The king of the three kingdoms dominates the world

Chapter 109 Yuan Wei Wrath the Xianbei Envoy

Yuan Kui, Yuan Taifu, was cursing in the study at this time.

For a long time, the head of the Yuan family, Yuan Kai, who regarded himself as the head of the world's aristocratic family, was committed to bringing down the eunuchs.Chen Yaotian clearly belonged to He Jin's party, but secretly had a close relationship with Zhang Rang, this was something that everyone could see.Apart from these, Chen Yaotian turned against the Yuan Shao brothers, in his opinion, it was an absolute provocation to the Yuan family.So many times, he wanted to take Chen Yaotian to the end, and let everyone see the fate of offending his Yuan family.

However, there are very few supporters of the hundreds of officials in the court.Confused, Yuan Wei paid special attention, only to find that Chen Yaotian had secretly used various means to bribe most of the officials of the current dynasty.

While Yuan Kui was disheartened, he also hated Chen Yaotian even more.It is often said that Chen Yaotian corrupted the government and disturbed the government, but he advanced, Zhang Rang supported him, and hundreds of civil and military officials supported him. Although Yuan Kai was high and powerful, he could not do anything.

Just now, he received a secret report from the palace.The letter said that Chen Yaotian defeated Xianbei by a hundred thousand people, his outstanding feats were not inferior to Wei Huo of Emperor Xiaowu, and he had the potential to soar into the sky.How can this not make him angry? !

Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu stood tremblingly, facing the furious Yuan Kai, they lowered their brows and looked down, not daring to speak.

Yuan Shao was better, his face was quite calm.Only Yuan Shu had mixed anger and jealousy in his eyes, and he was very jealous in his heart.

On this day, it was the day when Xianbei came to Luoyang to present the surrender letter.

Like a monkey show being watched, the entire Xianbei mission, a total of dozens of people, made it to the imperial city with difficulty amidst the excited crowd of Luoyang people.

Weiyang Palace, Zhengxuan Palace.

Liu Hong stood in front of Hu's bed in high spirits, with a smile on his face.

"Xuan Xianbei's mission is coming to the hall!" Zhang Rang's soft voice came from far away in the hall.

The voice of the eunuch guarding the palace outside the gate also came in!

"Xianbei Mission, see you in the hall!"

Following the sound, the Xianbei Mission came in one after another under the leadership of the leading envoy.

It was the first time they saw such a magnificent building, the first time they saw such a majestic hall, and the first time they saw the elegant civil and military officials, all of them were trembling, stepped forward, and bowed their heads.

"Xianbei envoy Mary, pay homage to His Majesty the Emperor of the Han Dynasty, may His Majesty have a long life!"

"Hahaha... everyone, please stand up!" Liu Hong's voice was loud, far less lazy than usual.At this moment, he was standing in front of the Hu bed, looking at the group of Xianbei envoys kneeling on his highness with a smile on his face, as if his heart was filled with something, extremely satisfied.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, Ma Li was ordered by the new Xianbei Khan Ke Bineng to come here to present the letter of credence before His Majesty, please accept it with a smile."

Zhang Rang walked down the stairs quickly, carefully took the letter of credence from the messenger, returned to Emperor Ling, and handed it to Liu Hong.

Liu Hong opened the Xianbei Guoshu and read it aloud.

"...the soldiers of the Han Dynasty are fierce, and I can't stop them...the products are gorgeous...the people are outstanding..."

First of all, it was a whole lot of flattery, as if the Emperor Ling and the big man were going to be praised to the sky.The expression of satisfaction on Emperor Ling's face became even stronger. He squinted his eyes slightly, as if he was standing on a cloud, looking at the great rivers and mountains in the world.

"Haha... I am so relieved that Xianbei can descend on me!!!" Emperor Ling nodded, his face full of glory.It is the credit of his Lingdi Liu Hong that the great Han dynasty has expanded its power all over the world, so how can you be unhappy?

After asking some more trivial matters, Emperor Ling dismissed the Xianbei mission and sent someone to take him to the post to rest.

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