The king of the three kingdoms dominates the world

Chapter 140 Compromise and go north to Youzhou [1 more]

"Hiss..." Chen Yaotian took a breath in his heart.Cao Cao is the character who 'I would rather bear the world than the world bears me'.Now that he has taken the lover of his dreams, he still hates me to death.

Looking up carefully at Cao Cao's expression, seeing the sincerity and relief on his face, Chen Yaotian knew that Cao Cao had really let go of this unrequited love, and he was relieved in his heart.Then he admired, Cao Cao is really Cao Cao, he can pick it up and put it down.

Banquets are generally just drinking and eating meat, and then spanking.Chen Yaotian suffered a lot at the banquet, one or two came to toast, and within a short while, they knocked him unconscious.

Of course, Emperor Ling came once during the banquet, which made the whole meal a mess.After a few words of blessing, he left directly.


Chen Yaotian woke up the next day, his whole body was still sore, after some morning exercise, he felt refreshed.

After breakfast, the palace eunuch delivered an order to see Chen Yaotian when he entered the palace.


At this time, Chen Yaotian was already sitting in Emperor Ling's study.

"Haha... It's different when you just got engaged, your face is full of joy, and I feel very happy when I see it!" Lingdi looked at Chen Yaotian carefully, and said with a smile.

"That's right, thank the emperor for bestowing the marriage!" Chen Yaotian responded with a smile, but in his heart he kept greetings from Emperor Ling back and forth.I don't know who forced me to get engaged. .

Afterwards, the monarch and his ministers chatted artificially and rushed to the topic.

"Xiaoxian, as the governor of Youzhou, it is inconvenient for me to stay longer! When do you think you will leave to take up your post?"

"My Majesty, I have just been appointed Inspector of Youzhou, and I am busy in every possible way, the sooner the better!" Chen Yaotian bowed and said respectfully.

"Hmm!" Lingdi thought to himself, and said, "Why don't you stay in Luoyang for two more days, bid farewell to your usual friends, and take office directly!"

"That's very good, Your Majesty, I have a merciless request!"

"Oh? Xiao first, please tell me!"

"My fiancée has been dependent on her father since she was a child, and has a deep relationship. I don't want to see the scene of their father and son being separated, so I will leave her in Luoyang for the time being! Please take care of me, Your Majesty!"

"Haha... that's natural!" Emperor Ling laughed happily, and said to himself: Chen Yaotian is still a smart person!There is no need for me to pierce this layer of window paper.

. . . . . .

Yangbei Gate.

This is the second time for Chen Yaotian to part here.

Cai Yi's family, He Jin, and Cao Cao stood at the gate of the city to see them off.

Cai Yan grabbed Chen Yaotian's sleeve with tears in his eyes, not letting go no matter what.The last time we parted, we didn't see each other again for two full years. After this time, we don't know when we will meet each other again.

Chen Yaotian was also reluctant, but he had to leave.Seeing Cai Yan like this, he had no choice but to persuade Cai Yan, coaxing and coaxing, and making countless promises before letting Cai Yan let go.

After saying goodbye to Cai Yi and saying a few words to He Jin, Chen Yaotian was held back by Cao Cao.

"Xiao Xian, the journey here is so difficult, you have to take care of yourself!"

Chen Yaotian looked at Cao Cao's eyes full of deep meaning, smiled slightly, and said, "Thank you Brother Meng De for your advice, Xiao Xian will be careful in everything!"

Cao Cao nodded and said, "Let's go, Cai Yan is safe in Luoyang. With me, Cao Mengde, I don't dare to be presumptuous, so don't worry!"

Chen Yaotian cupped his hands, turned around casually, got on his horse, waved his hand, and the team set off.

"Brother Xiaoxian!" Cai Yan trotted a few steps, staring at Chen Yaotian's back foolishly.

Chen Yaotian looked back with a smile, turned his face away, and slowly disappeared into the thin winter mist

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