions was about 120 million, so he already had 500 million low-level spirit stones.

This kind of wealth is enough to make countless Nascent Soul stage monks ashamed. He only found more than 100 million low-level spirit stones in the storage bag of Cheng Yupeng, a Nascent Soul stage monk.

The spirit stones are counted, but he doesn't need to count the medicinal materials, because Mu Linger has sorted out all the medicinal materials, and the ten-year medicinal materials are surprisingly few, but the monks in this Qi training period are all very powerful existences, Naturally, there is no need for ten years of medicinal materials.

However, the 50-year-old medicinal materials are full of ten storage bags, and each storage bag can hold 500 medicinal herbs, eight storage bags for [-]-year-old medicinal herbs, five storage bags for [-]-year-old medicinal herbs, and five storage bags for [-]-year-old medicinal herbs. Herbs fill two storage bags.

Moreover, there are more than twenty 5000-year-old herbs and four [-]-year-old herbs. With these herbs, you can refine a lot of elixirs. As long as you have enough time, using these herbs to refine elixirs can make your cultivation base even stronger. soared.

Seventy-seven eighty-eight materials filled six storage bags.There are more than 500 jade slips for low-level, intermediate, and high-level exercises and spells, but only a dozen or so slips have caught his fancy.

These things are chores, and many things have to be sold. If you keep them on your body to get in the way, it's better to exchange for spirit stones to buy magic weapons or elixir.

After sorting it out, I found [-] low-level magical artifacts, [-] intermediate-level magical artifacts, [-] high-level magical artifacts, and [-] top-grade magical artifacts.Seventy magic weapons.

However, there are countless magic tools and magic treasures used by the monks of the magic way. He also sorted out his mother a little bit. It is useless to keep them on his body now, so he has to find a chance to dispose of them.

However, he kept the 400 million magic crystals, but kept them and did not mix them with the spirit stones to avoid any accidents.

Moreover, I have sorted out the exercises of some monks of the devil and righteous monks one by one. Although I don't practice these exercises myself, I still need to understand them, so that it will be of indelible help to the enemy in the future.

At least I can recognize the opponent's moves or skills, and I understand the power of these skills, so I won't be attacked by powerful skills and I don't know the real power.

For these things, in addition to keeping all the medicinal materials, let's keep a little of the exercises and a few better magic weapons, so that it can be used just in case.

The magic weapons he left behind were all good defense types, wood-type magic weapons, and he chose several for Mu Ling'er, so that she could control them well and have the means to protect herself in the future.

He was also a little tired after tidying up the tortured items, and quickly put these items into the Lost Bead, and finally prepared to rest, but Mu Linger lay down and put it on by himself, and he didn't have any defense against himself.

The small ruddy mouth and the exquisite and perfect body reminded Yunchen of the last time he was by the pool, and couldn't help but feel uncomfortable in his heart, so he hurriedly used his kung fu to suppress it.

Afterwards, after seeing Mu Ling'er's stable appearance, he meditated on one side and practiced like this, which was more effective than sleeping.

A peerless beauty is lying on his bed, but he is meditating and practicing, and he has to control himself, which is really uncomfortable.

It took him half an hour to enter the state of emptiness, and only he had such a state of mind. If other monks would never enter the state of emptiness, they must still be thinking of the peerless beauty beside them.

In this way, the night passed, and when Mu Ling'er woke up the next day, she saw Yun Chen meditating and practicing, and she took Yun Chen's bed by herself, with a bit of embarrassment on her face.

Thinking of myself sleeping here all night, and Yunchen still staying in this place, I feel a sense of being protected, thinking of this place warms my heart.

"Brother Yunchen, you haven't slept all night, so aren't you tired? Go to sleep quickly."

At the same time Mu Linger woke up, Yun Chen also opened his eyes. After cultivating all night, he was very energetic, and his cultivation base was also slowly increasing, but the speed and quantity of the increase were too small.

"Ling'er, it's still early, you should sleep more."

Yun Chen said lightly, it's still early, anyway, he is resting in the inn, so it's okay to sleep, besides Mu Ling'er's talent, it's very easy to cultivate.


Mu Ling'er hummed softly, with a happy expression on her face, lying on the bed obediently, but now she couldn't sleep anymore, she lay sideways on the bed, looking at Yunchen with beautiful eyes.

Yun Chen slowly closed his eyes, and began to practice again. It is best to practice in the morning. Although there is very little aura in the private courtyard of this inn, it has become his habit to practice in the morning.

Another big week passed, and it was already morning at this time, Mu Linger hurriedly got up to wash up, and finally waited for Yun Chen to come out, seeing that Mu Linger was already up, Yun Chen naturally couldn't practice, so he had to come out wash up.

"Ling'er, do you still want to buy something today?"

Yun Chen said lightly, Mu Ling'er seemed to have bought a lot of things yesterday, but he didn't use many spirit stones. At most, it was only 200 yuan of spirit stones. For Yunchen who has tens of thousands of spirit stones, it is really A drop in the bucket.

"Go, elder brother Yunchen has so many spirit stones, Ling'er will naturally go to buy some nice and fun ones."

Mu Ling'er came back yesterday and looked at all the things she bought, with a look of joy on her face, girls like small accessories, and Mu Ling'er is no exception.

"Well, let's go out to eat something first, and then take you to buy something nice."

Yun Chen said lightly, although his voice was cold, it was many times better than talking to other monks, and Mu Linger was also used to Yun Chen's tone and voice.


Hearing Yun Chen's words, Mu Ling'er was very happy, stretched out his hand and took Yun Chen's arm, quickly left the private courtyard, and walked outside.

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